The First 100 days

Posted on another thread. Tell me which President was more effective than Trump in their first two years. I heard FDR and LBJ (laughable) on the last thread. I’ll hang up and listen.
Millions of people were denied the right to vote and use public accomodations simply because of the color of their skin prior to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. Plus the tax cuts and economic expansion were bigger on a percentage basis than now by a considerable margin. Throw in creation of Medicare, which makes health care affordable for people of normal incomes in this country, provided they can reach the age of 65.

Please somebody tell me what Trump has accomplished so far that makes LBJ's hard earned legislative accomplishments "laughable."
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Millions of people were denied the right to vote and use public accomodations simply because of the color of their skin prior to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965. Plus the tax cuts and economic expansion were bigger on a percentage basis than now by a considerable margin. Throw in creation of Medicare, which makes health care affordable for people of normal incomes in this country, provided they can reach the age of 1965.
You have to be 1965 to qualify for Medicare? **** I'll never qualify. Might as well throw out the kale and stock up on bacon.

It's a typo, I know. But minority leader and majority leader LBJ kept all his democrats in line to vote against Civil Rights legislation in the 1950s. Granted he didn't have to work very hard. The N word was used frequently by LBJ and no it wasn't a term of endearment. So if you are going to give credit to that disgrace of a man for civil rights, you need to qualify that against his horrible record on civil rights.
I think the question was accomplishments during his first two years in office. Johnson's life has been studied and great biographies written. I'm not an admirer.

In fact, I believe Johnson was just as amoral as the current office holder, only with a much longer attention span.
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... In fact, I believe Johnson was just as amoral as the current office holder, only with a much longer attention span.

It would appear amorality has its benefits .....

Per DataTrek-- Since 1970 there have been only 8 months where US unemployment was 3.9% or lower. Four of those occurred in the final 4 months of 1999 (all 3.9%) and the remainder have all been in 2018

i want to make the point AGAIN. The Civil Rights act only passed because of the GOP. So they worked with the Dem Pres. If it were up to the Dems it would have never passed.
How many Dems are working with POTUS Trump?

JF's last post is amazing. I did not know.
The political landscape was much different in 1964. If you don't recognize the difficulties Johnson faced, I don't think I can clear it up here.
Which makes the support of the opposition party then all the more important as the GOP understood the importance of the bill and put the good of the country ahead of politics.Dems back then did not.

Too bad current Dems care more for identify politics than the well being of American citizens.Millions of Americans are enjoying being employed, getting raises, seeing their 401ks increase
and enjoy spending the " crumbs"
Are you f'n kidding me? To paint most Republicans / conservatives as bigots that targets groups based on race and religion is just beyond reprehensible. Obama was a far more divisive and hateful POTUS than Trump because the MSM is sympathetic to his hate speech.

You think we should target groups of people for how they look or how they pray?
You think we should target groups of people for how they look or how they pray?
Of course not. But Obama apparently thinks that most or at least many Republicans do. It's utter ******** and he should be ashamed of himself for saying it. Of course, the MSM will never call him out for his irresponsible rhetoric as they would Trump.
Of course not. But Obama apparently thinks that most or at least many Republicans do. It's utter ******** and he should be ashamed of himself for saying it. Of course, the MSM will never call him out for his irresponsible rhetoric as they would Trump.
Nah...he thinks there are subsets of the Republican party that do and they should be called out. "Good people on both sides" and what not. If you are one of those then I get why you might be offended. If you are not (I don't think you are) then you should say "hell yeah" and question Trump's statements and policies.
Nah...he thinks there are subsets of the Republican party that do and they should be called out. "Good people on both sides" and what not. If you are one of those then I get why you might be offended. If you are not (I don't think you are) then you should say "hell yeah" and question Trump's statements and policies.
He also said this. Does not sound like he is calling out a small subset to me.
But over the past few decades, the politics of division, of resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party.
"But over the past few decades, the politics of division, of resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party."

Nothing paranoid, resentful, or divisive whatsoever about the modern progressive movement. Nosiree bob.

