Riots in Minneapolis

One long whiny article. Black folks who have moved into middle or upper middle class find it’s not as heavenly as they thought. For example:

In many ways, Keisha thinks her situation is similar to her parents’: Growing up, her family was always “comfortable,” but with “the feeling that if income stops, then that would change very quickly.” The difference, Keisha says, is that her parents had a much larger support network — and they were making less money. “It was understandable for them to need help occasionally, as opposed to myself and my spouse, who don’t have children and make higher salaries. I feel like people in my situation are held to a different standard.” There’s no room to mess up, no room for catastrophe. It’s hard to knit your own social safety net when you’re the safety net for so many other people as well.

For Black Americans, the middle class has always been a mirage — Vox
One long whiny article. Black folks who have moved into middle or upper middle class find it’s not as heavenly as they thought. For example:

In many ways, Keisha thinks her situation is similar to her parents’: Growing up, her family was always “comfortable,” but with “the feeling that if income stops, then that would change very quickly.” The difference, Keisha says, is that her parents had a much larger support network — and they were making less money. “It was understandable for them to need help occasionally, as opposed to myself and my spouse, who don’t have children and make higher salaries. I feel like people in my situation are held to a different standard.” There’s no room to mess up, no room for catastrophe. It’s hard to knit your own social safety net when you’re the safety net for so many other people as well.

For Black Americans, the middle class has always been a mirage — Vox
Opposite argument here. I find the above amusing since my dad was the oldest son of Italian immigrants who came over penniless and left my dad no inheritance when they passed on.

Woke Politics are a Disaster for Minorities
Bigotry of low expectations. Apparently it’s racist to dress nice at work:

Many of Claytor’s interviewees — who work in fields ranging from the arts to finance — are the only Black employee, or one of a handful of Black employees, in their workplaces. The burden of representation falls on them, and they police their own appearances accordingly, often at significant cost. “Jackie Robinson syndrome,” in which Black employees feel they must groom and conduct themselves as exemplars, runs rampant: “For the sake of their careers, they try to be more ‘put together’ than their white counterparts and take far more care of their appearance,” Claytor writes. “They describe wearing dress pants when their white colleagues are wearing khakis. While they are sure to wear clothing that is always clean and pressed, they describe white colleagues as wearing clothes that are wrinkled and have holes.”

It takes a lot of racial privilege to wear whatever you want in the workplace. It also costs a significant amount of money — and time and concern and stress — to counteract others’ preconceptions. Darryl, a bank associate, tells Claytor that he developed a secondary, unspoken dress code for himself. He shaved off his goatee, and because he’d chosen to keep his hair in cornrows, he felt the need to dress in a way that offset it: always “neat” and “nice.” His white coworkers might come in with “some dingy-***, dirty-*** t-shirt, or a sweater with a hole in it” — an unthinkable option for a Black man in so many workplaces.
Okay, different article, different topic. But instead of blaming society, maybe this is the issue:

Child care was a problem before coronavirus for the single mother of two living in Chandler, Arizona. During the pandemic, it’s been a nightmare. Day cares operating at reduced staffing are quick to pull the trigger when Xavier acts out, said Anaya, 42.

Child care problems skyrocketed under COVID. Women paid the price. — USA TODAY
I’m sensing a trend in progressivism: blame the problems of an identity group on others despite hard facts, such as 1) men can’t have periods, 2) out of wedlock births are going to be problematic economically, etc. You know, the stuff they used to tell you instead of telling folks it’s not your fault.
I think the progressive press is pumping these stories to support Biden domestic policy for spending to address “equity”.
I'm gonna be a broken record on this. If you took every job in America, added them all up and then split them all equitably, you'd still only have 13% Black representation. In some fields you may have more, but in others you will have less.

This isn't going to change no matter what anyone says. If 50% of all doctors and lawyers are Black, you're still going to be massively underrepresented elsewhere. This is simply a numbers issue. Period. Do people really not understand this?
Thanks. I saw it on Fox News, but just quickly checked the other major outlets all of which did not have it. I did see it on Washington State news outlets.
Thanks. I saw it on Fox News, but just quickly checked the other major outlets all of which did not have it. I did see it on Washington State news outlets.

