The Media Industry

Can you imagine if the media treated Hillary like Trump and Trump like Hillary? Trump would have 75% of the votes to Hillary's 25%. If they were just fair Trump would be up by 20 points. What we've learned this election cycle is that the Media has way more influence than we originally realized. The Media has sold their soul to the devil to get Hillary elected.

But Phil you are right. We are use to a loud growl from Howard Dean or "Read my Lips" from George H Bush that would keep a candidate from getting elected or re-elected. Now that is so petty. Hillary is the most corrupt person in history and her even getting to run is incredible of what our standards are now. She actually has a chance to win. It's beyond words where we are in America that she even has a chance. Very Sad!
What we've learned this election cycle is that the Media has way more influence than we originally realized.

I realized that when Obama was elected and then re-elected.

The Media has sold their soul to the devil to get Hillary elected.

I think they do it now because it gives them a real buzz to see how they can shape opinion and just how much they can cover for, as much as they do it to get Dems elected.
Lefties used to bemoan the end of the Fairness Doctrine but it has worked to their favor. They think retaining it would have been a one-way street, allowing them to go after Fox News and talk radio. But what they fail to see is that it would have also applied to CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, NBC and ABC. But it would not have stopped there, it would have reached out to touch David Letterman, Jon Stuart, Bill Mayer, Charlie Rose, Oprah and even over the top biased shows like Law & Order. And why stop there? If its so good, let's apply it to the NYT as well. I would so love to see someone like Maureen Dowd in the witness box, under oath.

As things exist now, cable TV works like an extra form of taxation to fund liberal/SJW efforts. Just so they can get ESPN and their local teams, lots of conservatives/Republicans/libertarians are unknowingly paying for this ubiquitous Democrat/liberal/socialist messaging. It needs to end. The best solution I see is to just cut the cable. The workaround is a digital antenna for major sports + access to most shows via Roku/Netflix/Amazon. The cost is less + you do not have to suffer through so many catheter and viagra commercials. At a minimum, ESPN must go down - sports needs to return to its traditional role of being a sanctuary from politics.
CNN altered Trump's tweet before reprinting it as a headline for their own purposes
They dropped a word
Can you spot it?


So this guy saves a baby from a car
And CNN interviews the guy (I think it was CNN Intl)
Dude has a shirt with a logo on it
CNN blurs out the logo for their interview

Anyone want to guess what it was they blurred out?

I notice these media errors never seem to benefit Republicans. Strange, that.

Or only those errors that benefit the Democrats are posted here to fit a narrative. Notice that Fox News is never mentioned here in this context.

With that said, CNN has taken an MSNBC turn to the left this election cycle.
Notice that Fox News is never mentioned here in this context.
I think that is because most conservatives are capable of admitting that Fox News has a bias. There is no need to prove something that is already conceded.

It's very bizarre that so many liberals are incapable of admitting that the NYT, CNN, NBC, etc. have a strong left wing bias. Most news outlets even announce their bias every election cycle when they endorse candidates and yet most liberals still think the only biased news comes from Fox (and maybe MSNBC). Just bizarre.

I suppose when the status quo is so much in your favor, it is human nature to oppose anything that disrupts it and deny that anything was wrong with the status quo to begin with.
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It's very bizarre that so many liberals are incapable of admitting that the NYT, CNN, NBC, etc. have a strong left wing bias. Most news outlets even announce their bias every election cycle when they endorse candidates and yet most liberals still think the only biased news comes from Fox (and maybe MSNBC). Just bizarre.

I suppose when the status quo is so much in your favor, it is human nature to oppose anything that disrupts it and deny that anything was wrong with the status quo to begin with.

I think several factors are at play here. First, part of the liberal identity is bashing conservative media as an echo chamber that keeps its viewers ignorant. If they concede that NYT, NBC, etc. are similarly biased, then that means liberals would have to impliedly concede that they're also in an echo chamber that is keeping them dumb. Reality - both sides are in echo chambers, and anything read from either one should be approached with strong skepticism and a presumption that it is agenda-driven.

Second, the mainstream media's bias is harder to detect if you don't follow conservative media, because you have nothing to contrast it with. If you're comparing the MSM to Mother Jones and Think Progress, it doesn't look biased.

