Texas-Iowa State Game Thread

I’m sure you have seen WVa beat KSt. We really have a weak conference. Shows to me we have NOT progressed. Something is just not right here in Mudville.
At the time, I wanted 7, but early on thinking Tom, take the easy 3 FG but didn't post it ... get some points for the trip, you're on the road, dangerous team that can score lots if points.
He needs a feel of the game, not statistics.

He needs to look at our statistics. We are 7-14 on 4th down conversions. One conversion was an unintentional blown punt versus TCU.... so we are actually 6-13 and under 50% on intentional 4th down plays. The statistics say DO NOT go for it.
2 more games. We probably beat Tceh and lose to Rape U. 7-5 and go to the Texas bowl or something like that. Another mediocre season. It’s along way from 2005.
On the road, the general rule is "you take the points that are there." He didn't and it cost him. Same against LSU when we were the underdog. TAKE THE DAMN POINTS!
He needs to look at our statistics. We are 7-14 on 4th down conversions. One conversion was an unintentional blown punt versus TCU.... so we are actually 6-13 and under 50% on intentional 4th down plays. The statistics say DO NOT go for it.

If I want to see ****** football, I can walk down the street and watch Sumlin's Arizona team. I expect a lot better play than what I've seen out of the Horns.
Herman said the play calling on that last possession was the "prudent" calls to make.
He didn't expect to get zero yards on two runs.
Why didn't he expect that?
Couldn't run all day!
Should have continued with what was working.
Herman said the play calling on that last possession was the "prudent" calls to make.
He didn't expect to get zero yards on two runs.
Why didn't he expect that?
Couldn't run all day!
Should have continued with what was working.
He won't admit they were stupid calls although it is very clear to everyone else they were...
He needs to look at our statistics. We are 7-14 on 4th down conversions. One conversion was an unintentional blown punt versus TCU.... so we are actually 6-13 and under 50% on intentional 4th down plays. The statistics say DO NOT go for it.

Actually, I had this wrong. We are 7-15 on 4th downs and 6-14 without the unintentional punt conversion.

We were 91st in the country in 4th down conversions going into this game. Why is Herman going for it and not kicking the field goal in the first half?
Herman said the play calling on that last possession was the "prudent" calls to make.
He didn't expect to get zero yards on two runs.
Why didn't he expect that?
Couldn't run all day!
Should have continued with what was working.

Time didn't matter. Getting 1st downs was the only thing that mattered and you run the plays that give you your best chance to make a 1st down. Herman is a moron plain and simple. He's just a friggin moron. I hired a mensa guy once. Total moron. Had to fire him. Mensa smarts and actually living in the world smarts are not the same thing. Can I say moron enough when I describe herman? Because even that word doesn't capture how I feel. I'm sure there are mensa people that also have common sense. Herman's just not one of them.
Herman said the play calling on that last possession was the "prudent" calls to make.
He didn't expect to get zero yards on two runs.
Why didn't he expect that?
Couldn't run all day!
Should have continued with what was working.
Prudent for a loss. The only f - - - ing thing that matters is that not only did it not work, those same plays were stuffed for loss yardage all day. Don’t tell me that giving up the ball to them because of s- - t playcalling was ok. How did that work out? Game over. You lost. Keep making dumba- - mistakes and trying to cover them and things will not go well for you.
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This game reveals that the oc and receivers coach both need to go. If Herman is calling the plays then we definitely have a problem. I watched the receivers a lot today, and with the exception of Duvernay, they were all very slow off the line, in some cases almost a full second like they didn’t even know the ball was snapped. The pass route designs are mostly crap, but the receivers don’t help because almost all of them stop after the initial route. There is talent there, but it is not well coached. The receivers play soft on wide receiver screens and the blocking receiver more often than not gets blown up destroying the play. Contrast what such plays do against our defense because our opponents receivers block.

