Rep. Steve Scalise Shot

1. This isn't a left or right problem but rather a civil discourse problem. Both sides have their crazies and violence is never a correct remedy. Both sides have their own vitriol that needs to be quelled. Anyone remember this?

You always try to act like there is a balance in uncivil discourse on both sides. That's like comparing a 15 year old stealing gum from the store and an axe murderer as the same because they both committed a crime. We can name a much worse uncivil discourse by a different person on the left on a daily bases and you have to reach back in time to the same person over and over again with Ted Nugent, which is pretty lame what he said by the standard set by the recent left. 99.99 % of the uncivil discourse comes from your party that you support.

"Pigs in a blanket fry'em like bacon" It just never stops on your side. It's like your side is trying to start a civil war. I'm guessing now that the congress are feeling vulnerable because the left nut job trying to assassinate a republican leader that we will now see both side come together when the rhetoric like Bombing the White House or the stunt Kathy Griffin pulled happens again. It's too bad it takes one of their own to almost get killed to stop all the craziness that's been allowed lately. Start bringing people in that makes threats to bombing the white house. Start setting some examples of people that do things now that was completely unacceptable just a year ago.
You always try to act like there is a balance in uncivil discourse on both sides. That's like comparing a 15 year old stealing gum from the store and an axe murderer as the same because they both committed a crime. We can name a much worse uncivil discourse by a different person on the left on a daily bases and you have to reach back in time to the same person over and over again with Ted Nugent, which is pretty lame what he said by the standard set by the recent left. 99.99 % of the uncivil discourse comes from your party that you support.

"Pigs in a blanket fry'em like bacon" It just never stops on your side. It's like your side is trying to start a civil war. I'm guessing now that the congress are feeling vulnerable because the left nut job trying to assassinate a republican leader that we will now see both side come together when the rhetoric like Bombing the White House or the stunt Kathy Griffin pulled happens again. It's too bad it takes one of their own to almost get killed to stop all the craziness that's been allowed lately. Start bringing people in that makes threats to bombing the white house. Start setting some examples of people that do things now that was completely unacceptable just a year ago.

Pathos --> Logos.
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Hown77: I don't disagree with anything you wrote. My point was that in a society where right to vote and free expression are well respected a "Second Amendment Solution" is dangerous and unwise. I very much appreciate your more nuanced and scholarly approach to the issue.
2nd amendment is needed for cases where the government for political reasons or just plain incompetence chooses not to protect its citizens. Citizens with guns need to step into the breach to protect themselves and their property.
I'm to the left of you, but whatever person is saying this is not on "my "

That's good Crocket. Nobody should be on that side. But SH is and his party supports Black Lives Matter, which Obama invited to the White House. That would be like a modern day Republican President supporting the KKK and inviting them to the White House.
That would be like a modern day Republican President supporting the KKK and inviting them to the White House.

LOL! Fortunately Trump has better advocates than I35!
I guess with the artistic achievements of the Wango Tango tour on his resume, we'll have to take Ted Nugent seriously no matter how nutty he may sound to us.
I appreciate you saying you don't wish to kill your political opponents. Hope that goes for us Libertarians too.
Yeah. Don't think I'd kill anybody unless they are causing life-threatening danger to me, a family member or other innocent parties.
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I remember there was an article recently about the fake news problem on facebook. A study found the fake news problem firing up radicals affected both sides. Instead of discussing the problem, both sides, like a comedy routine, pointed at each other and said "see, the other side has a fake news problem." That is what parts of this thread feel like.
That should be expected on both sides from FB. It's CNN that does fake news that's a big problem.
You mean Fauxnews? CNN/NYT/WashPost lean left. Sometimes, especially with this administration, the facts seem to lean a little left as well. The fake news that is the problem is the kind that is made up by 25 year old Russians and propagated through troll armies from Europe. Freaking Pizzagate is a good example or all the crap I read here about the siezure glasses. It's classic.

I think BLM is similar to some of those states rights' groups. They have a solid point and a valid opinion. However, a portion of their supporters are on the fringe and it allows others to paint the whole with a broad brush. To think that there's been no need for some kind of movement to reign in police violence against non-whites is ignorant of the reality within which we all live. However, to think that what took place in Dallas or some of the more outrageous stuff is OK is sad as well. There's a place for people to be a sovereign citizen and espouse that. When it grows to the point that you're gunning down cops in Vegas or taking over a game refuge with arms then that's too far as well.
All Lib MSM is pretty much never-ending mini DT scandals and dogsh*t these days. Doing cardio at the gym provides a great opportunity to compare anti-DT attack styles.

It's usually around 6ish when all the heavy hitter shows are on. 10 big screens are lined up side by side. I'm way on the left and Fox is far down the right pretty much out of view.

I can say hands down, CNN is the absolute worst tabloid garbage of the bunch. The 'Breaking News' banner is absurd to the point it's hard to believe adults approved the tags that stay up for several minutes at a time. Half the time I swear it reads like a jealous teenager spewing gossip about her cheerleader rival. :smile1:

MSNBC is right there an inch behind them. In my experience on the days I can tolerate it, those two are on National Inquirer's level of reporting.
You mean Fauxnews? CNN/NYT/WashPost lean left.

