The Media Industry

I actually sometimes think we go overboard with some of those displays as well, but at the same time, it's weird to me that some people consider patriotic displays as "political." I thought we were all supposed to be on the same team in terms of love of country and all that.
I actually sometimes think we go overboard with some of those displays as well, but at the same time, it's weird to me that some people consider patriotic displays as "political." I thought we were all supposed to be on the same team in terms of love of country and all that.

This is much ado about nothing. Just some snowlflakes in search of something to get upset about.

Against that backdrop, I looked at the photo my friend posted on my Facebook timeline, and I tweeted out a little joke, poking at those who claim that sports and politics never go together. I did so by sarcastically adopting the voice of one of the many “stick to sports” people we’ve mocked around here many, many times:

View image on Twitter

"Will you keep politics out of sports, please. We like sports to be politics-free"

Initially most of my followers and people who saw it realized I was trolling the “stick to sports” people and nodding to the many things I’ve written over the years about the often political nature of patriotic displays.

A few hours later, though, some conservative people who are not familiar with all of the stuff I’ve written about this sort of thing over the years saw it and believed that I was denigrating the American Flag and claiming that the Braves were conducting a political propaganda exercise on Friday night. By mid-morning that began to snowball and since then I’ve been flooded with literally thousands of people calling me a commie, saying my tweet was treasonous and telling me that if I don’t like this country I can get the hell out right now. One person said I should be burned at the stake. Another said I should be hanged. One guy even told me he hopes I get cancer.
Fox News seems like it was a randy workplace, maybe not safe for your wife or sister to work?

Liberal weenies are rejoicing at the possible exit of O'Reily. They have been after him for a long time. Personally, I would feel no loss. None. Do not watch. Do any of you?

My guess is that his departure would not go like the weenies think it will.
For example, when Megyn Kelly left, she was replaced with an actual conservative. Or at least Tucker Carlson is pointed in the right direction. Kelly's primary focus was the advancement of Kelly. Her shtick grew tired fast. And, in any event, the ratings jumped with that switch.

O'Reilly will probably be replaced with someone more to the right as well. So, hardly a lefty victory.

But, I could be wrong. I have read that Fox donated $3 million to the Clinton campaign. And Murdoch seems to have a personal dislike of Trump. So, we will see what happens there.

As I wrote above, I think cable news is dying anyway, as well as major media generally.
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Is CNN being honest and accurate here?
Wouldnt it be more accurate and honest to say "a black Muslim man attacked a Catholic center, killing three white men, while screaming 'Allahu Akbar'?"
Even his own family has said the killer (Kori Ali Muhammad) "believed in race war against whites"

Bill O'Reilly is out at Foxnews. We should all acknowledge that it wasn't the acts/allegations of sexual assault that led to his dismissal at Foxnews but rather that the settlements became public and advertisers fled. Let that sink in a little.
Bill O'Reilly is out at Foxnews. We should all acknowledge that it wasn't the acts/allegations of sexual assault that led to his dismissal at Foxnews but rather that the settlements became public and advertisers fled. Let that sink in a little.
Maybe they can replace him with a CNN personality and shoot to the bottom of the cable TV ratings
Bill O'Reilly is out at Foxnews. We should all acknowledge that it wasn't the acts/allegations of sexual assault that led to his dismissal at Foxnews but rather that the settlements became public and advertisers fled. Let that sink in a little.

You voted for someone that went after her husband's sexual harassment/assault victims. Let that sink in a little.
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Maybe they can replace him with a CNN personality and shoot to the bottom of the cable TV ratings

The story does have some odd tangents. I've read Murdoch's children are assuming greater control over Fox News Corp. They are not their father politically and might like CNN model better.

Fox News is owned 21st Century Fox which is publicly traded. So if the Murdoch kids were to dump the successful formula of Fox News which lets it dominate ratings year-after-year for the basement ratings provided by the CNN method, they might be inviting a shareholder suit.
....Liberal weenies are rejoicing at the possible exit of O'Reily. They have been after him for a long time. Personally, I would feel no loss. None. Do not watch. Do any of you?....

Tucker Carlson will slide into the O'Reilly slot.

I think "The Five" will move into his old spot.
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Bill O'Reilly is out at Foxnews. We should all acknowledge that it wasn't the acts/allegations of sexual assault that led to his dismissal at Foxnews but rather that the settlements became public and advertisers fled. Let that sink in a little.

To be fair, that's pretty common, sadly. Generally, I don't think this sort of story is going to hurt Fox News ratings much, and it's because of the politicization of sexual harassment. Your average Fox viewer is probably pretty unsympathetic to sexual harassment victims and very skeptical of their claims.
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There may be some truth in that statement, but 47% of Fox viewers are women. It looks like O'reilly's victims received an average of $2.5million+ for their claims. I'm sure the sympathy level drops off substantially for those "victims/lottery winners". Hell, Bill can grab my *** all he wants for $2.5million.

Sympathy is displayed in many ways. A V.P. of a company we deal with said, "we don't discourage sexual harassment, but we do grade it".
To be fair, that's pretty common, sadly. Generally, I don't think this sort of story is going to hurt Fox News ratings much, and it's because of the politicization of sexual harassment. Your average Fox viewer is probably pretty unsympathetic to sexual harassment victims and very skeptical of their claims.

Fox viewers showed their thoughts over the last two weeks as these charges began to hit as the ratings of O'Reilly rose sharply. I think this was a show of loyalty.

It is interesting the company made the choice not to stand behind their money-maker. They could have. Why didnt they?
Fox viewers showed their thoughts over the last two weeks as these charges began to hit as the ratings of O'Reilly rose sharply. I think this was a show of loyalty.

It is interesting the company made the choice not to stand behind their money-maker. They could have. Why didnt they?

Probably because of advertisers.
Probably because of advertisers.

"...... Confusing matters, the Murdoch sons also see O'Reilly and Ailes as part of a bygone era — their father's. Pay no attention that it was precisely this sensibility that has been such a powerful audience draw at Fox. (Of note, to the lasting outrage and confusion of liberals, Trump, despite the bygone era suggested by his Billy Bush "pussygate" tape, was elected anyway.) The Murdoch sons, while in important ways financially supported by the profitable, culturally backward views at Fox, see their job as taking the company into a new era.

The sons' plan was to make Fox the network of Megyn Kelly rather than of Ailes and O'Reilly. That plan foundered on widespread resentment at the network toward Kelly for her part in Ailes' ouster and on the election of Trump. Suddenly, Fox's "when America was great and men were men" appeal was even stronger....."
Another blurb from same article^

"....The liberal hope is that media pressure will continue to force advertisers to reject O’Reilly (no matter that liberals have frequently been aghast when conservatives have urged advertiser boycotts of liberal media). But, in fact, so far advertisers have merely moved to other Fox shows, which depend on the O'Reilly spillover audience. If O'Reilly, who is on a pre-planned vacation, returns April 24 and the ratings remain strong, those advertisers likely will be back on his show....."

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