"Anyone who doesn't look like me or fit in with my group is automatically assumed racist, even if they pretend not to be, and even if they don't actually DO anything racist. Everything is a dog whistle. Constantly communicating to their base about how much they hate us. Red State people are constantly trying to impose their values on us, and they always get their way. Bunch of entitled white people, we'll show them in the next election!"
I am still stunned that he called Benghazi a conspiracy.
And when one of the verified Heroes called him out on it the Hero gets suspended.WTF?
Please somebody tell me what Trump has accomplished so far that makes LBJ's hard earned legislative accomplishments "laughable."

Again, since I'm being laughed at sombody tell me what Trump has done or is doing that will seem important in 2070?
"But over the past few decades, the politics of division, of resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party."
Nothing paranoid, resentful, or divisive whatsoever about the modern progressive movement. Nosiree bob.

Gotta agree with you there Prodigal. While I find myself frequently at odds with the Alex Jones set, Then I see the outcome of recent Democratic Primaries and think … " I can't believe these candidates' messages are resonating."
Obama made excuses for his economy in 2016 and now in 2018 trying to take credit for Trump’s incredible turn around of the economy. He’s the biggest joke we’ve ever had as a President. I guess he just thinks his words are not on video.
Can we get the Democratic / Liberal list of facts of how Obama was better than Trump in his first two years?
Can we get the Democratic / Liberal list of facts of how Obama was better than Trump in his first two years?

They would point to Obamacare, the stimulus, stronger environmental regulations, Dodd-Frank (and the CFPB), pro-LGBT regs at Dept. of Education, Kagan and Sotomayor, etc. And of course, they'd give him a lot of slack for the economy he was handed.

Of course, to us, none of that makes him better. However, if you like a powerful central government, social justice pet issues, and most of all, aggravating religious conservatives, it does.
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As Husker points out, they can’t. All they can do when their economic and military policies fail is to blame what they inherited. Obama blamed Bush for eight years.
Obama further sealed his failed legacy by stopping presidential customs by coming out to criticize his successor in the office.
Trump’s first two years have crushed Obama’s failures on the economy and national security. He has actively addressed North Korea, Syria and immigration. Unemployment is at record lows and the stock market is at record highs. He is confronting the trade imbalance and dismantling Obamacare. Trump has actually enforced Obama’s imaginary line in the sand. Trump has sealed the Supreme Court for decades with two appointments. He killed the Iran nuclear joke which was Obama’s biggest mistake.
Obama divided the country and created an anti police and military movement. His justice department went rogue and he used the IRS to attack political opponents.
One more proof point? Remember when Russia and China would buzz our military carriers? When was the last time that happened?
Did Obama ever lie about how tall he was (he's 6'1" and visibly taller than Trump who claims 6'3") or the size of his inauguration crowd. Trump lies so much it doesn't matter how trivial the topic.
Hard to believe anyone wouldn't see more employment especially among blacks hispanics as anything but better
lowest unemployment in a decade
or more money being put in the pockets of working Americans
or higher value in the 401Ks of working Americans
or Consumer Confidence at highest level in 18 years
Black business ownership jumped 400% in one year
Those are just a few economic facts that to most people would be considered better. There are many other areas that look "Better" to most realistic people.

Dems seem to have a strange definition of better.
Standard liberal response when facts are thrown at them. Feel free to refute any points I made with contradicting facts.

You've already demonstrated that you couldn't accurately relay my basic comments on "definition of better". Why should I have confidence that you could understand an argument?

As an aside, you really need to learn the difference between a fact and an opinion. The opinions you posted may be based on fact but are not facts themselves.

What are opinions in theiis post? It is NOT an opinion that he has worked with NK. These are not opinions" Unemployment is at record lows and the stock market is at record highs. He is confronting the trade imbalance and dismantling Obamacare. "

I did post facts. Would those facts/ accomplishments I posted qualify as better?
Again, since I'm being laughed at sombody tell me what Trump has done or is doing that will seem important in 2070?
Trump is getting the wall built and is addressing immigration. Since Mexico will always be a corrupt and impoverished nation, these issues will seem important in 2070.
More importantly, Trump is slowly dismantling the regulatory state. These unelected bureaucrats have caused more economic and social havoc than anything else the government has done. I believe the reduction in regulations will be rightfully seen by future historians as crucial to our national regeneration.

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