This whole Kyler Murray visit yesterday has messed up all our calculations on QBs. Still, only a low chance (say 33%) that we will end up getting him but it sets in motion more things.
I saw somebody say late last night (unconfirmed by others) that Charlie's in-home visit with QB Zach Gentry in New Mexico, which was to be today, has now been postponed and that Gentry is making a visit to Michigan this weekend. [EDIT: It was Jason Higdon of scout who said it, but what he said was this - "Charlie Strong, Shawn Watson and Jay Norvell were supposed to make an in-home Thursday. That will not happen in my opinion.". So, no confirmed change of plans on the in-home]
Consider a 50% chance that he flips to Michigan which goes up to 75% if Murray commits, and drops to 25% if Murray doesn't commit. If he is actually visiting Meatchicken this weekend, I would like Charlie to postpone his in-home till AFTER that visit to get in his ear last. Harbaugh already used up his only chance at an in-home when he went to New Mexico to get him to consider visiting Ann Arbor.
But if Gentry flips, the chance for Locksley to commit (and for Merrick to get a scholarship) goes up to 80%. That also means that we are sure to drop any idea of any pro-style offense and can only go to a running-QB offense, barring Merrick somehow being a miracle pro-style QB immediately (zero chance).
This Murray/Lodge visit seems to have put everything into a very tricky situation. If Charlie pulls off those guys, it is the recruiting coup of the year, but there are some dangers involved in this. We could end up with neither Murray nor Gentry. Hope Charlie and Watson know what they are doing! Talk about guts to go for big recruiting prize-fights and throw punches this late!
Again, Gentry has been very solid and seemed not bothered with our interest in Locksley, but Kyler Murray is a different deal. Even then, I think Gentry who has been solid all year, would have stuck with us, but for suddenly being courted by one of the very few guys who can pry him away from Watson. Harbaugh, that is. Great timing by Harbaugh. I guess Harbaugh had also heard the rumblings since late December of a possible Murray-to-Texas thing that everybody was keeping under wraps both at farmerville and Austin, and decided to take a chance, as he is kinda desperate for players.
Boy, isn't recruiting fun?