The Media Industry

Hillary refused to answer direct questions about the DNC email leaks during 60 minutes interview on Saturday. When asked if it was improper for the DNC to favor one candidate over the other, she refused to answer. And, of course, she didn't know anything about the DNC's plot to assure her the nomination. That was all DWS.

She's gonna just sit back and watch DWS swing in the wind.
This validates what we've all known. The establishment elements of the party conspired against the "radicals". Trump was able to overcome the RNC with a tidal wave of anti-establishment support. Bernie fell just short.

Lot's of embarrassing stuff in that WikiLeaks for the Democrats. Perfect timing of the release if your name is Donald Trump or Reince Priebus.
Hillary refused to answer direct questions about the DNC email leaks during 60 minutes interview on Saturday. When asked if it was improper for the DNC to favor one candidate over the other, she refused to answer. And, of course, she didn't know anything about the DNC's plot to assure her the nomination. That was all DWS.

She's gonna just sit back and watch DWS swing in the wind.
Actually, HRC has already hired her on her staff. No shame...
Actually, HRC has already hired her on her staff. No shame...

Really? Doesn't seem like a very smart thing to do if you want to separate yourself from the scandal. Almost seems like DWS was on the payroll already, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
Did Assange set her up?
Is his next batch of emails going to show she did know?

CBS' 60 Minutes did a Clinton-Kaine interview yesterday
"No, I didn't know anything about it, and I haven't read any of those," Clinton responded.
"Again, I don't know anything, I don't know anything about, uh, about these emails. I haven't followed it," Clinton responded.
"Again, I don't have any information about this, and so I can't answer specifically," Clinton said.
DNC vice chair Steve Ybarra --

Pay for Play
"Access" in exchange for "Donations"
Rod Blagojevich is doing 14 years in Federal prison for this crime

Pay for Play
"Access" in exchange for "Donations"
Rod Blagojevich is doing 14 years in Federal prison for this crime


Selling a government position (e.g. Senator) is the same as getting to meet a campaigning politician? Next you'll tell us that they have $50k per plate fundraising dinners too.

You're venturing off real issues like the collusion of the DNC to ensure HRC was the nominee into run of the mill politics and fundraising.
Was that just last Sunday?

Edit nevermind I see it was a week ago. Damn Dems especially ones that might hurt Hillary have a bad habit of dying. Wonder if he was the leaker if he had something
else on Hillary
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:popcorn:Joe - any truth that the term "taco bowls" are in these emails to describe the DNC's targeting the Hispanic vote? I heard that this morning on talk radio - but there was no link/source cited.

Turns out Twitter filtered out #tacobowl

ps - Twitter's earnings just came out, not so hot. The price is about 1/2 of where it was a year ago, before they started demonizing conservatives
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Just stating the facts

Facts? Only if you are using Trump's definition to tie Cruz' Dad to JFK assassination.

Define "close". How is that relative to other people of their profile and age? Think the fact that they are approaching 70 might mean they've known a few people over the years that have passed?
.....Define "close". How is that relative to other people of their profile and age? Think the fact that they are approaching 70 might mean they've known a few people over the years that have passed?

I have the list. If I am motivated later I will post them.
Are you not willing to at least admit that seems like a high number?
I have the list. If I am motivated later I will post them.
Are you not willing to at least admit that seems like a high number?

I have no reference to pull from. I'm not 70yrs old and haven't been in politics for 30 years. I'd imagine the Clinton network spans thousands if not 10's of thousands of individuals. Not that they care personally about those individuals but rather they've had multiple meetings with that many individuals so a narrative could be created that they were "close" if one was so inclined.

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