I hope it doesn't come down to this (b/c I really like Wash), but....
If he's been told to play Olt, and he hasn't...what then? Do they S-can him after 2012? Looking at the intent, Olt was brought up to see 'where he is' on hitting major league pitching and playing in the field. But, the way Wash has used him no one really knows anything. He's playing MY in Olt's planned role.
That being the case, why bring him up to begin with ? (which was an organizational management action). That has to fume JD.
Second problem with the Wash-Olt situation.....it's very likely that manamgement (JD, Nolan) would have liked to have moved MY aomehow, someway in December if Olt proved out. But they can't do that with certaianty now.....No one knows if Olt can handle it b/c Wash isn't playing him regularly.
So, this is what JD and Nolan are stuck with b/c of Wash's refusal to abide by FO management's directive >>
>Stuck with MY, the lowest OPS in major league baseball as a regular hitter during a stretch drive.
>Stuck with MY's insufficient defense
>Olt loses valuable defensive experience b/c MY is playing every day either in the field or as DH (which takes AB's from Olt)
>team might get split on this issue, something we didn't need going into the payoffs.
I like having a Mgr in charge, but in today's MLB they're nothing more than middle management as the book Moneyball describes.
Hoping for the best, that's all i can do.