Texas-Baylor Game Thread

I think he was just listing the games that were the beginnings of the ends.

You're right. I should have listed the 2016 Kansas game instead of the 2016 TCU game. The Kansas game was the real turning point. I chose the 31-9 loss to TCU, which was the last game of the 2016 season. But it really was giving Kansas their only win in the conference for the 2016 year that was the worse loss - even though that score was closer and it went into overtime.
I kinda fixed my distress about this team ( well more accurately the coaches) by being able to profit in this situation. I believe in the players but not the coaches and their schemes and their in -game decisions. Three weeks ago I said we would finish 1-3, boy I was lambasted. And I've been saying Tom needs to go. But maybe I will keep profiting.:smokin:
Have two Boise State grandkids, one grad - one student hence I watch them when I can (usually too late for me to finish) and their offense is sooo much more creative than ours. I would hate to play them in a bowl (OU understands) but my daughter and grandkids would love it.
Saying players have quit is not fair to the players who clearly have been giving it all on defense recently with absolutely no help from our offense.
Here's the issue if we keep Herman? What coordinator is going to want to come knowing he's on a one year leash? It's time to burn this thing to the ground and start over.
True. I mentioned in a thread that we wouldnt be able to get great assistants with a coach on the hot seat. CDC and the BMD are simply prolonging the inevitable. They need to do what FSU did and bite the big buyout, and go all in for a winner ( Stoops, Meyer, Dabo, etc.) If money is an issue go get Briles for cheap. The regents need to grow brains and NEVER give a raise or extension again, unless a championship is won, or multiple 10 win seasons are obtained.
Saying players have quit is not fair to the players who clearly have been giving it all on defense recently with absolutely no help from our offense.
True. The defense has actually played well the last two games, and played well half of the TCU game. We held both ISU and Baylor to half their normal production. The offense has gone to total crap this year.
I guess I’m the only one not willing to forgive Orlando for managing just a couple decent performances and sucking 90% of the time.
I guess I’m the only one not willing to forgive Orlando for managing just a couple decent performances and sucking 90% of the time.

Well, it does appear the defense has gotten better as many injured players have healed and returned to the field.
So, while we hate to make excuses, perhaps there was a reason beyond coaching that the defense sucked.
Man, I just check into this thread, and no comments on the Baylor boob grabber fan there at the end? I'm disappointed in y'all.

If we’d run 10-15 yard crossing routes we would kill them. As it is their coverage is best I’ve seen. Like they know our routes. Really.
Why do we never use the middle of the field with the passing game.

The weirdest thing is this has been a consistent issue over 2 or 3 different coaching staffs and seemingly 817 offensive coordinators. People talk about L/R halves of the field but it's really more accurate to divide it in thirds. Both ways actually - left/middle/right, and short/medium/long, so really you have a tic-tac-toe board dividing the passing game into 9 sections. And we have been underusing the center section for years. The last O/C to actually use it well was Harsin or maybe Applewhite. We throw to the flat, or maybe slants; we throw drags, or we throw deep. The rare times we throw medium-length routes they are almost always to the sideline.

I don’t get this? If there is time on the clock you keep playing your *** off PERIOD.

It's our fans reacting emotionally after a loss and lashing out at every single thing possible, both the problems and things that aren't problems, indiscriminately.
In the final minute of the game the camera was on the stands for a while and there was a gal in Baylor gear who reached her hand in her shirt and spent 5-10 seconds adjusting.

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