Riots in Minneapolis

Perhaps even worse, policymakers are making massive (or supposedly massive) changes based on one anecdote and in flagrant denial or indifference to facts, data, and statistics. They're basically operating with total irrationality and arbitrariness, and that is, frankly, frightening.

I think when you see what is happening (looting, confederate statues, booing vigorously during speeches, harrassment of politicians etc), it is clear to me that the tactics of intimidation are working.

Seattle liked to pretend these things (abolishment of ICE as evidence of an open border campaign) were from a fringe group with no power or real backing. I think he's 100% wrong. I think these things absolutely define what it means to be a Liberal and separates them from Democrats and of course anyone to the right of Democrats. They are ruthless and gaining power because people are afraid to even state balanced opinions such as, "I support BLM but I also want to honor my country" or "I support removing statues honoring Confederate icons but I don't want a mob to do it; I want it done in an orderly fashion." Even things like that will be met with total abuse.

And they are growing in power. That is why Trump is so popular. At least that's my view.
You guys hearing this lady Lisa Bender (outspoken Minneapolis city council member)?
A real piece of work from our feelings over reality modern education system. She sounds like a 4 year old.
Among other things states that having a police force is a form of (white) privilege that needs to be made more fair and safe for all by getting rid of it.
Clearly her lack of critical thinking about her own thoughts and words keeps her from recognizing the fact that the community most likely most adversely affected by this brilliant maneuver will be the black community.
Which is also the flag of the country that banned racism 52 years ago.
Yeah, a bit of logical confusion there.

Sure, we still have improvement to make. But ask yourself, in which of the following countries* would an average BLM leader be least likely to suffer from acts of racial discrimination in employment, housing, etc.:

South Korea

*I picked a sampling from over much of the world, plus the USA.

As a nation, we should celebrate successes more and stop beating ourselves over the head.
“We’re looking for a few more bad apples“

What I find humorous is that allegations of white officer/white victim are now racist. You idiots cannot even keep your narratives correct.

Buffalo officers will be in good shape though...after the acquittal comes the check for the back-pay and the check from the State for the wrongful incarceration.
They thinks it's funny for Trump to be driven to a bunker by leftist domestic terrorists.

it will be funny when Trump routs Joe Biden in November. I look for the wheels to come off after the election. Liberals will violently riot when Trump is Re-elected. It might get ugly especially in NYC. I also expect some financial issues with the stock market in 2021. Will be interesting!
The soon to be overused "karen" is an interesting label. I think we should label all people since treating them as individuals is not popular. I have a friend in law enforcement and we were discussing this recently. I said one of my all time favorites was a running back from the NY Jets named Terdell Middleton. I asked him what he thought, and he said his favorite crook name was "Pimpterious". That is literally the perp's given name. So I would like to formally nominate all black crooks to be labeled as "Pimpterious".
The soon to be overused "karen" is an interesting label. I think we should label all people since treating them as individuals is not popular. I have a friend in law enforcement and we were discussing this recently. I said one of my all time favorites was a running back from the NY Jets named Terdell Middleton. I asked him what he thought, and he said his favorite crook name was "Pimpterious". That is literally the perp's given name. So I would like to formally nominate all black crooks to be labeled as "Pimpterious".
I think the "Karen" tag is kinda funny. "Karen" wants to speak to the manager... I guess it's all funny unless they use your name or the name of a family member or close friend to describe "that" person.
I think the "Karen" tag is kinda funny. "Karen" wants to speak to the manager... I guess it's all funny unless they use your name or the name of a family member or close friend to describe "that" person.
I do kind of like it. Hopefully, we will soon see Pimpterious the crook and Karen the ***** in a mixed couple commercial selling something that saves the world.
Karen is doing just fine y’all

^ You mean the people who take the risks and create economic opportunity for others just leave when the locals trash the place? Privilege trigger!

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