Riots in Minneapolis

Seattle 'autonomous zone' has armed guards, local businesses being threatened with extortion, police say

What is happening in Seattle right now is exactly what will happen once Police are disbanded or, more likely, rendered impotent by local governments (including San Antonio which is now talking about diverting police funds to God knows what).

Armed guards (Antifa? Who knows?) are now patrolling the captive zone (CHAZ) in downtown Seattle's border. Anyone entering has to show an id. Who knows who these self-appointed guardians are and what "laws" they are enforcing. They're shaking down business owners within it for money, so I guess they believe in taxation. This is something you'd expect in Somalia or Syria, not the U.S.
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THIS is just insane
5 years ago a Chick-fil-A employee wore a shirt that said "Back the Blue" which was to show support for a local kids team. Now people are calling for CfA to apologize. These people are beyond insane
Does the "Battle for Seattle" remind you a little of ISIS? A rouge group with a radical ideology trying set up an autonomous zone within an existing state? This could be the start of something big if it spreads.
Where do these crazed people come from?
Do you think that pos woman who insulted the police and then screamed like a deranged banshee not know how she sounded?
Reportedly protestors (i.e. left-wing radicals) trying to set up an autonomous zone in downtown Portland. No big surprise, I'd say.

How long before it takes hold in Austin and will our governor show a little backbone?
How can we get our county back?
" The Fabulous Fox Theater in St. Louis ran a marquee in remembrance of retired Police Captain David Dorn after his death. The theater is a St. Louis landmark and was built in 1929. The theater included #BlueLivesMatter in the marquee.

So you know what happened next.

The Fabulous Fox removed the marquee and apologized for including #BlueLivesMatter in their message.
Re: Capital Hill Autonomous Zone

Here is a quote from Jerry Garcia (the late guitarist for The Grateful Dead; the "house band" for the early 60's hippie movement) about what happened to their "scene" back in the 60's (Haight-Ashbury):

"Then the big media flash came out. Time magazine guys came out and interviewed everybody and took photographs and made it news. The feedback from that killed the whole scene. We could no longer sustain the tiny trickle that was really supporting everybody. The whole theory in hip economics is essentially that you can have a small amount of money and move it around very fast and it would work out, but when you have thousands and thousands of people, it’s just too unwieldy. And all the attempts at free food and all that, certain people had to work too hard to justify it. At the early stages we were operating completely purely without anybody looking on, without anybody looking through the big window. We were going along really well. And then the crowds came in. All the people who were looking for something. The Hollywood people came. There was a whole new consciousness starting to happen and it was really working nice, but then the flood came and that was it."

There's a lot in that one statement about socialism and communes and how it really works. SOMEBODY has to work so everybody can have their free stuff.
One of his statements...

"On Tuesday, Farage called Black Lives Matter a "far left Marxist organisation that wants to abolish the police and dismantle capitalism.""

Not sure he really said anything WRONG there...he just exercised an opinion that the far left didn't approve of because they are too blinded by their own goals to recognize truth when they hear it...
Does the "Battle for Seattle" remind you a little of ISIS? A rouge group with a radical ideology trying set up an autonomous zone within an existing state? This could be the start of something big if it spreads.

That award goes to the Paris Commune of 1871. Read about it if you want to know how this all turns out.

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