Riots in Minneapolis

Look at all the places where the most violence is taking place in this country. The two things you have in every situation is low employment opportunities and low education.

The most conservative cities had the lowest amounts of rioting, violence and looting. What was the level of rioting in Salt Lake City? An old guy got pushed down by police and then helped back up.

Do y’all use Google?

Salt Lake City is under curfew as a rally to protest death of George Floyd turns violent. Gov. Herbert activates National Guard.
Lest we forget his knee brace.
“We’re looking for a few more bad apples“

So LH, I'm the designated HF Huckleberry tonight... why are you here?

(You probably didn't see the movie Tombstone, so you get a hint).

Why do you post on HF?

Does posting here make you feel good? Do YOU think your posts justify all the lawlessness and mayhem?

Do you think your over the top ******** posts and re-tweets are changing minds of highly educated and more balanced people here on HF ?

Why do you bother? Do you give a F about this country and the future... I'm not sure you do?

So, share with us your important point of view on these important questions?
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Those Mormons are bad asses.
There is truth to it. My wife had a Mormon girl from Utah working for her and this gal was an absolute rock star. Super bright, hard working, great with customers, leadership instincts, everything.

That said, I feel like posting a Taysom Hill video here crosses a line of basic decency.
There is truth to it. My wife had a Mormon girl from Utah working for her and this gal was an absolute rock star. Super bright, hard working, great with customers, leadership instincts, everything.

That said, I feel like posting a Taysom Hill video here crosses a line of basic decency.

No White player should make any defense look that bad.

We got Chauvined in that game.
Wow, police reform and some Rudy approach that worked!
Yeah.... I’m not so sure. Camden is an undeniable shi&-hole. They quit reporting the crimes to the FBI. My guess is that some crime has decreased only because so many people have been killed there that the opportunities to commit more crimes is unavailable. The crime rate is somewhere between 500% and 800% higher than anywhere else in joisey.
Hey LH, thanks for your serious consideration of the invitation from the poster: The Eyes of Texas. You know, to sponsor your high volume and questionable *** on HF.

Why not step up since you feel you have such a valuable platform here to spew your America hating and subversive and ********.
Hey LH, thanks for your serious consideration of the invitation from the poster: The Eyes of Texas. You know, to sponsor your high volume and questionable *** on HF.

Why not step up since you feel you have such a valuable platform here to spew your America hating and subversive and ********.

You always reply to my posts and similar posts about you as: "funny" but you never respond with an honest and coherent answer.... I find that funny.
Hey LH, thanks for your serious consideration of the invitation from the poster: The Eyes of Texas. You know, to sponsor your high volume and questionable *** on HF.

Why not step up since you feel you have such a valuable platform here to spew your America hating and subversive and ********.
Why doesn't everybody just put him on ignore? My feed hasn't suffered for doing so.
There is truth to it. My wife had a Mormon girl from Utah working for her and this gal was an absolute rock star. Super bright, hard working, great with customers, leadership instincts, everything.

I used to have a neighbor who was Mormon. He was the kind of guy who if he saw you couldn't get your lawn mower started would come over and fix it for you. He was also an Air Force fighter pilot . I was sad when he got transferred out.

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