OKeefe video with another NYT employee -- here undercover footage of Nick Dudich who is the ‘gatekeeper for the Times extensive online video library.’ His official job title is ‘Audience strategy editor.' Dudich previously worked for both the Obama and Clinton presidential campaigns in social media messaging.
He admits, “My voice…my imprint is on every video I do.” He jokes about his political bias, “I will be “objective ...... No I’m not. That’s why I’m there.”
On Trump he says “I’d Target his businesses, his dumb f*** of a son, Donald Jr. and Eric, [because] they’re running Trumps businesses.” He intended to “get people to boycott going to his hotels.” His goal was to “ruin the Trump brand….[and] start investigating his businesses” to force a resignation.
He says he's AntiFa and likes getting in fights with people who disagree with him. He also claims James Comey is his Godfather. This seems kinds crazy but hard to tell.