Public schools suck because it run by left wing bureaucrats. Parents have no real choice. That is why it sucks.
We can tell the education bureaucrats and the teacher unions to go screw themselves anytime we want. They didn't seize power by a violent coup, and they don't hold their power by force. They got it by people WE elected giving it to them by passing laws and appropriating money for them. If we want to, we can elect people who can just as easily take that power and money away. We just choose not to do that, and ultimately that is the point you're glossing over. You blame the nebulous "system" like the systemic racism people do, but ultimately the people we choose create, enable, and reinforce that system.
All you do if blame parents, but not those who set up the system.
I don't blame parents specifically. I blame voters generally. It's our fault, and our negligence.
The people who get the positions do what they want , there is no transparency. Because of that and the ability to take as much money as they can through taxes means there is no accountability.
They can only take what we let them take. Our politicians set the tax rates, not them. For property taxes, the appraisals are set by unelected people, but who created that system? The politicians we elected. Get new politicians, and take that power away from those unelected people.
You left out where politicians don't explain what the true cost is. You also left out that Congress doesn't even propose budgets anymore. They don't function as they are supposed to. Also, the Fed system is what allows Congress to spend money they don't have. They are complicit. Voters share some blame but it is secondary.
Secondary?? LOL. I'm no fan of the Fed, but they aren't the biggest driver of the deficit. That is just silly. Politics and the unwillingness of our political heroes to cut spending is the biggest driver of the deficit, and they are unwilling, because we are. The Fed plays its games to account for our unwillingness.
Let's also keep this in mind. Like the education bureaucrats you detest (and rightly so), the Fed didn't steal its power and doesn't hold it by force. Again, our political heroes gave it to them. They can take it back anytime they want by repealing the Federal Reserve Act. But suppose they did. What would happen if Congress took over the monetary policy? They'd play the same shenanigans with the money supply that the Fed does to keep borrowing costs down to make up for our unwillingness to pay for the government we demand.
That is a start but pretty meaningless. You have to know their political philosophy and what effect they have actually had on the school system. Good luck figuring that second part out.
Then ask them their political philosophy and look at what they're doing to see if it matches. But again, let's just start by showing up and learning their names. You're lamenting that our voters aren't doing trigonometry or linear algebra. I'm asking them to just do single digit addition.
You must hate capitalism then. There is nothing wrong with parents making the best decision for their children. That is how we all operate if we are honest. And that doesn't mean you screw everyone else.
No, I love capitalism. However, we're not talking about capitalism. We're talking about public schools. Those are a government program, and if we're going to have them, people should give a crap.
We don't have the right people in power. Sounds like every socialist revolutionary to me. Public school is a socialistic organization in our country.
Yes, I get that, but we've decided to have a public education system. It actually used to do a passable job, before we started screwing it up.
Let me add another way the system is corrupt. Federal tax dollars are now required to fill the budgets of local schools. That means schools must do what the Federal government wants them to do.
Hmm. Why are there federal dollars in it, and why is there a Department of Education? Oh yeah, the politicians we elect decided to do that. That's on us too.
And is that stuff forced? Nope. Our state legislators choose to take that federal money. They don't have to do that.