So what's in store at QB?

Yes, we are not used to other prominent schools wanting our recruits. More of the culture change, I suppose. For the most part, nobody ever tried to hire away our assistant coaches either.
You're right. pretty much in serious fights with some good schools and coaches right now.

With UCLA (Mora) on 3 guys (Newsome, Soso, Strickland),
with Auburn (Malzahn/Muschamp) on 3 guys (Irvin, Davis, Burt),
with Michigan (Harbaugh) on 2 guys (Omenihu and Gentry),
with Landthieves (Stoops) on Lampkin
with LSU (Miles) on Brossette

We are not used to this. We are winning at least half of those fights too. This is kinda fun, though nerve-racking...
For awhile, ignorance really was bliss. All seemed so right in the world as we floated through December and January towards NSD with all Mack's 4 and 5 star commitments having been tied up and solid since the last spring and no other schools so much as daring to approach any of them. Ah! If only that pipe dream could have been real.

Now we are stuck with wondering if A. The only reason those recruits were 4 and 5 stars were because they committed to UT so early on, or B. the only reason it was so easy for Mack to keep getting those 4 and 5 star recruits was because they were not evaluated properly and nobody else wanted them. Probably some of both. It is more nerve racking now, but maybe this way we can actually have a decent football team someday , too.
I remember when it all came down to NSD......seems many were undecided /and there was either great joy or disappointment during the last 2-3 days....when was that..?

Of course that was before the kids found publicity via TV etc with 'wonder which cap he will put on'....YUCK
Yes, 22, it was a ton of fun yelling and cussing Jerry Stovall because LSU's dumbass assistant coach who was charged with guarding Johnny Hector allowed RC and the Aggies to walk in the backdoor and grab him for over a week.

Almost as much fun as Billy Sims going "missing" for nearly three weeks.

Of course, who could be surprised that Bubba Bean went missing with Houston's two red Cadillac's parked in front of his house in Kirbyville, where the school superintendent was Mr Dockery, as in Rod Dockery's father.

Or our dumbass assistant escorting Terry Watkins home to Florida to get momma's signature only to have two Florida coaches grab him at the airport while our mental midget stood there playing "switch".

Those were some really fun times.
^^^ And don't forget guitar boy's assistant coaches hiding behind the couch when John Mackovic was doing an in-home with Cedric Cormier. He was supposed to be a "package deal" with Andre Gurode, who was a big miss for us.
This whole Kyler Murray visit yesterday has messed up all our calculations on QBs. Still, only a low chance (say 33%) that we will end up getting him but it sets in motion more things.
I saw somebody say late last night (unconfirmed by others) that Charlie's in-home visit with QB Zach Gentry in New Mexico, which was to be today, has now been postponed and that Gentry is making a visit to Michigan this weekend. [EDIT: It was Jason Higdon of scout who said it, but what he said was this - "Charlie Strong, Shawn Watson and Jay Norvell were supposed to make an in-home Thursday. That will not happen in my opinion
.". So, no confirmed change of plans on the in-home]

Consider a 50% chance that he flips to Michigan which goes up to 75% if Murray commits, and drops to 25% if Murray doesn't commit. If he is actually visiting Meatchicken this weekend, I would like Charlie to postpone his in-home till AFTER that visit to get in his ear last. Harbaugh already used up his only chance at an in-home when he went to New Mexico to get him to consider visiting Ann Arbor.

But if Gentry flips, the chance for Locksley to commit (and for Merrick to get a scholarship) goes up to 80%. That also means that we are sure to drop any idea of any pro-style offense and can only go to a running-QB offense, barring Merrick somehow being a miracle pro-style QB immediately (zero chance).

This Murray/Lodge visit seems to have put everything into a very tricky situation. If Charlie pulls off those guys, it is the recruiting coup of the year, but there are some dangers involved in this. We could end up with neither Murray nor Gentry. Hope Charlie and Watson know what they are doing! Talk about guts to go for big recruiting prize-fights and throw punches this late!

Again, Gentry has been very solid and seemed not bothered with our interest in Locksley, but Kyler Murray is a different deal. Even then, I think Gentry who has been solid all year, would have stuck with us, but for suddenly being courted by one of the very few guys who can pry him away from Watson. Harbaugh, that is. Great timing by Harbaugh. I guess Harbaugh had also heard the rumblings since late December of a possible Murray-to-Texas thing that everybody was keeping under wraps both at farmerville and Austin, and decided to take a chance, as he is kinda desperate for players.

Boy, isn't recruiting fun?
If we lose Gentry, no matter who else we get, I'll be very disappointed. Murray may be a better option in 2015, but from 2016 that tall, fast, stong armed kid from New Mexico has a chance to be REALLY special.
Yep, the Michigan 247 site is confirming that Zach Gentry is indeed visiting them this weekend. The Michigan guys are fairly confident that he will flip to them.

