Some Random Thoughts on Conference Realignment


Again with the money, it's all about money now. I can hardly stand to watch the Cowboys these days. Not because of the on-field product, but because of Jer-ruh's continuous bragging about the worth of his team. The most valuable sports franchise in the world that hasn't done **** since 1996. This stuff just isn't as much fun as it used to be.

Again with the money, it's all about money now. I can hardly stand to watch the Cowboys these days. Not because of the on-field product, but because of Jer-ruh's continuous bragging about the worth of his team. The most valuable sports franchise in the world that hasn't done **** since 1996. This stuff just isn't as much fun as it used to be.
Jer-ruh's team hasn't done squat since 1994, but he sells more women's panties out of his stadium than anybody else. In fact the Cowboys are worth $1billions on the "backs" of ladies' unmentionables.
I stopped watching the Cowboys when Jethro fired Jimmy and hired Buried Swindler. My whole family still watches all their games and I just shake my head while passing through the living room.

They ended up landing pretty well once all the dust settled. This whole thing could be a blessing in disguise for them.
And there’s so much talent in Texas HS football, they can all put together some really talented teams even after UT, OU, and the top SEC interlopers have grabbed up the bluest of the blue chips.
Very true Chop!!

I believe this conference will survive, maybe not thrive and alot of it will stem from the football suceess of TT, TCU, KSt, Utah, OSU, bailer, maybe AZ or ASU, ....not a bad group, then basketball with TT, KU, Houston, TCU, bailer, OSU, AZ with TT, TCU, bailer, OSU, AZ, ASU, .....others may fill in from time to time but it would seem that those will carry the Big 12 (16)...hopeful that Buffaloes willdo well