It wasn't a huge local story. It's a bigger story to FoxNews than locals. Surprised?

Seattle Times. Yes, they carried the AP story.
KOMO News This story has the most detail. KOMO is also a Sinclair owned station thus has a conservative bias.

Summary: Homeless advocacy organization had paid for 17 rooms in the hotel. Armed group (45?) associated with the same homeless advocacy organization walk into hotel demanding 40 rooms. 10 people detained. 3 facing felony charges (2 of which had previous outstanding felony warrants).

Homelessness is a serious problem in Western Washington for a myriad of reasons. 1) Our housing is astronomically expensive due to extreme land limitations since we have mountains on one side and water on the other. Additionally, the pervasiveness of Hi-Tech companies offering lucrative salaries. 2) Moderate climate. It never gets too hot and rarely freezes. 3) A culture that is empathetic to the needs of the homeless population.

Are these populations taking the lead of BLM/Anarchy protests? I have no idea. Clearly they are getting more demanding for solutions recently. I do wonder if the Pandemic is causing a swelling of the homeless population that is forcing this issue on local municipalities.
45 people armed with hatchets, knives, batons and gas masks overtake a hotel in a downtown city in the United States and it is "local news." That's why liberals have no credibility. If 45 Proud Boys did the same thing in Atlanta, would it get covered?

Like the capitol events, no belief or issue warrants violently attacking and taking over any property in the United States. It wasn't right with BLM either, but it was glorified by democrat politicians and liberal news media.

Your homeless population is caused by liberal city governments pushing radical left agendas. The homeless problem is exploding in liberal cities and much of it is caused by lax drug laws/enforcement and city councils willing to promote it.
It wasn't a huge local story. It's a bigger story to FoxNews than locals. Surprised?

Seattle Times. Yes, they carried the AP story.
KOMO News This story has the most detail. KOMO is also a Sinclair owned station thus has a conservative bias.

Summary: Homeless advocacy organization had paid for 17 rooms in the hotel. Armed group (45?) associated with the same homeless advocacy organization walk into hotel demanding 40 rooms. 10 people detained. 3 facing felony charges (2 of which had previous outstanding felony warrants).

Homelessness is a serious problem in Western Washington for a myriad of reasons. 1) Our housing is astronomically expensive due to extreme land limitations since we have mountains on one side and water on the other. Additionally, the pervasiveness of Hi-Tech companies offering lucrative salaries. 2) Moderate climate. It never gets too hot and rarely freezes. 3) A culture that is empathetic to the needs of the homeless population.

Are these populations taking the lead of BLM/Anarchy protests? I have no idea. Clearly they are getting more demanding for solutions recently. I do wonder if the Pandemic is causing a swelling of the homeless population that is forcing this issue on local municipalities.

Agree with iis. Had a conservative Trump group done this, John Brennan would be on CNN warning against the rise of domestic terrorism and advocating the shutting down of conservatives for stoking this kind of vigilante activity as a dangerous attack against democratic values, all while Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon nod along knowingly.
Left out of the summary is that there was no intent to relinquish the rooms after the paid-for night. The situation was going to be the same as in Fife, with the squatters not leaving until told they would face felony charges.

The PNW has molly-coddled the hippie-wannabes for far too long, which is why they continue to get more of them showing up. Austin is going to have the same problems now that the City wants to take control of multiple motel properties. No matter WHAT resources one throws at them, the reality is that crime tends to increase in areas where the 'homeless' congregate. And offering free crap just brings more to the area.
45 people armed with hatchets, knives, batons and gas masks overtake a hotel in a downtown city in the United States and it is "local news." That's why liberals have no credibility. If 45 Proud Boys did the same thing in Atlanta, would it get covered?

It's local news because it didn't happen on "holy" ground. The idol wasn't attacked, so people didn't get offended.
45 people armed with hatchets, knives, batons and gas masks overtake a hotel in a downtown city in the United States and it is "local news." That's why liberals have no credibility. If 45 Proud Boys did the same thing in Atlanta, would it get covered?

