Taken from social media.
Please read this with an open mind as it is not my intent to further any discord between races. I just need the freedom to speak freely.
My mind is swimming with so many thoughts right now I can barely focus. The racial tension in our country is exploding. People’s true feelings on both sides are coming out that they have kept under wraps for a long time and it’s quite interesting to see how people really feel.
I really wanted to make a response video to Candace Owens’ (search youtube for Candace Owens George Floyd and watch the entire 18-min video if you haven’t already) reaction to George Floyd’s death, but I won’t put it on my YouTube channel which is primarily focused on bible teaching. I also don’t wish to bring even more attention to her and her message. So, I’ll write my thoughts down and be done with it.
I’m writing this because I don’t want millions of people around the world to get the wrong perception about the majority of African Americans based on Candace Owens’ now viral video. So here goes.
1. Candace Owens says, “George Floyd was a criminal” because of his past crimes (2014 and back) and because he was high at the time he was arrested.” What value is it to bring up someone’s past when they die? At what funeral do you ever see anyone bring up a laundry list of that person’s mistakes, sins, and even crimes, while they lived? Tell me when is it ever appropriate to do this? Do you know how many CEOs of companies that get high, get drunk, beat their wives and cheat on their wives? But when these people die we don’t bring up their mistakes. Why? Because it’s inappropriate and deflects the attention away from celebrating that person’s life. That alone was an extreme display of a lack of class and a weak attempt to try to divert the attention away from the primary issue: murder. Isn’t it interesting that we have famous people who have been convicted of rape, tax evasion, prostitution but we don’t categorize them as a “criminal.” Just wondering if it would have been appropriate to bring up that the apostle Paul persecuted Christians at his funeral.
2. Candace Owens says, “black people are the only race who like to turn criminals into heroes overnight.” First off, just because someone committed a crime or crimes at one point in their life doesn’t make them a criminal for life. People can and often do turn their life around and it appears as though George Floyd was at least attempting to do that (just go watch his funeral to see all of the lives he touched). Also, who are all these “criminals” that black people are trying to make into heroes? And who are the black people that are trying to do this? Once again, a poor generalization of an entire race.
3. Candace Owens says, “The black community is the only community that caters to the bottom denominator of our society.” She continues and says, “we are the only people who fight for people who are up to no good.” I don’t know any black people that protest that criminals should get a free pass just because they are black. If George Floyd tried to buy something with a counterfeit bill then he should have been arrested and/or fined, not murdered. If he was arrested and fined, no right-minded black person would be trying to “justify that.” It’s injustice that we are fighting against, not justice.
4. Candace Owens says, “Black people are celebrating George Floyd as a martyr for black America and I won’t support that.” First off, the definition of a martyr is “someone who is killed because of their religious beliefs.” Usually, martyrs volunteer to die for what they believe in. George Floyd was murdered. Second, no one is “celebrating” his death. Rather, many are protesting the WAY in which he died. People (of all races and colors mind you) are protesting to put an end to police brutality.
5. Candace Owens says, “George Floyd was not amazing person.” Now you’re standing in the position of God. My Bible says, “There is no one good. No not one.” Romans 3:10-12. Maybe he was and maybe he wasn’t, but “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” John 8. If people went back into our past and drug up our mistakes, they may very well say the same thing about us.
6. Candace Owens says, “George Floyd being high is what caused the police officer to feel threatened.” People of all races are high just about all the time. Many of these people are white collar workers in corporate America who enjoy a recreational high and when doing so, also act crazy when they are high. Do the police feel threatened by them?
7. Candace Owens says, “racially motivated police brutality is a myth.” Not worth my response here.
8. Candace Owens “blames black looters for the deaths of innocent people and the death of an innocent police officer.” People of all colors protested and looted and many people of a variety of races were responsible for the loss of innocent lives. As a believer, I mourn for the loss of life for all innocent people, but some hit home more than others and I think we can all agree on that. You would be more grieved if your son was brutally murdered than someone who is murdered oversees that you don’t know. It’s human nature to grieve more when things hit home.
9. Candace Owens says, “there are plenty of doctors who accidentally kill their patients and you don’t see people protesting about that?” Comparing intentional murder at the hands of a police officer to doctors who, to her admission, “accidentally” lose their patients is just staggering! No Mrs. Owens, you’re right. We don’t protest when doctors accidentally lose a patient...because that’s not murder.
10. Candace Owens says, “black people are the only people who make hashtags about criminals trying to free them from prison.” Once again, I don’t know of any black people who are advocating for black criminals to be freed from prison unless of course they were unjustly put in there (which happens quite often).
11. Candace Owens insinuates that blacks assume that all police officers are horrible human beings. Once again, this is an embarrassment to the black race. Most everyone I know (and I know a lot of black people) support the police force, have family members in the police force and believe that the majority of them are good. This broad generalization furthers the false narrative that it’s blue vs. black.
12. Candace Owens says, “The best way to avoid police brutality is to limit your interactions with them.” Wow. This is yet another saying that I literally couldn’t believe came out of her mouth. Tell me, how could Philando Castile have “avoided interaction” with the police? He’s in a car with his lady and child in the backseat with a license to carry and gets gunned down by a police officer in his front seat in broad daylight. But he should have avoided that interaction, right? You mean how I should have avoided being stuffed into a police car after GOLF practice in 10th grade as a straight A student? The implication behind her statement is that if you get assaulted by the police you could have avoided that by “avoiding the interaction with the cop altogether.” Wow.
13. Candace Owens says, “Black people who are educated are looked at by other blacks as ‘coons.’” I’ve never heard of any of my black friends call another black person a coon because they were educated. I’m educated and I’ve never had a black person call me a coon. Once again, another broad generalization.
14. Candace Owens says, “black people are the only group of people who will protest to get drug dealers out of prison.” Yes, if they were put in there unjustly or given a sentence that far exceeded the crime (which there are statistics to support that African American men are given harsher sentences for the same crimes as other races) then yes that deserves a protest hence the reason for our current prison reform.
15. Candace Owens says, “Kobe Bryant is my hero not George Floyd.” But last I checked, RIP Kobe, Kobe Bryant was far from perfect. What makes his sin any better or worse than George Floyd’s?
The overall problem with her entire “rant” as she calls it, is that she takes a very small population of the African-American community and categorizes our entire race by the minority. It’s interesting that she, as a black woman, is doing the very thing we don’t want others to do to us. Please judge each person of ANY race as an individual void of any stereotypes and preconceived ideas of who you think they are. I think once we all do that, we will take a huge step towards racial reconciliation.
And...to all of my “friends” who liked her post and video and bought her pitiful representation of the black race, please be careful of what you support and believe and do your own research. Pressing that like button means you agree with what she said. And what she said was largely racial discrimination against her own race.