Texas vs. Vandy Division Title Game-CWS

Runner steals second, Cooper strikes out batter for second out, and with left-hander coming to plate, here comes Travis Duke!
It's up to Duke, then Curtiss, no doubt, to come in and finish this game out.
Our offense has to come through, because the pitchers are doing their job.
Travis Duke comes in for Texas and he is in to face the lefty hitter.

Wiseman is that lefty hitter with the lead run on second and two away.
A pop up to short retires the side.

Seven now played and still tied 3-3.
OK, this is it. Ben Johnson gets leadoff base hit.
Crapola. bunt is popped up by Barrera, and runner does not advance. Not a good job.
Should we steal?
I reckon so.
All this swinging at horrible pitches. Even bunting at horrible pitches. If we wouldve got the bunt down, we could have 1st and 3rd with 1 out due to that wp.
Stone stays on for the eighth for Vandy on the hill.

Johnson leads off and lines a single to center.

Barrera bats with one on.
He tries to bunt and pops it up to the pitcher.
Got to lay off the high pitch bunting.

Clemens bats with one down and one on.
He swings at a pitch that wasn't close and it gets away and it moves Johnson to second. Swinging K for two away.

Gurwitz up and any kind of hit to the outfield would give the Horns the lead.
The count runs full and and he fought off ball four twice and then swings at one a foot outside for a K to retire the side.

Bottom of the eighth tied at 3-3.
Johnson does get to second, but it is on a strike three wild pitch, so batter is out and Johnson advances to scoring position.
Critical two out at-bat for Gurwitz, already has two hits.
Pitcher works a 3-2 count on Gurwitz, need a clutch hit here, but how many times can he deliver in one game? Three? OK, how about three times the charm. Nope, Gurwitz flails at a wild, low and outside breaking ball, looking bad on the swing.
We have to get it done in the ninth.
Threw 2 strikes all inning and 1 was hit for a single. Why gurwitz. Why!?!?! Had him 3-0 and you giftwwrap swinging at 2 horrible pitches. COME ON!!!! I dont think I can watch the rest of this game. Sorry. Hope the horns win but dont see how swinging at everything.
Duke pitches the eighth trying to hold serve.

He faces a pinch hitter in Kyle Smith, a right handed hitter.
The count runs full and a big pitch here.
He swings through the fast ball for a big out one K.

Ellison bats righty with one away.
Another fastball and another swiinging K is two down.

Campbell bats with two down.
A soft liner is caught by Marlow to retire the side in order.

The ninth is here and one time offense win it for the pitching.

Tied at 3-3.
Duke has been so good towards the end of this season. He needs to be the relief ace next year.
Come on Horns! Top of the ninth inning. Popup for first out, here comes Madison Carter.
Man, this game could go on awhile.
Could extra ininngs be in the near future?
Stone is still out there for Vandy.

Top of the order is Marlow.
He flies out to center for one away.

Carter bats with one down.
A ground ball to first and the first baseman beats Carter by a step on the head first slide for two away.

Payton up with two down.
He bats trying to get something started.
He K's swinging on that same low slider.

If your going to win it now it will be in extra ininins.
Bottom of the ninth tied at 3-3.
Not sure we could score if they let us put a runner on 3rd with no outs. Boy, how frustrating. Somebody has to step up. Hang in there guys.
Duke works the ninth and just like the Vandy pitcher before him faces the top of the order.

The ever dangerous Swanson is that lead hitter.
He steps in right handed.
A ground ball to short is a big first out.

Reynolds bats with one away.
A liner off the handle still gets through to center for a single.

Conde bat with one on and one away.
Skip is out and there is a pitching change.

Curtis is on for Duke to face the right handed batter.
Duke does a great job, but gives up one out single in ninth.
On comes Curtiss. He needs two big outs to send this one to the tenth inning. Hope that back door slider is working tonight, it is brutal.
So we get down to cases now.

John Curtis, the closer is in with the wining run on first and one away.

Conde steps in from the right side.
The runner goes and a pitch out is high, but the ball and the runner arrive at the same time and he is tagged out for a huge second out. What a throw, anything less would have gotten him.

Conde back in and a full count pitch is take for a called strike and a K to retire the side.

Exta inning in Omaha, dear baseball gods let us score a run somehow.

Tenth inning tied at 3-3.
With 1 out and the count up and the guy on first, I was about to post...
This game has been sheer torture.

Then... throw-out on the steal, and dead-center strike out.

I feel Texas just took the momentum and confidence for extra innings. THAT WAS CRUCIAL!!
****. Very nice catch by right fielder prevents leadoff double or triple. DAmn damn.... that may have given vandy the mojo back
Stone still pitches and how long can this guy go?

Hinojosa leads off for the Horns.
He lines a shot to right and the right fielder is able to run it down and make a backhanded catch.

Might have been a triple if he doesn't make the play.

Shaw up with one down.
A roller to first is fielded by the first baseman and the tag is two down.

Johnson up and he has some pop and if ever it was time to let a swing fly it's now.
A full count and he walks.

Have to go, manufacture a run somehow.

Barrera up with two away and one on.
A pitch goes by the catcher, but Johnson doesn't go.
A full count and now Johnson is on the move.
He K's on the same low slider to retire the side.

Bottom of the tenth and tied at 3-3.

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