Third, the MSM's bias is usually not as blatant as the conservative media's. It's easy to tell whose side Fox News is on, and they are the most subtle of conservative media sources. However, the MSM's bias is usually much more subtle - lots of bias in tone, choice of verbiage, what's not reported, etc.

Fourth, the bias doesn't always fit perfectly into an ideological box. I've heard many liberals complain that the MSM is extremely corporate and that it's news coverage often reflects that corporate perspective, which they don't associate with liberalism. I think there's truth to this, and frankly I think the argument could be made that the MSM's real bias isn't toward liberalism as much as it's toward urbanism (not surprising since MSM outlets are almost entirely centered in big cities). Though the two often go together, the correlation isn't perfect.

Finally, I think liberal beliefs get a lot of their legitimacy (or perceived legitimacy) from being reinforced by allegedly unbiased sources, while being able to claim that the Right's views are only reinforced by clearly biased sources. If you're a liberal, why would you want to forfeit that legitimacy?
Pretty remarkable story from yesterday -- the Michael Savage Radio Show was pulled off the air in mid-broadcast because he was discussing HRC's health issues

2016: There are Trillions of Dollars at Stake…
"Michael Savage is a very well known radio talk personality. The Savage Nation is a nationally syndicated talk show that is the second most listened-to radio talk show in the country with an audience of over 20 million listeners on 400 stations across the United States.

Earlier today he was discussing his perspectives on the presidential debate and giving examples of current and anticipated debate bias.

In addition, the broadcaster began discussing Hillary Clinton’s mysterious health condition that Savage believes might be Parkinsons.

Almost immediately, and without any notification, New York (tri-state area) radio station WABC-Radio TV cut Savage off the air and replaced him with the lesser rated Curtis And Cooby Show.

Shortly thereafter, as Michael Savage discovered the issue and began discussing what was going on in/around the New York broadcast area, all Savage affiliates nationwide cut off the broadcast and replaced the live transmission with a recording of a previous show......"
HuffPost "Stop Pretending You Don’t Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton"

Of's because she's a woman. That HAS to be it. I mean there haven't been any popular GOP women...except for Niki Haley, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Joni Ernst, Mia Love, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Elizabeth Dole, Carly Fiorina, etc.:rolleyes1:

Do millennials hatred of Hillary come from their overwhelming brotastic misogyny? All those millennial women Bernie supporters - are they self loathing?

Maybe those that "hate" her, that's an ironic word considering Hillary has trademarked "deplorables" in this election, uhh....I don't know,


Nope, she's a woman. That's why.:clap:
I have so many reason's why I don't want Hillary to be President. But one of the many reason's I'd like to see Trump win would be just to see how butt hurt the main stream media would be if he did. It would be the biggest meltdown in history. Not only that but it would send a message to them that it's not there job to make up the news but to report it accurately. Not to be the main artery of the Clinton or DNC campaigns. Not to try to brainwash the American People. Not to change history from the facts.

We have a lot of problems to fix here. The biggest problem starts with 95% of our media. They just need to be honest and allow the American people decide what's right or what's wrong. That wopuld make the candidates accountable. We are smart enough to pick what direction we want to go, but not smart enough to know the BS the media is feeding us......... or at least half of America can't figure it out.
The biggest problem starts with 95% of our media. They just need to be honest and allow the American people decide what's right or what's wrong.

Agreed. It's actually much worse and more damaging to society than most grasp.

Race baiting, corruption hiding, career ending through PC shaming, etc. The mainstream media is ripping society to shreds by enraging impressionable minds.

Millions are baited to staunchly choose sides with regularity when most specific issues or incidents would rarely incite a harsh response if all the known facts were reported without radical spin, absurd cherry-picking, and hypocritical reporting methods.

I f'n hate the mainstream media and had to abandon previous daily news feeds (Yahoo and Google) so I won't see a plethora of childish, nasty, biased linked articles.

No thanks on the daily reminder how many imbeciles have flushed character and traditional American values straight down the toilet.

They whine and attack claiming rights and freedoms while having no clue they're pouring gas on the fire for the American people to lose both.

Germany is there for all to see and half the country is too ignorant to understand radical Lib policies are leading us straight down the same irreversible path.

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