Texas-Baylor Game Thread

So on the last drive, Baylor brings Brewer on a straight draw off RT. Nothing fancy. He just jogged for about 12 yards on the right side.

Texas brings everyone - mother, God, country - and pulls them out front on those weakass slow-developing QB leads and they’re lucky to make it back to the LOS.

It’s an indictment of our offense. Of our defense. It’s embarrassing. And we appear ok going down with this horsesh*t every week.
Didn’t Herman say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? If that’s the case, then Herman is nuts. I am now convinced that Herman is not the answer. It pains me to say it.
This game is over. Can we just put in a backup QB to see what they can do? At this point every player on the team ought to be auditioning for a starting spot next year and that includes Sam. No position is guaranteed.
Could see some stupid targeting play or something come from our D out of frustration before this one is over. On the bright side the player would get to sit out for the first half of another frustrating apathetic team effort come Friday.
I usually comment in women's basketball (also struggling this year) ... but checked in here for your football observations ... jeeze, we are awful. I know it's not easy to change offenses in mid-season, but we are totally inept. Offensive line can't block my grandmother. Why do we continue to run that sideline pass - every team we play clearly now puts its defender there to jump the pass, since CJ is out ...we are screwed, we can easily lose to TT and whatever minor bowl ... switching to SMU-Navy and Ga-Ags for real football. Could be, as Nebraska fans think, that the era of D-I relevance is over, at least for another decade. Hook'em, anyway.
Change subject here a minute. I was hoping w Ingrahm out to see KJohnson in but I cannot even find him on sidelines. Anyone know about that?

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