Right Field U-Hauls/Busses

I dont think you understand...they are planning to paint the whole curb yellow no parking, the stickers that were on the buses are simply so that we have to move them now, then while they are gone the curb will be painted no parking at any time. If they were leaning on the 72 hours in one spot thing...trust me we would use that to our advantage...park the buses on thursday night then leave them until sunday night and also have the extra 48 hours notice they have to give for towing to get them out of there by monday.

If we were to somehow only get that law being the issue then I would feel like we scored a victory here, but again they are going to paint it no parking at any time
Longhorn Lawyer, I like your style. My cop friend actually recomended the paying the ticket deal. But as justin and others have suggested, the cops would probably not appreciate us flagrantly violating the no parking signs. The area may be designated a tow away zone too. A tow truck driver would like nothing better than to hall away a bus which would mean about $500 in his pocket.

I appreciate the advice, please keep all suggestions coming.
I just got a call and was told that there is a request on the desk of an engineer right now for yellow curbing. It's apparently from an Officer Halstead (sp?).

I'm being told that the engineers found no reason to comply with this request and that it either has been denied or will be denied...meaning that the area will stay just as it is right now, with "No Parking" signs in place, but that's all.

Hope this helps.

Disclaimer: If something else comes to pass, please don't string me up. I'm just another internet parrot, repeating what I've been told.
if this is true about the engineer finding no reason to do this then we are in a much better situation than before...we can pull the buses in before the weekend games and then pull them out after. It will be a huge pain in the butt, but at least it is better than nothing. The stickers state that the issue is them being there 72 hours, so if you place the bus or vehicle there on Thursday night then you could legally leave it until SUnday night. We really need confirmation on this
I just got off the phone with the Austin Transportation Department. She did not tell me specifically about Comal (she didn't know anything about it) but she told me how the process works.

Presumably, after the request came in from APD/UTPD for no parking it went to one of two engineers for the central austin area, Kristie Weston or Carlton Thomas. They go to the scene and make a report based on the complaint. Considering it was UTPD asking, I'm sure they give them a lot of deference. The engineer then comes back with a report advising (in our case) no parking. Then it is signed off by the managing supervisor for engineers, Alan Hughes. Then finally another manager named David Gerard signs off on it. And there is your no parking sign.

There is a process for removing the sign and we are doing that. Please DO NOT call the transportation department about this. The clerk there is extremely nice and doesn't want to be bothered by 20 people calling about the same thing. We need to speak with one voice and we are doing so.

That being said, if anyone personally knows one of the people listed above. And you know them well enough to think that they would be willing to help us, please see what you can do. These people (Weston, Thomas, Hughes and Gerard) are the key people who will determine whether or not there is parking on Comal. If you don't know them, DO NOT call and complain. We need these people to help us.

As for the process for removal, I will let you know more as soon as we get that rolling. We will be able to utilize everyone's help for that.

I feel like we are getting somewhere, lets keep it up! Thanks again for all the help. Y'all are invited on our bus anytime.
Good News!
Kirk Bohls responded to an email I sent him about our situation. He wrote, "I, too, consider the buses as part of ut's excellent tradition."
He wants testimonials from people with fond memories of being on the buses or having the buses in right field in general. If you would like to tell your story. Please email me at [email protected].

One thing, I need you to give me your REAL contact info (name, phone and address). I will not be distributing it. The info is only if Kirk wants to contact you. I will not share it with anyone else. I think Robert can vouch that I am a quality person in case anyone is wondering.

Please try to get me these testimonials by Monday. I would like to send them to Kirk by Tuesday at the latest.

I am excited about this opportunity. A little ink may help grease the wheels of government. I look forward to hearing your stories. Thanks again for all the support
Just an FYI,

I drove by there on the way home tonight to get a first hand view of the area. I noticed y'all have moved the buses since I was out there just a little while ago. I took a good look at the signage and saw the new No Parking zone y'all are talking about that takes up about 2/3 of the stretch of Comal north from MLK to the parking lot entrance.

