Texas vs. Vandy Division Title Game-CWS

I'm not talking about the hand sign where you put your hand up on top of your hat...which even I know is the "shark" hand sign, but what about the one the UT hitters do when they get a hit, curling the index fingers over in sort of a G position, young fogey?
And we're back in this with the clutch hit by Clemens, and the great relief pitching thus far by Cooper. Calls for another 90 Shilling.
throwing error and pitching error... helps make up for our early miscues
Fulmer comes out for the fifth.

Carter leads off for the Horns.
He grounds the first pitch to second for one down.

Payton bats with one gone.
A full count as often comes with Mark at bat.
He walks for a one out runner.

Hinojosa up with one on and one down.
A wild pick off throw sends him to second and it should have been interference on the first baseman for impeding Payto going to second.

A wild pitch sends Mark to third.

Hinojosa back in and put it in play please.
He walks on four pitches and it's runners on the corners.

Shaw up and a bunt is not a bad play here.
Shaw can really bunt and has good speed.
Hinojosa steals second without a throw.
Got to put it in play.
The infileld is back now conceding the run with no double play set up.
The count runs full and he walks to load the bases on walks.

Here comes the head coach and Fulmer is done.

Pitching change.
Yeah, cool sunglasses dude struggling, now you don't look so proud, threw the bums a dime in your prime. Oops, had a Bob Dylan flashback.
He's gone, he's done. Reliever coming in. This calls for a 90 Shilling!
Stone is the new Vandy pitcher, a right hander.

Johnson up and he grounds the first pitch to third for the 5-4-3 double play to retire the side.

That really hurts.

Halfway through the game and tied still 2-2.
bases loaded, pitching change... new pitcher nervous about the hand he's dealt ... .needs too outs.. keep ball in play down low for possible double play... nothing far into the outfield (out or otherwise).....

I think odds are with the batter working the count and not necessarily going after everything early.. or maybe he'll get something sweet to hit because the new pitcher does not want to walk anyone....

damn!! the batter swung at the first pitch!!
Holy crap, Cooper faltering.
Haha, Vandy with two runners on third base after batter misses on suicide squeeze. That results in a double play and saves Morgan Cooper, but still worried that he is tiring. Better have another brew.
Cooper pitches the fifth.

Conde leads off for Vandy from the right side.
A pop to short is one away.

Wiel bats with one down.
He walks for a runner.

Norwood up from the right side with one on.
A grounder up the middle is a single to put two on.

Wiseman bats with two on and two down from the left side.
He smashes a ball off the right field wall for a double to give Vandy a 3-2 lead.

He comes Skip and they score a run after we hit into a double play with the bases loaded. That's the way of baseball.

Rodgers bats lefty with one out and two on and you have to shut it down now.
They try the sqeeze and the batter misses it and the runner is hung up and with two runners at third, it's the man coming from second that is out to retire the side.
It's the K-2-5 double play to retire the side.

Vandy takes the lead 3-2 after five innings
Incredible, not the player you would think of in the same sentence with the word "triple," but he did it. Clutch hit by Gurwitz, he of two hits and two errors, ties the game. This calls for a drink.
Wow, another Vandy error, ball hits runner on throw to first, runner advances, Gurwitz.
This game couldn't be more even at this point. A lot on the line.
Barrera leads off the Horns in the sixth.
He lines a shot to center that the centerfieder misjudges so bad it's hard to describe.

It not only went over his head, but it was five feet to his left also.
It's ruled a triple.

Clemens up again trying to tie the game and this time he K's swinging.

Gurwitz up with one down and a man on third.
He singles through the hole on the left side to tie the game at 3-3.

Marlow up with a man on and one down.
He K's swinging for two down.

Carter bats with two down and one on.
Another wild pick off throw sends Gurwitz to second.
Now Carter could finally put Texas over the hump with a hit.
He K's swinging to retire the side on the slider we got to start realizing is never in the strike zone.

Texas ties it back up at 3-3.
To the bottom of six.
Both relievers doing a great job right now. Morgan Cooper's overhand curve is a thing of beauty.
One run may win this thing.
We need to score, because we are the visiting team tonight.
Cooper stays on for the sixth.

Ellison leads off for Vandy batting right handed.
A fly ball to Shaw in right is one away.

Campbell bats with one down.
A liner this time to Shaw is two away.

Swanson bats at the top of the order with two down.
He steps in righty and fists a dunker to center for a single.

Reynolds up with two down and one on.
Swanson will most likely be going.
He K's him swinging to retire the side.

Six gone and tied at 3-3.

You just feel if Texas could ever take the lead that Vandy might wilt.
This game is tough to watch from either teams perspective. Im sure each team feels as though they should be up by 3-4 runs. Nail biting.
Stone pitches the seventh for Vandy.

Payton leads off and come on senior leader.
He K's swinging too at that same pitch.

Hinojosa up with one down.
A hot shot to third is handled and it's two quick outs.

Shaw bats with two down.
A fly ball to center retires the side in order.

Stretch time in Omaha with a trip to the finals on the line.
Tied at 3-3.
Cooper pitches on in the Vandy seventh and how long can he go?

Each inning brings more and more pressure on both sides.

Conde leads off for Vandy from the right side.
He squibs one down the third base line and they should have just let go and see if it would go foul.
The infield hit puts the lead man and run on base.

Wiel bats with one on from the right side.
He shows no sign of bunting.
The big lollipop curve fools him and he swings through for a K and one down.

Norwood bats righty with one down and one on.
Conde steals second after a big jump and hard pitch to handle.
An inside corner fast ball is taken for another K for two down.

Out comes Skip and Cooper is done.

Pitching change and Cooper was outstanding.

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