Texas Big XII Tourney

It's not over but Stehle clearly cannot finish a batter now, i hate when pitchers consistently go to full counts....it seems like more times than not, it ends in a walk.
Stehle is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, still shaking my head about him......kid falls apart faster than corn fried taco shell
Stehle is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, still shaking my head about him......kid falls apart faster than corn fried taco shell

I’m as a big a supporter as anyone, but I don’t get walking the righty to face the lefty. And not bringing in Shaw.

Then pulling the lefty hitter versus the righty in favor of another righty who strikes out. And Belyeu probably had his chances of success increase with each at at bat simple because he’s now seen a few pitches.
It’s not that hard. You use your best pitchers (Gordon, Shaw, LBJ and Burke) to win the first two games for a decent showing at the B12 tourney. After that you pitch Sthele, Duplantier and the rest so that the team can go home a little early and rest up for the big tournament.
It’s not that hard. You use your best pitchers (Gordon, Shaw, LBJ and Burke) to win the first two games for a decent showing at the B12 tourney. After that you pitch Sthele, Duplantier and the rest so that the team can go home a little early and rest up for the big tournament.

totally agree, pitch your best until you’re out. I would have a taken a no prisoners attitude starting with this tourney just so my team was already in that mode next weekend. We’ve battled all the way back to the championship game before and can do it again but will for real be out of pitching if we get there

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