We already know one network leans one way and the others lean the other. That's nothing new. We're talking about flat out being dishonest and trying to be deceptive by intentionally lying. Again today CNN had another big whopper about Sarah Palin that was debunked within three days back when it happened. It's every day with that network. They've lost their mind. We're talking about FAKE NEWS every single day due to their hate for our President and the people on the right! MSNBC is not anywhere close to CNN but they are pretty dishonest themselves. Oh and spelling the name Faux is like a $ooner fan doing the upside down horn. Oh you are a $ooner......that explains a lot. (Very Aggish)

I can say hands down, CNN is the absolute worst tabloid garbage of the bunch.

You'd be better getting your news from the National Inquirer than that Fake News Organization CNN.
The Daily Caller put together a list and some statistics on the rising trend of left on right violence --

"A wave of liberal rage has marked the last 11 months since the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump.

Antifa protestors clad in black masks shut down college campuses, destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president’s decapitated head.

Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and “everyone assisting his agenda.”

Then, shots ring out as a man gorged on media hysteria attempts to slaughter Republican congressmen while they practice for a charity baseball game.

The aggression since Trump’s nomination is difficult to enumerate, but nevertheless, The Daily Caller News Foundation poured over media reports to compile a close but non-exhaustive list of violent acts against conservatives in months following the Republican National Convention......"
We already know one network leans one way and the others lean the other. That's nothing new. We're talking about flat out being dishonest and trying to be deceptive by intentionally lying. Again today CNN had another big whopper about Sarah Palin that was debunked within three days back when it happened. It's every day with that network. They've lost their mind. We're talking about FAKE NEWS every single day due to their hate for our President and the people on the right! MSNBC is not anywhere close to CNN but they are pretty dishonest themselves. Oh and spelling the name Faux is like a $ooner fan doing the upside down horn. Oh you are a $ooner......that explains a lot. (Very Aggish)

You'd be better getting your news from the National Inquirer than that Fake News Organization CNN.
On the spectrum, I think MSNBC is left of CNN. I do tire of the "Breaking News" chryon for f'n EVERYTHING. I literally only watch it about 10 minutes per week at home and it's on on our lobby TV a lot during the day that I pass when I go to unload coffee and chat with the folks up front. That "Breaking News" thing is there everyday.
I guess you've not watched the same videos that I've watched....or that the rest of the country has watched.

If you think your view of BLM is the mainstream view, then you must work for CNN or The New York Times.
I guess you've not watched the same videos that I've watched....or that the rest of the country has watched.
I'm sure there are some cases of police racism because some cops are racist ********. There are ******** in every profession. But most of the videos I have seen do not show racist cops abusing black people. Many of the events BLM has protested, such as Ferguson, are based on lies.
If you think your view of BLM is the mainstream view, then you must work for CNN or The New York Times.

BLM is every bit as radical, racist, and anti-government as the KKK. The only reason they haven't resorted to atrocious, widespread violence against their perceived enemy race (like the KKK did) is simply a numbers game and today's public tolerance won't allow it.

There are countless statements made by their mission statement, leadership, and members to support my opening sentence...countless.

None of that is even necessary. One simple example says it all...

Black Lives Matter or ALL Lives Matter? Nevermind "ALL" equally includes their lives as well, anyone who chooses the latter is the enemy. Which we saw demonstrated beyond question during the election.
I'm sure there are some cases of police racism because some cops are racist ********. There are ******** in every profession. But most of the videos I have seen do not show racist cops abusing black people. Many of the events BLM has protested, such as Ferguson, are based on lies.
I'm ambivalent about Michael Brown and some others. That said, I can think of plenty of deaths that happened that didn't need to happen. And they're mostly on camera. If you can't agree to that then we can just disagree. My point is that there's a reasonable place for a public movement to bring attention to that unnecessary violence. Valid movements sometimes get tarnished from some of their fringe.
BLM is every bit as radical, racist, and anti-government as the KKK. The only reason they haven't resorted to atrocious, widespread violence against their perceived enemy race (like the KKK did) is simply a numbers game and today's public tolerance won't allow it.

There are countless statements made by their mission statement, leadership, and members to support my opening sentence...countless.

None of that is even necessary. One simple example says it all...

Black Lives Matter or ALL Lives Matter? Nevermind "ALL" equally includes their lives as well, anyone who chooses the latter is the enemy. Which we saw demonstrated beyond question during the election.
Please point me to the part of their mission statement that is objectionable.
Please point me to the part of their mission statement that is objectionable.

No chance I'm gonna waste time searching to cite examples of the statement I made that I know is 100% true and in no way a politically biased interpretation.

Maybe it wasn't their "mission statement" per say I read in the past, but instead some sort of internal manifesto. Whatever it's labeled was written by a leader in the organization, official, lengthy, and widely published I recall.

Still I'm not going to waste a second searching for it to convince anyone defending that group of radical scumbags.

The same way I wouldn't go search through mountains of evidence to prove the KKK is racist garbage to some delusional soul defending them.

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