Rangers Magic Number

Hello Offense! Nice to see you again.

38. The proper way to treat a very weak team. Looking forward to the home park now.

Rooting for Indians hasn't worked, so GO A's!!

^^^^^ Agreed. This is how Rangers hitters ought to be treating opposing pitchers. Also, superb outing by Harrison. Goes 8 innings and throws right at 90 pitches. Nice way to end a sub-.500 road trip. Now it's time to take care of business at home. Not to raise the bar too high, but anything short of a 7-3 homestand will be a bit of a disappointment.
Funny Danno I was thinking the same thing 7-3 over these next ten will really set the Rangers up well. At 70-50 they need to go 22-20 over these last 42 to get to the 92 win mark. If the Rangers can do that then Oakland would need to go 27-15 over that same stretch just to tie and that is a tall order for them as you have to think they cool down at some point.
I'll go along with the idea of 7-3 or better on the upcoming homestand. Mrs. HHD and I will be at The Ballpark Tuesday evening - I'll see if I can bring the mojo to get Feldman off to a good start. It will also help if the offense can continue as they did the last game in Toronto!

11-2 Vicktree over the lowly Jays was sweet! Nice to win a game going away and not sweating it at the end. The Angles are now a cool 9 games back and fading at a time they need to be surging. I will hold off on the sticking a fork in them... but I am getting close. The A's will cool off - they are due a losing streak.

R's just need to keep winning!!
I agree, the last 2 games have been a breathe of fresh air, even if Oswalt gave Elvis the cold stare after being pulled in the 5th

I hope Roy isn't turning sour (or already has)....we need him for the stretch. It also appears to be a trend with veteran pitchers and Wash....they don't see things eye to eye. Wash relates well to the younger guys, haven't seen that with the olds like Roy and Millwood - even Jason Jennings, but JJ didn't get along in Denver either.
The Link (scroll down a bit for Roy's distaste for being pulled)
Note to Roy: Any pitcher with a 6.04 ERA should be thankful for the opportunity to continue pitching. Throw strikes and keep your opinion of baseball decisions to yourself.
Oswalt got a second chance with the R's. He is being paid a decent wage. He got 3-4 starts to prove he belongs in the starting rotation. He has been inconsistent. He has a 6.0 ERA.

He is a veteran pitcher and a p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l... act like it. Don't complain, pout or scowl - just focus & do your job: throw stikes, get batters out and eat up innings to help your team win. If you do - things will work out for you....

Now Rangers - let's bag some birds tonight!
Nice start to a long home stand and a quality outing from Dempster. So much for using Nathan only in save situations though...not sure I understand that move. Oh well, glad to get the W.
Very nice job by Dempster. Good to see him come through to start the homestand.

Mrs. HHD and I will go to The Ballpark tomorrow - hope I can do my part to keep the mojo going.

5-1 VickTree!! Dempster really had his stuff last night - best pitching he has had with the R's so far. OK HHD - you gotta get the mojo going for the Tues. night game with Feldman.
36. Thank you Twins.

Dempster really had great stuff. And can we name Murphy as the best Baylor Ranger ever? (not sure how many nominees there are)

On the usage of Nathan, Wash is always going to use him when there's a save situation. He had Scheppers up last night just in case R's scored another run in 8th.

i think his handling of Ogando likely cost us the WS. He was dead armed down the stretch and wasn't his usual self.

If Ogando came in the 8th inning on game 6, and was his nornal self, we win the game. No need for Feliz.

As for the Roy incident, Galloway made a good point imo.....Wash pulled him out of spite in the 5th, nothing less. "Give me the ball. You're one out away from being awarded a decision, which every starter wants. You made ME look bad in the media last week so I'm here to show you who's boss. Now take a walk to the dugout'

That was after 60-something pitches, below his limit.

That coupled with Olt's sitting and not in the lineup in place of Young tells me there's some back n forth going on between the manager and FO, and certain players. Hopefully Wash hasn't taken this too far b/c the players in the field love the guy.
Danno, you were right about Nathan - I stand corrected, I thought it was a Save situation. Time will tell as to whether there's fatigue problem in World Series. Gotta take care of bidness now. But, I know what you mean.

I do think Wash is feeling pretty confident right now and he is asserting himself with the players just in case any of them thought he wasn't in charge. He utilizes his coaches and his button pushing has been pretty damn good


I hope it doesn't come down to this (b/c I really like Wash), but....

