The Media Industry

Nice points JF
We know today all Dems and msm will be bashing Trump for taking out that Iranian general who was in Iraq to plan more killing.
The majority of Americans will see through it.
Graph from a forthcoming study by Science Advances tends to show the average US journalist is to the left of Bernie Sanders if we gauge their political orientation by the accounts they follow on Twitter. This is obviously not conclusive but it is nonetheless a strong indicator.

Anyone surprised?

The purple blob behind the lines represent the bell curve of journalists (technically it is bi-modal with a long curve to the far right)

Yes, I can see that. But the average twitter user (which the title says is made up of journalists, not all twitter users) is to the RIGHT of Bernie. The only identified block or person identified to the left of Bernie is AOC.

I am not seeing anything that confirms JF's statement that the average journalist is to the left of Bernie.
There is a legal team with some good 1st Amendment attorneys moving forward with defamation claims on behalf of the children involved

Most people think these suits have long odds. But first, plaintiffs here are "private persons" not "public persons." Further, there have been some recent successes. For example, the extortionist group known as the SPLC settled one this year for $3.375M rather than take their chances going to trial. Talk about chickens coming home to roost
Southern Poverty Law Center settlement with Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam Foundation dings credibility

Back in Feb, I did mention they had a good attorney, who had already enjoyed some success in this fascinating but challenging area of law

I am not seeing anything that confirms JF's statement that the average journalist is to the left of Bernie.

The average journalist would be the average of that purple blob. Which might not be the same as the peak of the blob, it's probably slightly to the right of that (I'd guess somewhere in the "Median Senate D" to "Barack Obama" range, but it's hard to tell).

The other question I'd want answer is how do they rank the "score" of liberal to conservative. For example I think Bernie is way too close to Obama and belongs out by AOC. How do they calculate how liberal or conservative an account is, and how are they defining these terms?
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...I am not seeing anything that confirms JF's statement that the average journalist is to the left of Bernie.
...This is obviously not conclusive .....

As mentioned, the study is not yet published. It is an experiment in analytics -- in this case, based purely off their twitter follows.

That said, they do good work. Their academic editors are usually highly respected, active researchers. You can check them out here Science Advances
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According to the graph it looks like the average journalist is slightly more liberal than Bernie. I can buy that.
It's also highly unlikely that this would actually happen (taking control of someone's computer to that extent only to plant fake photos on it and nothing else).
Trump retweeted this and CNN freaked out and did a segment on it, to make sure liberal viewers realized the foto was "doctored." CNN also called it an attack on Muslims.

Trump retweeted this and CNN freaked out and did a segment on it, to make sure liberal viewers realized the foto was "doctored." CNN also called it an attack on Muslims.

it’s like they are saying to their viewers “you are too dumb to know if this is real or not so we have to fact checker it for you”

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