However, did y'all notice that they left an area that's still legal to park in? On the west side of Comal, running south from the corner of the parking lot driveway by the CF wall and the big oak tree, there is one sign with an arrow indicating No Parking to the north (the corner) but Parking to the south... to the other sign with an arrow that indicates Parking to the north, but No Parking to the south. In other words, you can park between those two signs on the west side of Comal just south of the parking lot entrance.

It was dark, and this is just a guess, but it looks like you could fit 3 average size buses, or maybe 4 smaller ones in there. Hard to eyeball.
InRightField... your facts are simply wrong! MANY of the buses have in fact not moved at all (or at least substantially) in a year (and maybe more). Hell, there's a thread on this board from last year recommending folks ensure that they're all properly inspected and tagged or they'd have been towed the. Now, please don't take this statement and twist it to your point about "your legal right to park there when it's licensed properly, etc." because that's NOT what I'm referring to. I merely state this again to show that many have been there far longer than a couple of months.

Again, while I (in theory) agree with your belief that these buses are somewhat of an institution at the game for the last decade or two, I think you're arrogant comments about your buses being nicer than the houses in that area is priceless. I'd highly suggest you get that published in Bohls' article or perhaps even to the Council. I'm sure that it would really go a long way to helping your cause.

How about I come park some camper, bus, jalopy, boat, trailer, etc across the street from your home for a year and see how you and your neighbors react? Somehow I'm betting it wouldn't be well recieved in any neighborhood regardless of demographics.

I don't disagree with the mention of the noise factor being a lame excuse considering the noise coming from the stadium during those same periods. This indeed sounds like the typical BS excuse that UT is so famous for when they're wanting to implement change.

However, when you cite (nearly, I'd assume) the exact law about parking an operable, properly, blah, blah, blah... you continue to miss my point.... Instead, consider the spirit of the law and perhaps you'd get more flies on your honey this time.

And when you cite your God given right to park on the street just remember that the City, UT, and others have that same God given right to try and change the law or complain about the situations.

Good luck with you cause.
40, the buses are used for football tailgating. They are not there year round. I'm sorry, that is a fact. I know every owner of every bus. You are wrong.

Even if they were there year round, it is still not against the law. Because you don't like the look of a neighbor's jalopy, boat, whatever , it is not a reason to get a no parking sign posted. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think the buses look great. The spirit of the law? I'll tell the judge that the next time I'm in court. He'll get a good laugh.

We'll agree to disagree. This thread was not meant to start a debate. I appreciate your good wishes.
I hate being told I'm wrong when I know I'm not... I too know some of the owners for whatever that fact has to do with any of this. I drive by the Disch many times throughout each year -- during the various sports seasons and when NO NCAA sports are even being played. Some of the buses are parked there during every month! Hence, a reasonable conclusion to my personal observations is that some (if not MANY) of those buses are there year-round -- not just during football or baseball seasons.

I didn't suggest (of think you'd infer) that you proffer the "spirit of the law" position to a judge. However, while trying to be a good citizen I thought it could enter your thought process.

I also agree with you that this thread was probably never intended to start some big debate. However, I do still feel that seeing and perhaps sympathizing with other points of view might still help you and others understand the whole matter more fully and possibly even help resolve it amicably for all.

Agian, good luck.
Hey everybody, just a reminder to please get me your right field bus/u-haul stories, thoughs, memories, anything you'd like to share to me for Kirk Bohls. I would like to get him the stuff by Tuesday. My email address is [email protected].

I don't need your address, just your name and a contact source (email or phone number will work fine). Just need it so Kirk can verify that these are real accounts and not fabricated stories.

And what ever you write, it doesn't have to be long. Few sentences of how you feel will be just fine. A lot of people have posted on here on what you can do. This is something, please help us out.

