The Media Industry

Maher keeps criticizing Trump for a "hunch" about the Coronavirus ending in April. Does Maher realize that a lot of experts thought so too? Most coronaviruses do disappear during warm weather.

Maher is also a lot different without the reflexive auto-laugh track crowd

But he did at least rip the media's "panic porn"

The media was ticked at Trump's travel ban and was trying to create the narrative that Trump was overreacting. Did it ever backfire.

On top of that, the NYT has accused other media of causing the virus-related death of an American
But how many people went on cruises or international flights relying upon the Times?
He tested positive -- and decided to "battle" it by walking around the Hamptons without wearing his mask. But he did take time to encourage Facebook to crackdown on protestors

Couric has since since deleted

They really do hate the idea of Trump's words getting to the people directly without them being able to filter them first.


It's like I'm living a bad movie. I'm actually starting to think SHTF is happening before our eyes. Half our country whats to enslave all of us so they can feel safe. When did rational thinking end?

Have leftists ever thought and behaved rationally?
Or, have they always relied upon emotion?
based on my reading and listening to them for many years it is always emotion.
Look at the reaction to Beta. It was his kum by yah ramblings that people liked.
Now the hatred toward Trump has overwhelmed any atom of rational thinking
and it is scary
based on my reading and listening to them for many years it is always emotion.
Look at the reaction to Beta. It was his kum by yah ramblings that people liked.
Now the hatred toward Trump has overwhelmed any atom of rational thinking
and it is scary

Does it predate Trump all the way to the 19th Amendment?
Good question
So I will post here a quoted posted elsewhere
"When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the labels of Communism we will not take it under the label of Socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will.”

---Alexander Trachtenberg at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944.

"progressivism "appeals to the emotions of the left

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