Texas-Iowa State Game Thread

We get the ball back with five minutes left and a one point lead. You have to figure we will need at least three first downs to ice it, maybe even four. You just went down the field through the air. Keep passing and attacking. Instead Mensa approaches it like there is a minute left and runs prep plays that are effectively taking a knee. Then you run a pass that even if caught has no chance to get a first down. Brilliant. The coaches let the players down. Then you jump offsides with 2+ minutes to go, which is the only thing you can’t dO in that situation. That is coaching because coaching has instilled no discipline with this team. The coaches job is to put the players in the best position to succeed and Mensa and company are failing miserably week after week. I could be wrong, but last year was a high water mark for Mensa at Texas and it was 10-4. 7-5( or 8-4) with some luck is what we are going to get out of this staff. Recruiting is going to take a hit.
We get the ball back with five minutes left and a one point lead. You have to figure we will need at least three first downs to ice it, maybe even four. You just went down the field through the air. Keep passing and attacking. Instead Mensa approaches it like there is a minute left and runs prep plays that are effectively taking a knee. Then you run a pass that even if caught has no chance to get a first down. Brilliant. The coaches let the players down. Then you jump offsides with 2+ minutes to go, which is the only thing you can’t dO in that situation. That is coaching because coaching has instilled no discipline with this team. The coaches job is to put the players in the best position to succeed and Mensa and company are failing miserably week after week. I could be wrong, but last year was a high water mark for hernan at Texas and it was 10-4. 7-5( or 8-4) with some luck is what we are going to get out of this staff. Recruiting is going to take a hit.
Totally agree. With everything you have stated here.
We may not have the best team, but we definitely have the dumbest. The play on the field was just a reflection of the coaching.
"Winning's hard." Tom Herman. "It's harder if you're stupid." Bevojoe

What I saw today were squandered opportunities, very questionable play calling and blown coverages. This regression needs to stop, but I doubt it will, at least not this season.
They say the insane tend to be smart...and insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I am tired of Mensaboy and the Insanity of the Binder.

How much do we need to buy him out?
Understand what you’re saying Shark but we shouldn’t have to do that. Should be able to stop them once. Plus we should be able to make a few first downs when we have to, done it before should have been able to do it again. I agree with the tv panel this was on coaches. Sam did not have a good game that’s true but coaches really blew this one. No excuse for offensive game plan in first half. Man those calls - sad for us fans.
Next year's UT schedule:
  • Blinn Junior College
  • Sam Houston State
  • Millsaps
  • Austin Community College
  • Phoenix Online University
The rest is TBD. Should be better than this year.
Little Sisters of the Blind and Quadriplegic has refused to play...they saw the Alabama game and were concerned that they could suffer some injuries despite overmatching this Texas squad...
Herman is not smart...His arrogance with the media is a mask for his stupidity. I take my hat off to Orlando tonight. He did a great job ( a couple miscues by players ) holding that offense to 23 points. They averaged about 40+ a game, and he held them to 23.......Sam did a good job on the drive that got us the lead, but is not a good enough passer for the offense we try to run. Sam deserves more than this ****** coaching staff has to offer. Longhorn fans deserve more than this coaching staff has to offer...and it starts at the top. Next year ISU will be just as good as will OU. Tech in Lubbock and TCU's QB will be even better next season. OSU with a seasoned QB in Stillwater is scary, as is KSU on the road with their second year coach . We could be looking at 6-6 next year if we are lucky next year.
Course if we had of gone for the FG we go for the FG again and lose by 3. So the fg wasn't the difference. Not slinging the ball when we got it at the 15 and then offsides were the. difference. 3rd and 10 and we run a slip screen. Run that on 1st down maybe, but not 3rd. What an idiot. Honestly D has gotten much better. Outside of the one really bad play and the 1st drive they didn't play bad. They made enough plays to win easily. O was terrible and when it finally gets going we shut it down. Just horrible horrible play calling and decision making. I'll be fishing next weekend. Not watching this crap again. Life's too short to waste it on these idiots. Wake we when we make another coaching hire.

Actually, my Longhorn Foundation dues are not providing the ROI incentive for me to donate even more return in the days to come.
They say the insane tend to be smart...and insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. I am tired of Mensaboy and the Insanity of the Binder.

How much do we need to buy him out?

Don't know, but I'll be glad to contribute!
You are what your record says you are. Take out Scrimmages against La. Tech and Rice and Herman’s Horns are 4-4. Blame it on injuries, we lost today because Collin Johnson couldn’t play. Blah, Blah,Blah. We are who we thought we were.
how do those three points look now, Tom?

We have been the poster child for mediocrity since 2010. We should just get used to it
As much as I want to disagree, alas, I cannot. Our program is too big to be hiring the coaches we’ve hired the last 2 times. Texas should be a powerhouse. I see more decommits in the future.
You are what your record says you are. Take out Scrimmages against La. Tech and Rice and Herman’s Horns are 4-4. Blame it on injuries, we lost today because Collin Johnson couldn’t play. Blah, Blah,Blah. We are who we thought we were.
You guys are dreaming if you think anything is going to happen to Mensa! They extended his contract thru 2023. They’d owe him over $20 million! He’s here to stay. The best you can hope for is that he’ll fire Orlando and Beck and maybe the special teams coach!
You guys are dreaming if you think anything is going to happen to Mensa! They extended his contract thru 2023. They’d owe him over $20 million! He’s here to stay. The best you can hope for is that he’ll fire Orlando and Beck and maybe the special teams coach!
Agreed. That is why I hate these contract extensions for not doing anything. Texas is such a sucker. First 10 win season and the extend everyone’s contract. That is without winning any championship. Herman is way too arrogant.
We have volleyball !!!!!!!!!!...and maybe softball to cheer on. Forget about football for a few years...Mediocre for the next 5 years or more.
TH needs to change, no notebook. If your OF is not pushing DLs off the line, take the 3. Just little changes. He needs a feel of the game, not statistics.

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