I don't think Tyrone was that nervous-looking or anything in his first 10 starts. Not even much of nervous happy feet either. Just looking confused rather often, that's all. I think his mind was spinning, thinking about the next plays to execute, and he probably wasn't even getting time to get nervous. In fact he showed somewhat of a noticeable tendency to come back from mistakes and not keep on repeating them (no back-to-back interceptions behavior, that is), till the 11th start, against TCU. Then that ice-water-in-the-veins execution of the last two plays of the ISU game, without which we weren't making even the bowls. He wasn't even that interception prone till the TCU game and was running roughly 2-1 in TD to INT till that point, which is not at all bad for a first year starter. 2200 yards passing and some 300 yards rushing in his first 10 starts is no mean feat, with the line he was playing behind.... So I was quite puzzled about what made him lose his confidence that badly in the TCU game and not recover at all.... Anyway, it is old story. I am very doubtful if he will ever become confident again to execute plays. Maybe he himself feels that he has no instincts to make plays (or create plays) at this level. If so, he is cooked as a QB. I still hope not, but that is probably hoping against hope.