The Media Industry

Over the last three weeks after unplugging from Uverse, I am regretting my decision. It seems everything on NetFlix is teaching me a liberal lesson. Anyone else experience this?
Over the last three weeks after unplugging from Uverse, I am regretting my decision. It seems everything on NetFlix is teaching me a liberal lesson. Anyone else experience this?

I do notice that, but I notice it on just about everything. You basically can't watch TV anymore without helping the Left. If could be a left-leaning provider like Netflix or Amazon Prime. However, if you drop them and watch network or cable TV, you're helping Leftist TV executives and actors. If you watch sports, you're helping Leftist athletes. If you watch college football, you're helping Leftist college administrators and professors. There's no escape.

I canceled NF when they signed a deal with Obama.

I understand this, but by Hollywood standards, Obama isn't particularly Left. So if you dropped Netflix to watch something backed by some Hollywood Marxist, I'm not sure you've made much of a point.
@Mr. Deez, I don't watch any TV besides the news, golf, and college football. DOn't go to movies. Not saying it will make a difference but I'm sure as hell not going to contribute.

same here. I only watch college football, a little NFL, golf, and maybe March Madness on TV. The wife watches cooking shows and HGTV. That’s it. I buy old movies on iTunes and watch those.
Hey look, its Dandruff Rather Dan. I wonder if he even knows John Adams used to routinely refer to Alexander Hamilton as that "bastard brat of a scotch peddler?” (or that he nicknamed Hamilton the “Cock Sparrow”). Or that Andrew Jackson cussed so much it was the only words his parrot knew? Or that Teddy Roosevelt said of Oliver Wendell Holmes that he could "carve a stronger backbone out of a banana." Not to mention what came out of the mind and mouth of LBJ (who once give a press conf in the nude? On AF1).

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Hey look, its Dandruff Rather Dan. I wonder if he even knows John Adams used to routinely refer to Alexander Hamilton as that "bastard brat of a scotch peddler?” (or that he nicknamed Hamilton the “**** Sparrow”). Or that Andrew Jackson cussed so much it was the only words his parrot knew? Or that Teddy Roosevelt said of Oliver Wendell Holmes that he could "carve a stronger backbone out of a banana." Not to mention what came out of the mind and mouth of LBJ (who once give a press conf in the nude? On AF1).

Adams on Washington:

“That Washington was not a scholar is certain. That he is too illiterate, unlearned, unread for his station is equally beyond dispute.”

JQ Adams on Jefferson:

“A slur upon the moral government of the world.”

Washington on Monroe:

“A mere tool in the hands of the French government.”

Jackson on William Henry Harrison:

“Our present imbecile chief.”

Hoover on FDR:

“A chameleon on plaid.”

Truman on Ike:

“Why, this fellow don’t know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday.”

And finally JFK on Nixon:

“He is a filthy, lying son of a *****, and a very dangerous man.”

Lots more where this came from.
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Adams on Washington:
“That Washington was not a scholar is certain. That he is too illiterate, unlearned, unread for his station is equally beyond dispute.”
JQ Adams on Jefferson:
“A slur upon the moral government of the world.”
Washington on Monroe:
“A mere tool in the hands of the French government.”
Jackson on William Henry Harrison:
“Out present imbecile chief.”
Hoover on FDR:
“A chameleon on plaid.”
Truman on Ike:
“Why, this fellow don’t know any more about politics than a pig knows about Sunday.”
And finally JFK on Nixon:
“He is a filthy, lying son of a *****, and a very dangerous man.”
Lots more where this came from.

18th century twitter shade rules
As you might have guessed the NYT had differing ways to tell the story of the Clinton and Trump vote outcomes
Clinton won 55-45 on one charge, while the other was split 50-50.
Trump won his two votes 52-48 and 53-47.
The numbers were identical -- both had 105 not guilty, 95 votes for guilty

Since only one article was necessary for impeachment, Clinton's 50/50 meant he came closer to it than Trump did.

However, if you're going to combine all articles into an aggregate, you need to take into account that there were 4 articles against Clinton, 2 of which didn't make it out of the House.

And from there, one could spin the meaning of that data either way, depending on which preconceived notion they wish to back up while ignoring all other repercussions.
Jeff Bezos thinks Jeff Bezos should have a bigger say in who you elect

Hell, in another generation or two we'll be called bigots for saying that **** is sick.

I had to look that up, and it's a real Q&A in Slate. That's so f'ed up on so many levels that I don't even know where to start. So you're inviting someone else into your bedroom. That's f'ed up. That someone else happens to be a dude. Even more f'ed up. And that someone happens to be your wife's brother who will also be banging your wife. That's a whole quantum leap of f'ed upedness. And then you're "not opposed in principle." Even more f'ed up. Where do they find these people?? Phil Donahue wouldn't have let these people on his show.
I find myself defending Bernie from the establishment more than I ever thought I would. But I fail to see how any reasonable person could look at the timing of the release about Bernie and the Russians and not question it. Alter is an MSNBC/Obama guy. Does he actually believe this or is he just lying again like he did about Obamacare? Is he just counting on his wing of the Party overeagerness to buy whatever they are selling without any independent thought of their own?

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I find myself defending Bernie from the establishment more than I ever thought I would. But I fail to see how any reasonable person could look at the timing of the release about Bernie and the Russians and not question it. Alter is an MSNBC/Obama guy. Does he actually believe this or is he just lying again like he did about Obamacare? Is he just counting on his wing of the Party overeagerness to buy whatever they are selling without any independent thought of their own?

So liberals are actually having this argument today, somewhat out on the open.
They are mocking the idea that a "Democratic Establishment" even exists.
I say this is either (1) denial or (2) a total lack of self-awareness. Maybe both?
If I was going to make that list, it would start with CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, the WAPO, the LATimes, the Chicago Tribune, ABC News, CBS News, PBS, NBC News and NPR (hi Mara) --

The fact that the media is getting caught up in this "Democratic establishment" fight pretty much proves that they're part of it. Otherwise, why would they care?

In reality, the "Democratic establishment" is every big mainstream media outlet, the federal bureaucracy, Wall Street, the entire class of Democratic Party officials, consultants, and most officeholders. Thirty years ago, I would have included labor unions. Not so much anymore.

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