Thanks for the on going support. Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday and GO GIANTS!
Booya... one owner sure seemed to care about 20 years ago when he/she slashed 3 of my tires after parking my car in front of their house.
40, demographics is huge. these homes are not in a neighborhood with strict HOA guidelines.

most importantly, these homeowners thrive for baseball season so they can charge for parking on their properties.

they're not wealthy people. i can't imagine they find these buses as eye sores... they don't have nice yards or cars and their homes are in dire need of renovations. i'm sure they could careless...

then compare that with where nrightfield lives where i'm sure you can't have your grass more than two inches high, garages behind the house, no cars allowed on the street for over 72 hours, etc... etc...
To me, the best thing about the buses is being able to hear The Eyes during Regional and Super Regional play. I always felt it was kinda retarded that the university can't play it's own song when hosting.
InRightFields, et al:
Several of us encountered a similar situation regarding motor home parking in lot 113, 110, just north of McCombs field off Comal. Seems as though the UT Parking Department was losing a little power so they fed the LH Foundation a lot of BS information about parking in the lots starting on Thursday PM before Saturday football games in Austin. You should know that we pay $1000 per season plus a sizable donation to the LHF to park in these lots. At one time I was threatened by Parking pesonnel to be towed off Comal if I didn't move my motor home which was against the curb and not obstructing traffic.

I say this to insinuate that the group who is causing the problem is the Parking Department, probably Charlie Smith. They have been known to put forth bogus information before.

They have probably stirring the pot and won't own up to it.

I think the busses and U-Hauls are unique and should be kept. What's a few tickets/parking spaces for a tradition that only Texas has (excpt wannabes Baylor.)

somebody help me out here...how many houses are across the street from right field, where the buses and the ice cream truck park? one...any at all? or are we being concerned about the entire neighborhood, whether they live across the street or not. just curious.


there is one duplex directly across the street...then another house behind it...honestly those would be the only affected neighbors by the buses. But as far as looking out your window at the buses, there is only one duplex and honestly I think it is vacant right now. There were people over there working the other day and it didnt look occupied.
Mommahorn, we certainly could use a lot more responses. Only have ten or so right now. I will delay getting this stuff to Bohls until I have more. We need to show that a lot of people care. At the same time, the longer we wait, the less serious we look.

A lot of people have posted on this thread and expressed their support. PLEASE send me an e-mail ASAP. Again, address is [email protected]. For the amount of time it takes you to post a comment on here, you can send a short email with some nice thoughts on your feelings or memories of the u-hauls and buses in right field. If giving me your name is the problem, then just give me an e-mail address. Just something that Kirk can have in case he would like to quote you.

To the people who have contributed, I appreciate your help. To the others, who would like to keep this tradition going, now is the time for you to speak. Please help. Thanks.
I don't have any particular stories - but I do enjoy seeing the right field crazies out there. Especially during the regionals. They look pretty harmless here at the UA Pine Bluff game last year...

Edit: I call them right field crazies not because of activities but because they bake in the sun out there...

OK, one last request. Please get me your blurbs, stories, pictures, anecdotes, testimonials, anything u can by noon tomorrow. I plan on sending what we have to Kirk. We have also made connection with a reporter for KVUE who is interested in possibly doing a story. I will be sending him the responses as well.

We have about 20 responses thus far. I know a lot of you who go on the buses and care about this have not yet responded. Please do. Even a one sentence email helps. The email is [email protected]. Thanks to all who have responded, we have gotten some great stuff.

On a another note, I have made an official request with the Transportation Division to remove the no parking signs. They have a review process which is taking about a month right now. Hopefully, if we can get some publicity, we can speed up the wheels of justice a bit. As part of our request for removal, we will be submitting a presentation on why parking should be allowed. So if you still have stories or pictures of the buses, please continue to send them to the meail address above. We will use them in our presentation.
One thing that might be affecting this is that the prices of the lots have risen about 1000% in the past 5-8 years. Some of those houses now go for $250 - $300 k. The lots alone could be $200,000. Some new landlords may be pushing this.

The gentrification of East Austin continues, as people realize how close it is to downtown.
Sent off the testimonials with a lot of pictures to Kirk Bohls and Rudy Koski of KVUE. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I also got a response from the transportation division to my request to remove the signs:
The letter you sent has been attached to the request and it was given to the Supervising Engineer for central Austin, Alan Hughes. He will assign this request to one of his Engineering Techs, probably on Monday. We state that usually it takes 8-10 weeks for each request, because of our workload, but we are trying to complete tasks quicker, so it will probably take 1/2 that time or less.

If anyone knows Alan Huges, please let me know. I can be reached by email at [email protected].

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Remember, in the immortal words of Jessie, keep hope alive!

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