Riots in Minneapolis

Now people are not allowed to have racist opinions? You can't tell people how to think or feel. You can say, I don't want anything to do with this person or that person for being racist, that is your choice but to attack him for his beliefs or attitudes does nothing but probably hardens those beliefs. There are a lot of pissed off people on both sides of this. The fact that dicks like you think everyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist just shows how little you know or care about people. Truthfully you are such a trash person I now pretty much consider you nothing more than a cockroach.
Now people are not allowed to have racist opinions? You can't tell people how to think or feel. You can say, I don't want anything to do with this person or that person for being racist, that is your choice but to attack him for his beliefs or attitudes does nothing but probably hardens those beliefs.

On the contrary, I prefer all the racists to publicly publish their racist rants, as is their constitutional right. Then Americans know who the racists are, so we can kick them out of our alumni associations and country clubs, as happened here.

But he didn’t intend to publicly publish their racist rant. It was an accident. And he and his wife are real sorry about that now, as evidenced by their apology for being racists.
There's several types of Liberals:

1) Those who have been historically wronged by America and you can't blame an emotional response from them. Not the looting, but anger is not a surprise to me.
2) Socially maladjusted bitter losers. Trolls. Typically white people.
3) The culturally obsessed; racists of color.
4) Highly educated professor types; ivory tower; egomania about their evolved minds .
5) Entertainers obsessed with virtue signaling.
6) The political elite who are clearly baiting #'s 1, 2 & 3 with emotional rhetoric in order to get them to accept their solution: Totalitarian socialism, a feudal society, mindless equality, high taxes a massive patronage complex and unquestioned authority.
7) OU Bubba - seems to be a really good guy. Not totally sure why so far to the Left but is able to maintain a civil conversation and is not a troll at all. You can have beers with him. Is pleasant enough but stubborn too.

Then there are Democrats:

1) Rational
2) Will compromise
3) Pro choice; pro gay marriage
4) Pro strong military
5) Patriotic
6) Conservative on many issues
7) Govern without religious or feminist obsessions
8) Upset that Liberal extremists caused the blow-back of Trump
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On the contrary, I prefer all the racists to publicly publish their racist rants, as is their constitutional right. Then Americans know who the racists are, so we can kick them out of our alumni associations and country clubs, as happened here.

But he didn’t intend to publicly publish their racist rant. It was an accident. And he and his wife are real sorry about that now, as evidenced by their apology for being racists.
LH, this is borderline racist and encouragement of crime (referring to Kitty Eisele). The tweeter works for NPR. Is she going to lose her job and kicked out of her clubs? You know the answer, which is why you are a dishonest POSter.

Let’s pause for a minute to recall that the mob got rid of Chris Matthews. This escaped my memory due to the coronavirus. Imagine his sanctimony if he was still on the air. Then again, he might have said something like all lives matter and we could have watched him get frog-marched out of the studio. So, in these dark times, let’s remember our victories of the recent past.
On the contrary, I prefer all the racists to publicly publish their racist rants, as is their constitutional right. Then Americans know who the racists are, so we can kick them out of our alumni associations and country clubs, as happened here.

But he didn’t intend to publicly publish their racist rant. It was an accident. And he and his wife are real sorry about that now, as evidenced by their apology for being racists.
Your Country Club? I bet you’re in a nice one. Paraphrasing WC Fields, no one would want to join a club that would have you as a member.

I doubt anyone cares whether they’re in your junior college alumni association either.

How can you possibly criticize racists? They may be mad at the system, and you don’t know what state of mind they are in so you can’t pass judgement, remember?
This should be tried on a smaller scale than Minneapolis

Minneapolis deserves what it’s going to get. When businesses and tourists starting staying away, maybe it pull its head out In time to right the ship. Maybe the state that has given us Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar will start to elect more conservative leaders.
How many
1)blacks have blacks killed
2)black businesses have been destroyed
3)stores in predominantly black areas have been destroyed making life more difficult on black families
4) blacks will face repercussions throughout the country as bias against them has increased, and,
5) blacks will die from Covid due to riots and protests

as a result of protests from BLM and others? Can we consider the results an overwhelming success, or yet another horrible failure of the black community?
How many
1)blacks have blacks killed
2)black businesses have been destroyed
3)stores in predominantly black areas have been destroyed making life more difficult on black families
4) blacks will face repercussions throughout the country as bias against them has increased, and,
5) blacks will die from Covid due to riots and protests

as a result of protests from BLM and others? Can we consider the results an overwhelming success, or yet another horrible failure of the black community?
The idiotic BLM rioters have violated perhaps the oldest and wisest of axioms, "Never **** in your own bed."
The carnage if/when Minny disbands the PD will be epic. NYC will be next.

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