Like the capitol events, no belief or issue warrants violently attacking and taking over any property in the United States. It wasn't right with BLM either, but it was glorified by democrat politicians and liberal news media.

Your homeless population is caused by liberal city governments pushing radical left agendas. The homeless problem is exploding in liberal cities and much of it is caused by lax drug laws/enforcement and city councils willing to promote it.

For the same reason that FoxNews didn't cover the Anti-Vaxxers that shut down Dodger Stadium, a mass vaccination site. It's news tailormade the way you want it or at least news that fits a narrative. CNN certainly covered the Dodger Stadium shut down because Anti-Vaxxers, non-science people, are the opponent. FoxNews wants to make everything that happens in the greater Seattle and Portland area a "chaos" situation because us "liberal hippies" are the opponent. It's red meat for many on this board thus drives ratings. I'm just excited to have so many experts on PNW culture and politics on the West Mall. It's truly reassuring.
I actually agree with what you are saying for the most part. Here is a link from Fox to what CNN called a peaceful protest which lasted 55 minutes with no violence and no weapons. Don't get me wrong, no protest should block streets or entrances to public or private buildings. It was delayed based upon the story, not shut down as you state though.

Anti-vaccine protesters temporarily shut down COVID-19 vaccine site | Fox News
Seems to negate the claim that Fox didn't cover the story...
Seems to negate the claim that Fox didn't cover the story...

They covered it the same way CNN covered the the homeless incursion in Olympia. Yes, there is a story that's likely picked up from AP, Reuters or other and it never sees the front page which is all the general news consumers of these sites every read. The front pages set the narrative and are indicative of what each news company thinks is most important. It is their most transparent example of bias.
If they try this too far East in that State, they might get shot.

The Cascades that split the state in 2 created 2 ideologically different cultures. My sons attend WSU in Pullman, WA. When I visit them it's like I'm back in Western Nebraska. The entire culture of Eastern WA is agricultural based, whether it's wheat, apples or most recently mile and miles of grapes. The East hates the West because by sheer volume of citizens the latter controls the state politics. There are crazy secessionists in Eastern WA and OR.
I'm not so sure you should call them "crazy." If the folks in Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon want to split off from their coastal brethren and form a new state, let 'em do it. That makes more sense than making DC the 51st state.

Nah...we typically don't let any Tom, Dick, Harry or Susan break off simply because they disagree with their state. The ones I'm calling "crazy" are the Bundy types. The ones arming up in rural counties waiting for a standoff that will never occur. These are the Ruby Ridge variety that hide out in rural locations across Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Many of these groups don't so much as want to join a different state as they want their own country. For some reason the PNW embraces the extremes on all sides of the political spectrum more than other parts of the country.

I have no issue with typical conservative values represented by the Republican Congresspeople representing Eastern Washington. It should be noted that 2 of those 3 Republicans voted to impeach DJT. They simply have a different value set largely tied to their experience with the economy. It's not lost on me that the majority of the grapes are shipped across the mountains to swanky wineries in Western Washington.
Lest we foget the usual informed person thinks the riots and continued destruction and loss of people's biz and likliehoods is just a street fair
And peacefully shuting down an entrance to a vaxxer site with NO destruction or even loss of appt to get vax is somehow equivalent.
THESE PEOPLE must wear a mask to look in a mirror
Lest we foget the usual informed person thinks the riots and continued destruction and loss of people's biz and likliehoods is just a street fair

Do you have any of your own views? Misrepresenting my views is getting annoying but that may be the intention.

Isn't it time to take someone else's post and exclaim "why aren't the liberals answering to XXX"?
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I take it that things in Minneapolis have calmed down for a while now. Post-Capitol mobs, this sort of thing is currently centered on the West Coast, right?
Allowing state lines to change and conform more to natural constituencies would greatly improve the peace of this country. Eastern WA, OR, and CA all have more in kind with Idaho than the Western parts of their states. If there is enough popular will for it, we should respect their right to do so.

Politics might not be so contentious if people felt there was a way out of being forced to live under the rule of "others".

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