On the defensive side of the ball, I can’t tell if it is Orlando’s scheme or the db coaching, but I have never seen db’s and lb’s with less attention span on covering receivers. On Iowa state’s first touchdown four db’s ignored the receiver who ran right past them to the back of the end zone. It was like he was invisible. On the long td to start the second half, the db just inexplicably broke off the coverage apparently deciding coverage wasn’t important anymore. On one play J. Mitchell hit the receiver knocking him off his route. Job done, don’t need to run with him anymore. Big gain for isu. This has been going on all year. Change has to happen but I doubt it will.
Sure get the ball back and play conservative and do what hasn’t worked all game and run run into a wall and punt. No excuses. This team has gone downhill from week to week. It’s play calling on both sides of the ball. Pathetic. Doing less with more one game at a time.
You hit on the crux of the issue. For our last offensive (non) drive, we abandoned the passing game, plus Sam scrambling when necessary off the passing game, that had worked so well for most of the fourth quarter.

Instead, we clam up and get ultra-conservative on first down and second down, setting up third down and long. This shows a lack of trust in Sam, the OL, and the WR—three units that had been hitting on all (or most) cylinders the previous two drives or so.
Herman and the offense lost the game.
Well, I agree that Herman lost this game. And the offense, AND the defense. As many Hornfans have already stated it was a total team loss.

Offense was hobbled the first half by brain dead play calling. Way too cautious, way too conservative and way too stupid (not taking the passes which were being given to us). ISU was daring us to pass the whole game. Stacking the line and daring us to pass. when we stuck with the pass game we did well.

So the offense lost.

Defense played really well in spots. They "only" allowed 23. Problem is isu only needed 22 to win. In two of the last three games, the offense has fought back in the final minutes to take the lead. All we need from the defense is a stop, and we win the game. We punt the ball back to ISU with a little over 4 minutes left. They take over around their own 35. All we need to do is keep them out of field goal range. In other words, GET A STOP IN CRUNCH TIME. But no, they cannot get a stop. ISU drives down inside our 30 and kick a chip shot field goal .

So the defense lost.

Our loss today was a total team effort. Coaching sucked. We were totally out coached. ISU was better than Texas on both sides of the ball. Played smarter, with more guts, better discipline.

Del Conte has some serious thinking to do about the football program. It is not in good shape, or good hands.
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TH needs to change, no notebook. If your OF is not pushing DLs off the line, take the 3. Just little changes. He needs a feel of the game, not statistics.

Football =/= Baseball

Theres a place for Houston Astro style analytics in football, but the in-game flow, momentum, and what has worked recently in this particular game make for important factors that stats don’t cover. There are also no stats for whether your line is getting a yard or two surge in recent running plays or if they’re getting pushed back a yard by the DL. Where’s the stat for how many steps open Eagles has been against a particular DB last series. And so forth.

Football =/= Baseball

Theres a place for Houston Astro style analytics in football, but the in-game flow, momentum, and what has worked recently in this particular game make for important factors that stats don’t cover. There are also no stats for whether your line is getting a yard or two surge in recent running plays or if they’re getting pushed back a yard by the DL. Where’s the stat for how many steps open Eagles has been against a particular DB last series. And so forth.

Having hired and then fired a mensa dude, people with this type of smarts naturally go to numbers in decision time. You're asking for something I just don't think TH can do. We all know that past performance does not guarantee squat, but I don't think TH can realize it. Perfect example is continuing to run this delayed QB draw on short yardage. It worked last year so it must work this year. But it's not. So you have to adjust. But we haven't adjusted all year. Tells me TH just can't think the way you or I want him to. He might make a good OC, but he is not going to ever be a good HC IMO.
How many games has it taken for him to back off that blasted sideways pass. Thankfully only threw it a few times this game - stupid call every time though.
We had 54 yards rushing for the game? Someone please compliment the great offensive linemen that produced these results. Tell me how these also rans and non stars are more talented than isu’s dline. Tell me how we’ve outdistanced all of these “awful” programs in the B12.
Perfect example is continuing to run this delayed QB draw on short yardage. It worked last year so it must work this year.
This is my concern as well. Herman is so myopically focused that he doesn’t get the big picture. His philosophy has to work and when it doesn’t, he’s a deer in the headlights, frozen and unable to adjust.

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