Riots in Minneapolis

Let's see how it works out for them. The wealthy and large business can afford private security, the poor cannot. Yet the liberals keep saying they want to help the poor. They want to help themselves to fascism.

What I suspect is that the police force will simply get reinvented with more politically correct verbiage and a good dose of self-flagellating from the chief and white liberals. I'm sure that the city will still have guys patrolling neighborhoods with weapons and the ability to arrest people. They may come up with a different name for those guys, but I'd be pretty shocked if they truly don't exist anymore.
I heard that the next logical action that the BLM/Leftist agitators must demand is for the TV networks to eliminate all those cop shows! All those Chicago PD,CSIs, and live action cop shows have gotta go. They show cops in way too good of a light; honest, brave, etc.

That would hit the networks in the pocketbook, so we'll see if anything comes from it.
I heard that the Minneapolis city charter requires the city to have a police department. Any attempt to do away with the PD should require an election to amend the city charter. That would be a good thing. Maybe then we'd see what the tax payers think, not just the BLM crowd, many of whom probably are from out of town.
We really need to get the debates started. I’ll be interested in quid pro Joe’s positions on defunding police and other woke topics.
:whiteflag: ThePresident of the Minneapolis City Council said this when asked who people should call if their home was broken into

"America In Crisis".

There it is, folks. That is the latest "MSM" effort to make it look lime the country is out of control, and the blame, naturally, must fall in Trump, to the Dems "leading" these places where the riots are most prevalent.
Anarchy isn't chaos. Defunding the police doesn't mean no security. It means the community organizing, arming and defending itself from crime. Will probably work better than police anyway.
I heard it differently. They say that we have the police doing a lot of stuff that they're not experts in. They serve as mental health evaluators, social workers, etc. We need to man those functions by trained professionals and not police. That part makes sense. In that manner it's more massaging the municipal budget more than "defunding the police".

I think demilitarizing the police would go a long way. They have more riot gear than health care professionals have PPE.

It's also a culture that needs to change. We need police leaders like the Chief in Atlanta or in Lansing.

I've heard soldiers say that if they'd done some of the **** they've seen cops do in our streets in Falujah they'd have been dishonorably discharged. It takes two hands to count cops I've seen do stupid **** like pull down someones mask to spray them with pepper spray or just spray it indiscriminately at peaceful protesters as they drive by.
Being the fan of a school that celebrates breaking the law through the theft of land, it isn't surprising you would find the defunding of the police a good idea.

I heard it differently. They say that we have the police doing a lot of stuff that they're not experts in. They serve as mental health evaluators, social workers, etc. We need to man those functions by trained professionals and not police. That part makes sense. In that manner it's more massaging the municipal budget more than "defunding the police".

I think demilitarizing the police would go a long way. They have more riot gear than health care professionals have PPE.

It's also a culture that needs to change. We need police leaders like the Chief in Atlanta or in Lansing.

I've heard soldiers say that if they'd done some of the **** they've seen cops do in our streets in Falujah they'd have been dishonorably discharged. It takes two hands to count cops I've seen do stupid **** like pull down someones mask to spray them with pepper spray or just spray it indiscriminately at peaceful protesters as they drive by.

I think there is some merit to what you say. But it will probably cost more money; not less.

But how many times have we seen a police officer shot and killed when responding to a domestic abuse situation. Would you first send in the counselor?
We really need to get the debates started. I’ll be interested in quid pro Joe’s positions on defunding police and other woke topics.

Quid Pro Joe's position will be whatever the party tells him it is. He's just a façade that the Dem party thinks will not put off the voters.

I heard him quoted as saying that his VP must be ready to assume the Presidency immediately because "I'm and old guy and anything can happen to me". I think that's the plan; get Joe elected with a radical VP like Warren and when Joe goes; voila we got an unelectable extremist in the White House.

The question is coming from a place of privilege. Ok, let's see if I can debug that comment.

What I'm thinking it means is that a person with an expectation of a response to a 911 call is privileged and will now have to accept that chances are nobody will respond because the expectation is no longer going to be indulged. And you cannot complain about this because your privilege has now rightfully been removed from the equation.
I recall Liberals accusing Bush of "talking down" the economy in 2000 instead of accepting that the .com boom of the 1990's was a false economy and not evidence of Bill Clinton's genius as an economist.

What we have now is a talking down of a career in law enforcement. Defunding will be through attrition and less people applying for jobs. Who would aspire to be a cop knowing the political arena and the clear intention to cut back on headcount? This will be the immediate blowback. It's obvious what will happen. And maybe the threat of defunding and making changes is all they really need to do.

They probably know that.
He was looking for trouble and got it.

Especially now that we know he was a professional agitator trying to scan radio frequencies in use by that team...

I suspect he is not going to like the depositions and cross-examination that will follow as the case moves forward.

the shadow itself^ is kinda funny

Sad thing is that many will believe she actually WAS holding a sign there. Amazing that the photoshop idiots couldn't add the shadow for the full effect...
I feel so privileged that I got to start working as a teenager and through college and have worked ever since then and lived within my means and sacrificed a bit and saved a few pesos and (mostly) didn't live like a dumb **** - shame on all of you who had the scandalous privilege to work hard and be a decent human!

In an online debate with a Liberals my entire 40 year business career along with my immaculate credit (NEVER MISSED A RENT, CAR OR MORTGAGE PAYMENT) was written off in ten seconds when they said, "Your advantages made that happen. Had I had your advantages I would have been that disciplined too."

Personal responsibility and discipline is deleted from any equation of circumstance.
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In an online debate with a Liberals my entire 40 year business career along with my immaculate credit (NEVER MISSED A RENT, CAR OR MORTGAGE PAYMENT) was written off in ten seconds when they said, "Your advantages made that happen. Had I had your advantages I would have been that disciplined too."

Personal responsibility and discipline is deleted from any equation of circumstance.
The hell you mean your career and stellar credit history were not things just handed to you by helicoptering of free crap? You had to WORK for it? And you have the audacity to have used your WORKING privilege to advance in life?

I've been fortunate not to have many of those idiots in timelines or in live conversations...but to the first one that does try, I would ask them what they know about being a female trying to work in the Texas prison system in the mid-80's. Advancement was not exactly something handed out on a silver platter. Things did become easier when we opened up the system and added units in the late 80's and early 90's, but it STILL meant uprooting and going out to West Texas.

When I moved to the Parole Division in the late 90's, I had a section director who was of color and two assistant section directors who were ALSO of color. THEN we had an agency executive director who was of color. I guess they somehow got people to believe they ALSO had privilege (despite being 'of color').

There are times where I am reminded of something our Vietnamese physician at the Ferguson Unit was fond of telling inmates who refused to turn out for job assignments..."you have an illness that affects don't want to work. I cannot help you with that." It was actually uttered in broken English, but one clearly got the point being made.
I recall Liberals accusing Bush of "talking down" the economy in 2000 instead of accepting that the .com boom of the 1990's was a false economy and not evidence of Bill Clinton's genius as an economist.

What we have now is a talking down of a career in law enforcement. Defunding will be through attrition and less people applying for jobs. Who would aspire to be a cop knowing the political arena and the clear intention to cut back on headcount? This will be the immediate blowback. It's obvious what will happen. And maybe the threat of defunding and making changes is all they really need to do.

They probably know that.

Perhaps even worse, policymakers are making massive (or supposedly massive) changes based on one anecdote and in flagrant denial or indifference to facts, data, and statistics. They're basically operating with total irrationality and arbitrariness, and that is, frankly, frightening.

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