The Media Industry

The models being shown assume the economy stays closed forever. That’s not reality. As the economy opens up, impact of a week delay is negligible. Why are people so stupid? We are going to have 300-500k dead, okay?


Not exactly aging well, is it?
"... already debunked ... ?" Who were they relying upon for this conclusion back in mid-Feb?
On balance, the WAPO gets more wrong that it gets correct

What an absolute nobody! His twitter account is consists of nothing more than insults more crass and disgusting than Trump's, then he asks you to give him money. Truly worthless.

Right on Longest Horn's level, I guess.
Not exactly aging well, is it?
"... already debunked ... ?" Who were they relying upon for this conclusion back in mid-Feb?
On balance, the WAPO gets more wrong that it gets correct

I notice that the modern media doesn't know what words like "debunked" means. They will use it in situations (pretty much always involving a Republican) in which they cannot confirm the accuracy of a statement or in which they've found controverting evidence or statements from others. Those situations don't warrant or justify that term. I notice that sort of thing a lot, and it's part of a much broader rhetorical strategy to foreclose debate or discussion of something.
Over and over and over ad nauseum Dem Pols and media post and speak outright lies. There is no accountability even if they give a weak retraction. The damage is done and they all know it.
here is another example
"Friday, Sen. Tammy Duckworth groundlessly and maliciously accused President Trump of killing Americans by not “sending more ventilators,” and the Trump campaign angrily responded by tweeting: “It’s a pretty sick thing to lie like this!”

Duckworth made the slanderous accusation on Twitter in a response to President Trump’s post about NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s panic-stricken call for 40,000 ventilators. He had written: “Cuomo ridiculously wanted ’40 thousand Ventilators’. We gave him a small fraction of that number, and it was plenty. State should have had them in stockpile!”

The Illinois senator charged that lives were lost due to a lack of ventilators, in spite of the fact that Cuomo himself had declared that no one died as a result of not having a ventilator.
Over and over and over ad nauseum Dem Pols and media post and speak outright lies. There is no accountability even if they give a weak retraction. The damage is done and they all know it.
here is another example
"Friday, Sen. Tammy Duckworth groundlessly and maliciously accused President Trump of killing Americans by not “sending more ventilators,” and the Trump campaign angrily responded by tweeting: “It’s a pretty sick thing to lie like this!”

Duckworth made the slanderous accusation on Twitter in a response to President Trump’s post about NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s panic-stricken call for 40,000 ventilators. He had written: “Cuomo ridiculously wanted ’40 thousand Ventilators’. We gave him a small fraction of that number, and it was plenty. State should have had them in stockpile!”

The Illinois senator charged that lives were lost due to a lack of ventilators, in spite of the fact that Cuomo himself had declared that no one died as a result of not having a ventilator.
Vile lies is all they got.

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