This makes the whole Kyler Murray thing a real high-stakes gamble by Charlie and Watson. There is news from Texas recruiting reporters that Watson did have a very long chat with Gentry on Monday. Apparently none of the recruiting guys can get Gentry to send them a reply text, and the HS sources in New Mexico are saying the family is in lock-down mode on contact. But one person did talk to Gentry's dad but couldn't confirm if Charlie was visiting them today or not. Jason Higdon is confirming that our preference is to actually do an in-home next week with him, and that may depend on whether he commits to UM over the weekend or not.

On Kyler Murray's side, again everything is kinda quiet, and the aggy homer reporters still don't seem to have any direct info from the Murray family or close circles. Chip Brown or Geoff Ketchum said we should observe what comes from the Murray family overnight and that would be an indication, implying that silence would mean a lot in our favor (I'm paraphrasing, not exactly what was said). Anyway, I also find it odd that Kyler Murray or Demarkus Lodge have not done one thing to calm down the nervous folks in College station. I mean, this is stuff that would cause a bunch of sheep-admirers to keel over and pass out with a heart attack over there, you know!

Bottom line: Excrement has indeed hit roof-suspended revolving electrical windmaker device. Let us hope that Charlie is dead sure that chunks will get blown towards dirty sheep, rather than proud cattle.
Getting hectic... Watson flew up to Maryland to see Kai Locksley. Here is Locksley's tweet, doing a hookem with Watson - The Link

There are reports today that Watson will be seeing Zach Gentry in New Mexico tomorrow morning before Gentry flies up to Michigan. Charlie's in-home postponed to next week.

At least the coaches are not letting anybody go easy, as this Kyler Murray saga unfolds.

Also, I suppose Watson will need to get back to Austin before 5-star RB Soso Jamabo's OV gets done tomorrow....
^^^ I am behind you Old Hippie! Full steam ahead!
You can't play high stakes poker without risk! High risk!
Meat Chicken's Harbaugh has gotten up to 7 or 8 OV's this weekend from a bunch of kids committed to other programs. He has seriously turned Gentry's head... I am very concerned about Gentry. We need this kid.

From some posts I have read, CFS is going to have to put the full course press on keeping Gentry's commitment.
Harbaugh is after FSU's pro-styleQB commit top-125 4-star Deondre Francois also, and I think Harbaugh is visiting him today or something like that. Now, that guy is seriously talented, having seen his all-star game performance. But this muddies the waters even more because Francois needs to stay at FSU for our chances to pry Locksley away to improve. Now we are in a 3-way fight on quarterbacks, with Harbaugh and Fisher, damnit.

Holy crap. I wish Michigan hadn't hired Harbaugh and Auburn hadn;t hired Muschamp. Both were very improbable hires. Had they not happened, Charlie's recruiting would have been much simpler! But these are the fights good coaches do, when they identify the right players of talent for their programs. It is a very good sign on Charlie's recruiting too. Win or lose, these are good players for sure.
Hopefully this time next year after a more successful season Strong's hand will be stronger. Better yet the December early signing period gets passed (of course that will push all of this crap forward, but those in playoffs might not have so much idle time in which to troll).
I still will say that the absolute, most important recruits needed in 2015 is an experienced, proven transfer QB, followed by a quality upgrade at OT, above all others. These are immediate needs for 2015 to have a viable chance at success this season. Success this season equals program and coaching staff credibility and improved recruiting momentum next year and beyond. Not saying a freshman cannot come in and contribute, but history will show us that the odds of them being dominate difference makers as true freshman are pretty long. The staff must solve the QB and OT holes immediately or they might not be around in 2 or 3 years to benefit from the talents of the incoming freshman recruits.

What's unfortunate is that they have not already brought in a splash, or at least a known quality transfer QB to go through spring training and also spark recruiting momentum.
All he said was that he was "still committed to" the sheep lovers. Which is true - he hasn't decommitted. He didn't say he would remain in their clan.
I agree with G4z that it doesn't mean much - let us contiinue that discussion in the Murray/Lodge visit - what the hell? thread.

In other news, Watson went straight from Maryland (after the visit to Kai Locksley last evening) to New Mexico and reportedly visited Zach Gentry this morning before he took off to Michigan. It seems Jay Norvell or somebody joined him from Austiin too. Also, Charlie made a call to Gentry this morning. So being reported. Holy Molly. Nobody knows what we are saying to Zach about the whole Murray situation, but we are putting a full court press on all three QBs at this point. One has to believe that we will land 1 or 2 out f these 3. Has recruiting ever been this much fun?
Back to this thread after the Gentry decommit that is discussed elsewhere and some comments from Locksley after his OV this past weekend about many Texas recruits (committed ones, as well as uncommitted ones like Burt) asking/pressing him to "be their QB", etc...
Here is something I just saw posted by Chris Nee, staff of the Seminoles 247 site.
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