^^ The same Mike Locksley. I saw that you have some really serious misgivings and disdain of the guy, and saw nobody else comment, and even searched about him a bit. I never knew much about him. But the google search didn't bring up all that much that showed such utter distaste for him in others though. Saw some stuff about "alleged" cases which never seemed to have been proved, with others saying "just disgruntled employees" etc. I don't know, I didn't dig too deep. If you know the details well, then I defer to you. No, I am not standing up for him or anything, because I don't know. But it surprised me that I did not find that much of dirt on him, to match what you were saying. May be did a bad search. Will try again.
But he was surely a TERRRRRIBLE coach, as a head coach (went virtually winless for some 15 games in a row or something?), though he seems fairly well-respected as a coordinator.
But, everybody who knows him is a friend of Charlie, which is the thing about Charlie. He doesn't seem to care what people are, as long as they are not people he is responsible for, and he goes about doing his thing, dealing with anybody out there and charming them. So, it won't surprise me if Charlie is friends with even axe murderers! Sometimes, people who are confident about how clean they are in their lives, can deal with some nasty folks without worry. Charlie strikes me as that kind, though again, I don't know him either closely....