The Media Industry

I said for months that the alt right movement was mostly a trolling enterprise. The media said it was a symptom of rising racism, anti-semitism, etc. The media probably knew it was trolling as well but played the racism card for the election to drive out black voters for Hillary (didn't work). The only reason why the trolling works is that we have a bunch of leftist wall flowers that wilt whenever a cross word is said.

The "snowflakes" are real, albeit they exist on both sides of the extreme political spectrum. Look at how triggered the alt-right is right now that one of their own was exposed.
LOL -- CNN seems to be admitting here that they doxxed the wrong guy
What a bunch of losers

If accuracy mattered, this guy hasn't actually been doxxed. At this moment, they are explicitly not doxxing the guy since CNN refuses to expose him even though they know who he is. They didn't state anything you stated but rather don't know what happened since the guy posted the video since it was modified HanAssholeSolo posted it. There is also some evidence that it could be a different version which would likely mean that DJT's Social Media team stole the idea and created their own version.

Of course, we know that accuracy doesn't matter in situations such as this to those on the extremes.
So we've went from two scoops of ice cream to this? :rolleyes1:

The two scoops of ice cream was crappy journalism. I said as much at the time.

At this point, the alt-right snowlflakes are up in arms because one of their own with a history of racist and bigoted posts found Jesus when his real identity was discovered. The #CNNBlackmail shows how triggered they are really that they the land of alternate facts they live his has no resemblance to reality.
The two scoops of ice cream was crappy journalism. I said as much at the time.

At this point, the alt-right snowlflakes are up in arms because one of their own with a history of racist and bigoted posts found Jesus when his real identity was discovered. The #CNNBlackmail shows how triggered they are really that they the land of alternate facts they live his has no resemblance to reality.

Maybe you should look closer into the two scoops of ice cream. I'm guessing that CNN story is more accurate than anything else they've reported.
Maybe you should look closer into the two scoops of ice cream. I'm guessing that CNN story is more accurate than anything else they've reported.

That statement is as accurate as JoeFan's. For the side that claims to care about accuracy too many egregiously inaccurate statements are posted.
Yes we care about accuracy on things that matter. Two scoops of ice cream and a silly video get too much play from your side.

I've already stated the ice cream was a non-story. It's when conservatives claim the Russia story is bogus when there are multiple active investigations that credibility wanes.
I was watching Morning Joe today just before Trump gave his speech in Poland. As the crowd chanted for Trump, MSNBC muted the sound. I flipped back and forth between that and Fox. It is no longer news - it is propaganda.
Actually no. Google Independent and you see a previous article titled, "Emperor Trump had no new Clothes." I expect USA Today to run the story tomorrow.

LOL! That's from the "Voices" section. You know...the editorial pages. You could have just an easily posted this article form the "Voices" section. This editorial thinks Trump is exactly what is needed to deal the Kim Jong Un. I'm assuming you'd agree with that but it also doesn't fit your predetermined narrative of the Independent as a liberal rag.
Is it really your belief that newspaper editors do not determine the bias and slant of their paper?

I think they try to sell subscriptions. Bias is impossible to eliminate but rather reputable media try to mitigate it. Editorial pages are reserved for the exercise of the bias. Some publications are better at mitigating their bias than others. As I see it, the critique of the bias is much more severe than the actual bias many publications are showing. What people see as media bias is more often a symptom of the lens the critic carries than media bias.
LOL! That's from the "Voices" section. You know...the editorial pages. You could have just an easily posted this article form the "Voices" section. This editorial thinks Trump is exactly what is needed to deal the Kim Jong Un. I'm assuming you'd agree with that but it also doesn't fit your predetermined narrative of the Independent as a liberal rag.

I'm with you that these are editorials but as I look around more and more the news outlets are starting to blur this distinction and not only are they letting their bias show more in their straight "reporting" but they are starting to "front-page" the editorials and make the opinion pieces the main headline....and their 'Opinion/Editorial Page' title is in fine print. But it is not just one sided. It is both sides, there just happens to be a whole lot more liberal representation in the media so there are a whole lot more examples of it from the left.
I think they try to sell subscriptions. Bias is impossible to eliminate but rather reputable media try to mitigate it.

I only subscribe to one newspaper, the San Antonio Express-News. They don't try to mitigate anything. It's about as Hillary-endorsing / anti-Trump/ liberally biased as it can get.

The Express-News' liberal bias works well in SA, a city which says it isn't a sanctuary city, but acts like one. It was one of the first to join the law suit against the new Texas Sanctuary City law. It also just elected a liberal mayor and City Council. The new regime immediately passed a resolution to support the Paris Accord. Now they want to paint all the crosswalks rainbow colors. We've already torn down/moved the Confederate Statues, so nothing to do there. I'm sure that if it hadn't been designated as a "world heritage site" by UNESCO, they'd decide the Alamo is a symbol of white supremacy and repression of Hispanics. And, of course, they're already talking about raising taxes to get more funds to change the world.
CNN has been knee-capped to pure worthless trash over their DT hate. And they wonder why they've been relegated to tabloid status by the public.

Yesterday they claimed the Polish prez's wife snubbed DT's handshake. They run with it for a large part of the day like it was a purposeful snub and real story.

They show an edited video clip where DT reaches his hand out as she b-lines to shake Melania's hand.

Like a classy, appropriate first lady she greets her female counterpart first then immediately greets DT.

But CNN cuts the vid off during her shake with MT so it appears she really snubbed DT.

Here's the whole scene (handshake part starts around 0:18) including the part they cut off where she immediately greets DT after her equal in the first lady...

Are you f'n kidding me? It's called manners and respect to greet your female counterpart and then greet your husband's counterpart. Even the Polish prez is having none of it.

Polish Prez Debunks Fake CNN Report That His Wife Snubbed Trump’s Handshake: ‘Let’s FIGHT FAKE NEWS’
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So Google removed over 15,000 one-star reviews in the App Store in an attempt to rehabilitate CNN's image.

Maybe they thought the world wouldn't notice?


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