Texas-Vanderbilt Game Thread

Let inferior teams hang around too long and bad things can happen.
Ewers can't throw over ten yards, he can't sense pressure and he can't move. He really has zero going for him other than experience and being better than anyone since McCoy -- which isn't saying much.

Arch has the better arm and is much more mobile. It's time to move-on from Quinn.
At what level did you play quarterback? I can tell you from one year of experience failure for an “O” to stop a rush will make the best of quarterbacks look bad.
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It's a yin/yang world, and you have to do both: not lose, and win. If you only focus on one aspect, you fail both. So, in all battle strategy, it pays to analyze what the opponent might be thinking/planning, etc. The team behind has an exact strategy to catch up and win, in terms of time/points, etc. If their strategy fails, you win. So, everything you can do to cause their strategy to fail is part of winning, such as their plan can't work because there isn't enough time, so you try to run them out of that resource.

Or, to put it obnoxiously to the casual fan, football is more like war than like going to the Harlem Globetrotters.