If he's been told to play Olt, and he hasn't...what then? Do they S-can him after 2012? Looking at the intent, Olt was brought up to see 'where he is' on hitting major league pitching and playing in the field. But, the way Wash has used him no one really knows anything. He's playing MY in Olt's planned role.

That being the case, why bring him up to begin with ? (which was an organizational management action). That has to fume JD.

Second problem with the Wash-Olt situation.....it's very likely that manamgement (JD, Nolan) would have liked to have moved MY aomehow, someway in December if Olt proved out. But they can't do that with certaianty now.....No one knows if Olt can handle it b/c Wash isn't playing him regularly.

So, this is what JD and Nolan are stuck with b/c of Wash's refusal to abide by FO management's directive >>

>Stuck with MY, the lowest OPS in major league baseball as a regular hitter during a stretch drive.

>Stuck with MY's insufficient defense

>Olt loses valuable defensive experience b/c MY is playing every day either in the field or as DH (which takes AB's from Olt)

>team might get split on this issue, something we didn't need going into the payoffs.

I like having a Mgr in charge, but in today's MLB they're nothing more than middle management as the book Moneyball describes.

Hoping for the best, that's all i can do.


Not sure where you're getting all your Conspiracy theories, but...

I think Wash is 100% doing what JD and Nolan want him to do. This is a team that is going for all the marbles. They don't have time to mess around with "playing young guys for their development purposes." They brought up Olt because "he was ready" and could fill a positional/offensive need. My guess is they didn't bring him up to be a starter and to take Michael Young's place. Olt has a bright future and the experience he's getting being on this level of a team is immeasurable.

Looks like Feldman is returning to form. Has a decent outing and then has a big inning against him to ruin it and put the Rangers in a hole. Problem here is that the Rangers offense has gone back into its shell and can't climb out of the hole. Oh well, take the game and series tomorrow boys and they're still on track for a 7-3 homestand.

Statistical data is not conspiracy theory. MY is among the lowest in OPS for positional players as of last week. Why is he even in the lineup? (wash wants him there)

He went 0-4 tonight, Olt didn't play. NO production whatsoever


Bacsik made another point about Profar....he s/b brought up before 9-1 even with the consequence of wasting 1 of the 6 protected years....reasons>

>Only players on the 25 man roster prior to 9-1 are allowwed on the playoff rosters

>Now that Gonzo was let go, only MY has (backup) experience at middle inf (liability there).

>If Andrus is injured, how F'D are R's with only MY as a backup MI? With Profar you'd have a MLB defensive talent at SS or even at 2b

Bacsik has a good point...right now the R's have 13 P's and 12 positionals/ catchers on the roster. Makes the move on 8-31 easy to make - send a P down, call him back up on 9-1 and that P misses zero innings of relief

Machinations of strategy moving forward = not conspiracy. Hard decisions are going to be made soon, and hopefully MY is on the pine. It'll take convincing Wash to do so

Benching Young (not just giving him a day off like was done with Josh) will be an organizational decision IMHO. The only way Profar will play in playoffs is if there is an injury - if you're upset about Olt not playing, how will you feel about Profar riding the bench?


You're absolutely correct, it would be a waste.

I was bringing it up b/c Bacsik made a good point about it.....i guess it's darned if you do, darned if you don't.

If "winning now" is the mission then his opinion 'Profar s/b here' would be the answer......makes for good conversation either way.
Totally agree. And, how cool is it to have those kind of options? Listening to Nolan (or was it JD) the other day made it sound like Profar would be up before Sept 1. They said this week they would like to add a Pinch Hitter for the bench, so once again they are planning with World Series in mind. Gotta love it!

Fellow Ranger Zealots,

I apologize - I apparently cheered very poorly last night at The Ballpark. I simply couldn't get Feldman to make quality pitches in the fifth inning, and it cost the Rangers a game. Mea culpa.

OTOH, it was a wonderful evening for baseball - who would have ever believed that the temp at game time would be 78 degrees in the middle of August!

Let's hope Holland has it all together tonight.

HHD - you did pick a good night to watch the game with the "fallish' temps but Feldman let us all down and he got no run support... so it soured your and our evening.

We need Holland to throw strikes and limit solo HR's tonight - we need the vick-tree to take the series
So glad to see the offense go to town on the O's (even though it was against a former Rangers arm), esp. seeing Beltre (3x) and Moreland (grand salami) go deep early and often. It was also refreshing to know that Holland didn't give up a HR for the first time in a long time. Taking 2 of 3 from the O's was what needed to happen. Now, they need to take at least 3 of 4 from the Twins. The A's are not going away anytime soon.

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