Barry, you raise some fair points here. I think some liberals think that simply second-guessing what a police officer does is where they lose conservatives. It's not. Most fair-minded people (even on the Right) can look at some of these incidents and either side against the officer or at least accept that reasonable people could side against the officer. I think that's true of Castille, Garner, and some others. I think people could look at the Floyd incident and find that Derek Chauvin was out of line. I think murder is a tremendous stretch, but manslaughter certainly is not. Either way, it's not crazy to think Chauvin is a villain in this, even if you're on the Right.
You lose the Right on two grounds. First, you all put far too little focus on the actions of the suspect being pursued, and you simply can't do that and claim to be a fair arbiter of these incidents. Most commentators I've heard on TV discussing this case acted as though Chauvin just randomly went after Floyd to **** him up. The fact that Floyd committed a crime is important. The fact that Floyd resisted arrest is massively important, and commentators of the left minimize this stuff (resisting arrest, running from the police, etc.), and no sane person doesn't think that stuff is huge. It's going to massively impact how an officer pursues a suspect. It has to, and you can't have a civil society in which it doesn't. And it's not just on this case. It's the pattern that liberal commentators routinely follow on these stories.
I understand why you all do it. You aren't going to amp people up and motivate them over a counterfeiter doped up on fentanyl who gets killed resisting arrest, because superficially it just doesn't seem like that big of an injustice. To amp people up, you need a guy like Floyed to be framed as basically a good guy and therefore a martyr of sorts. Well, people see through crap like that, and frankly, it diminishes your credibility with some on the Right. George Floyd doesn't have to be a good guy to make Derek Chauvin look bad.
Second, you all make far too many and too big of leaps and usually do so without evidence or at least against the great weight of the evidence and usually devoid of logic. Specifically, it's when you take the leap that not only is Derek Chauvin bad, but he's indicative of a broader and deeper evil not only in police but in American and Western society in general. Chauvin's bad, but police in general is bad. I'm bad. You're bad. Whitey is bad. Capitalism is bad. America is bad. Well, people of the Right are going to go on defense with that kind of ****, because it's ultimately an attack on their country and on them personally. It's stupid comments like Chris Cuomo saying that we don't get reform (whatever that means) beause not enought white people are getting killed (ignoring the fact that police kill white peole more often). That kind of crap is miles away from, "Derek Chauvin is a bad guy." You can think Derek Chauvin is a manslaughterer or even murderer and still think that kind of **** is wrong and destructive. And yet those kinds of comments are routinely made by liberals and almost never challenged or walked back. Well, if you're a patriotic American, that kind of **** is gonna turn you off.