Ball inside, 1-0.
Fouled back, 1-1.
Frozen for strike, 1-2. This could be it.
Ball outside, 2-2.
Swing at a ball well outside, taps it back to the mound. Ruffin fields and calmly throws to first for the THIRD AND FINAL OUT!!!!
That's ballgame, folks. Texas wins the Austin Regional and advances to the Super round courtesy of 4 runs to Rice's 1.
It's not simply a matter of pitch count, gents. Taylor was clearly struggling--he was falling behind hitters, missing his spots, and his body language on the mound was clearly tentative.
Whatever mojo he had working for the first seven innings wasn't there for the eighth. I was absolutely in favor of leaving him out there and seeing if he could go the distance; he couldn't. Fortunately, we've got a closer the quality of Chance Ruffin.
The pitching staff definitely gets group MVP for the tournament. All three starters pitched 7 plus innings and only 4 pitchers were used the entire weekend to pick up 3 wins in which only 3 runs were surrendered.
We will need the bats to come alive next weekend as we cant keep playing with fire with these low scoring games.
Meanwhile FWHORN has to be in Jamaica next weekend dodging bullets so up to you guys to take us on to Omaha.
damnit the internet radio feed cut off to go to the press conference and Craig starts saying, "An editorial comment" in regards to the all-tourney team. Did anyone catch what he said by chance?
Agree with the above posts singling out this pitching staff. How could it be any other way?--three earned runs allowed through 27 innings of postseason play for an average ERA of 1.00.
Simply superb.
Despite some slow starts, our bats weren't all that bad, either--19 earned runs through 26 innings translates to an offensive ERA of 6.58.
We'll absolutely need to be better against TCU, however. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Horned Frogs will come to Austin with a chip on their shoulder.
froggies will be ready. I wonder just how good that kid is that turned down the Rangers? forgot who he turned down, wasn't he drafted in the 2nd round, maybe 1st round?
Also, hats off to the Rice Owls and head coach Wayne Graham.
I realize we've got quite the little rivalry them and he's not the most popular guy here on Hornfans, but they are a class act and their post-game comments were very complimentary. In my opinion, Coach Graham is not only great for Rice University, he's also great for the sport and the state of Texas.
cochamps, will try and find internet at the hotel but am not holding out much hope. Hoping it is on ESPN as I know the hotel gets that so I will be watching just not able to post.
Thanks Gem. I am not bringing my laptop as the last time I was there we got our room broken into and all electronic equipment lifted. The hotel has a business center so if they have access and if you find a link absolutely post it. Between you, Horn in LA, Chest and several others I have no doubt the updates will get done.
The good thing is the trip this year is next week and not the first week of Omaha which it was last year and I missed the Southern Miss game. I will be back Monday so if it is a Sat-Mon super and it goes to three will see you Monday night.