The Media Industry

There seems to have been a lot of complicity in Hollywood with Weinstein
Much like with Bill Clinton back in the day, I guess
Here is a producer who refused to anything as all of this was happening, and even now clings to anonymity. So brave

It's remarkable to see how different the tone of the coverage is on this compared to the tone of the coverage on the Bill O'Reilly stuff. At least what I've seen is far less judgmental.
It's remarkable to see how different the tone of the coverage is on this compared to the tone of the coverage on the Bill O'Reilly stuff. At least what I've seen is far less judgmental.

He promised to attack the NRA
Which I guess bought him slack
Having trouble getting excited about Weinstien. Does 99% of America even know who Harvey Weinstien is?

Not sure I get the "proximity" logic being used. Because he visited the WH Obama or HRC are suddenly hypocrites are they also guilty of sexual harassment? Are we assuming they witnessed the sexual harassment behavior? The public stories (i.e. Ashley Judd) happened in private settings. It's best that he simply fades off into the sunset.
The point is that if this were a GOP donor that had close ties with party bigwigs and had been lauded by the right wing community, we'd be hearing about how all of us hate women because we haven't called for him to be deported and shot.
Having trouble getting excited about Weinstien. Does 99% of America even know who Harvey Weinstien is?

Not sure I get the "proximity" logic being used. Because he visited the WH Obama or HRC are suddenly hypocrites are they also guilty of sexual harassment? Are we assuming they witnessed the sexual harassment behavior? The public stories (i.e. Ashley Judd) happened in private settings. It's best that he simply fades off into the sunset.
We all know who he is now, but for the wrong reason. It would be best for Democrats if he faded away. We agree on that.
13 years ago, Matt Damon, Russell Crowe and the New Yort Times spiked a Harvey Weinstein exposé involving sexual favors or coercion

The Wrap founder Sharon Waxman says Matt Damon and Russell Crowe called her in 2004 to stop a negative story about Harvey Weinstein. At the time, Waxman was working for the New York Times. She was told that Weinstein made a visit to the Times newsroom, where he visited with people 'above my head' to 'make his displeasure known'.

OKeefe video with another NYT employee -- here undercover footage of Nick Dudich who is the ‘gatekeeper for the Times extensive online video library.’ His official job title is ‘Audience strategy editor.' Dudich previously worked for both the Obama and Clinton presidential campaigns in social media messaging.

He admits, “My voice…my imprint is on every video I do.” He jokes about his political bias, “I will be “objective ...... No I’m not. That’s why I’m there.”

On Trump he says “I’d Target his businesses, his dumb f*** of a son, Donald Jr. and Eric, [because] they’re running Trumps businesses.” He intended to “get people to boycott going to his hotels.” His goal was to “ruin the Trump brand….[and] start investigating his businesses” to force a resignation.

He says he's AntiFa and likes getting in fights with people who disagree with him. He also claims James Comey is his Godfather. This seems kinds crazy but hard to tell.

Not sure I get the "proximity" logic being used. Because he visited the WH Obama or HRC are suddenly hypocrites are they also guilty of sexual harassment? Are we assuming they witnessed the sexual harassment behavior? The public stories (i.e. Ashley Judd) happened in private settings. It's best that he simply fades off into the sunset.

It's just unbelievable you don't see how big the hypocrisy is.
No need. I would b#t@h slap you with facts and you'd just be in denial. I think everyone here knows the obvious hypocrisy (even you.) But you like wasting everyones time.

So frisky. You claimed hypocrisy, I asked you to point it out since I couldn't see the "obvious hypocrisy" then you respond with this? One might wonder if you know the definition of "hypocrisy" or simply went searching for a longer word to use. BTW- Facts haven't been your forte in the past, at least in regard to bolstering your arguments. I'd welcome more of them even if it means ceding an argument to you.

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