InRightField... your facts are simply wrong! MANY of the buses have in fact not moved at all (or at least substantially) in a year (and maybe more). Hell, there's a thread on this board from last year recommending folks ensure that they're all properly inspected and tagged or they'd have been towed the. Now, please don't take this statement and twist it to your point about "your legal right to park there when it's licensed properly, etc." because that's NOT what I'm referring to. I merely state this again to show that many have been there far longer than a couple of months.
Again, while I (in theory) agree with your belief that these buses are somewhat of an institution at the game for the last decade or two, I think you're arrogant comments about your buses being nicer than the houses in that area is priceless. I'd highly suggest you get that published in Bohls' article or perhaps even to the Council. I'm sure that it would really go a long way to helping your cause.
How about I come park some camper, bus, jalopy, boat, trailer, etc across the street from your home for a year and see how you and your neighbors react? Somehow I'm betting it wouldn't be well recieved in any neighborhood regardless of demographics.
I don't disagree with the mention of the noise factor being a lame excuse considering the noise coming from the stadium during those same periods. This indeed sounds like the typical BS excuse that UT is so famous for when they're wanting to implement change.
However, when you cite (nearly, I'd assume) the exact law about parking an operable, properly, blah, blah, blah... you continue to miss my point.... Instead, consider the spirit of the law and perhaps you'd get more flies on your honey this time.
And when you cite your God given right to park on the street just remember that the City, UT, and others have that same God given right to try and change the law or complain about the situations.
Good luck with you cause.