The Media Industry

Oh, no! Did they make Dylan Mulvaney a Playboy Bunny?!?

Dude, it's gonna happen. It may not be Dylan Mulvany, but within the next 5 years a "chick" with an Adam's apple and junk bigger than any of ours will pose nude in Playboy. I'd bet the house on it. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened yet.
No Longer the Unforgivable Sin (

DeSantis loses his cool with a reporter after being challenged over claims he witnessed torture while working at Guantanamo Bay (

So here's the interesting part. The headline, and tweet intro, is completely negative against DeSantis. Yet he didn't really "lose his cool" or "MELTDOWN", he clearly stated (in a forceful way) that the reporter (media) has a pre-ordained narrative about him. And the rest of the audience applauded DeSantis........

That's how every internet "article" is.

"Chaos!!", "Destroyed!!", on and on. Biden could say the same thing and it would be "Biden educates misinformed liar on what really is going on" or the like.
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I was thinking the same thing this morning at the gym. All three networks were running the same story with CNN and MSNBC had “Texas” man while Fox had person illegally here who has been deported 5 times.
I was thinking the same thing this morning at the gym. All three networks were running the same story with CNN and MSNBC had “Texas” man while Fox had person illegally here who has been deported 5 times.
I'm surprised they didn't call him a white hispanic.

I can't even imagine what had to be like for the Garcia family to watch family members and friends gunned down in front of you. I guess Mr. Garcia didn't have a gun to defend his family.
That's how every internet "article" is.

"Chaos!!", "Destroyed!!", on and on. Biden could say the same thing and it would be "Biden educates misinformed liar on what really is going on" or the like.
John Oliver laments that people the internet say he crushed, eviscerated, destroyed or wiped the floor with pretty much came out unscathed in the court of public opinion.
John Oliver laments that people the internet say he crushed, eviscerated, destroyed or wiped the floor with pretty much came out unscathed in the court of public opinion.

That's because those terms are clickbait to attract people of a different political persuasion from the person supposedly being "crushed." Probably 90 percent of the time, the person at issue wasn't really discredited at all.
We see it but don't understand why. Just to feel virtuous even when facts and reality are opposite?
It is one thing to have faux indignation and virtue in teens abd early twenties but to ignore reality in 30s 40s 50s?
Just the examples of the teacher screaming into the Mic at a school board meeting or the professor disrupting the pro life display on a campus are depressing.
Our country may be sunk.
Yet we in Nashville are still waiting on the motive of the shooter here. I wonder why?:idk:

For those with sarcasm meter issues, we all know why…

Also, pretty sure the SUV killed the same number as the Allen shooter.
A huge part of the media's coverage of trans issues adopts the activist narrative, and it is intentionally deceptive. They need to be challenged on this sort of thing.

When they use phrases like "access to healthcare," the hope is that people will assume that red states are broadly denying medical care to trans people. For example, they want them to assume that if a tranny gets cancer in Florida, they won't get treatment because they're trans, when we're really talking about is puberty blockers and cutting boobs and penises off of children.

I never had a daughter. But if she came me at 12-13 and said I want to be a boy. I would ask "why?" At 18+, I would support her but not understand her decision.
At 12, you cannot make this live-changing decision. This is where parenting comes in. Lacking in this day. Sad.
I never had a daughter. But if she came me at 12-13 and said I want to be a boy. I would ask "why?" At 18+, I would support her but not understand her decision.
At 12, you cannot make this live-changing decision. This is where parenting comes in. Lacking in this day. Sad.

I think it's more than lacking. I think parents with the full support of the popular culture, media, education system, and medical industry are pushing it. The reality is that kids are impulsive, imaginative, and say goofy stuff all the time. A boy will say he'd like to be a girl one second and ten seconds later, he's forgotten all about it, and he's doing the most boy-like things imaginable. When a child actually chooses to do something like this, I highly suspect that an adult somewhere (parent, teacher, counselor, doctor, etc.) has encouraged it. Those people are a disgrace and should not be allowed around children.
I never had a daughter. But if she came me at 12-13 and said I want to be a boy. I would ask "why?" At 18+, I would support her but not understand her decision.
At 12, you cannot make this live-changing decision. This is where parenting comes in. Lacking in this day. Sad.
Support her?? I'd get her to a good psychiatrist immediately.
Support her?? I'd get her to a good psychiatrist immediately.

As your child becomes an adult, you can do what you can. What a psychiatrist can do for a confused teenager, or a pre-teen is beyond me. I want my child to be happy, but this is a messed-up world. Hense, parenting.
Manage Things, Lead People.
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As your child becomes an adult, you can do what you can. What a psychiatrist can do for a confused teenager, or a pre-teen is beyond me. I want my child to be happy, but this is a messed-up world. Hense, parenting.
Manage Things, Lead People.
And I think #1 is what creates spoiled, obnoxious, out of touch kids strung out on drugs.
Why You Should Stop Saying, 'I Just Want My Kids to Be Happy,' According to Harvard Research |
And, "Don't try to make your child happy".
5 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child (

Guess what, life isn't fair and the sooner they learn it the better adjusted they will be.

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