. This is what armed rebellion looks like.
No, this is not what armed rebellion under the second amendment looks like.
Crockett, I agree with many of your other points, but the constitutional scholar in me is cringing at many people, not just you and posters here, thinking that randomly shooting congressman is a "second amendment solution."
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
If a tyrant takes over, the second amendment gives the people the ability resist
by organizing themselves in a civilized manner. The intentions of the second amendment have happened twice in US history. The first time was when the colonies organized militias to resist the British. The second time was when the southern states organized militias and attempted to secede (this is not a statement about right or wrong, just a statement about how the second amendment is intended to work in practice). The "second amendment solution" is not random people shooting at their elected officials or even small groups organizing as gangs to do it. The second amendment arms people so that state or local governments could organize a civilized militia in a time of crisis.
I discussed William Quantrill in a post on the confederate statue issue. He was never honored as a confederate hero because he did not act like someone who was rebelling in a civilized, state organized manner. He acted like a bandito (much in the same way the unionists in missouri acted) and he has been remembered as a thug/bandito.
Scalia incorrectly interpreted the second amendment to be "a right of self-defense" under the Heller case. Even that incorrect interpretation by Scalia meant in defense against threat of immediate bodily harm, not shooting elected officials.
Most people in American history understood that shooting elected officials is not a "second amendment solution" which is why you did not hear such talk with JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Lincoln or when anyone else was assassinated. I believe Rand Paul and other elected officials understand this when they talk about the second amendment as a protection against the government (though I could be wrong, who knows). It is not generally irresponsible to bring up a 200+ year old argument for the second amendment.
The problem is we have become a very ignorant society. People do not understand the second amendment anymore (and the NRA definitely carries blame for that). It may be irresponsible to say that the second amendment protects us against a tryannical government because people are ignorant and may actually think that shooting elected officials is "a second amendment solution." The answer is we are in terrible need of better education of the Constitution to our general population as a whole. People do not even know what it is in it, much less the nuances.
Anyway, I see liberals are trying to sieze Second Amendment arguments as an excuse and deflection over a liberal shooter. That is a BS way to respond to this and only spreads further misinterpretation of the second amendment. I, for one, do not put this shooter or liberals or bernie. He is not on liberals, bernie or what republicans said about the second amendment (ignorant populace or not). Republicans never meant "assassinate officials" and I doubt anyone but the most ignorant far right-wingers like that bundy guy or the idiots that attacked a park in Oregon ever meant that. If right-wingers are meaning that, they are in serious need of education like everyone else. However, do not attribute an incorrect meaning to something most of the speakers almost certainly did not mean. (Also, I am not talking about Trump either way because he has no idea what the hell he means most of the time in my opinion).
From columbine, to whitman, to dylan roof to this latest douche, every one of these people has mental problems. They are not getting the proper mental care or are not being identified. In some cases, like Roof, these people should not legally have been able to buy a gun and either the existing law was not followed/enforced or in some cases with people with a history of violence or mental issues, the law could be strengthened.