Random Thoughts

They should outlaw yoga pants size large and above.
At first I thought this was a brilliant post, to the point I graded it as a "winner".

Upon further reflection though, I don't know if society would be better off having XXXL women squashing themselves into size Medium yoga pants (and you damned well know they would). Things are already gross enough without having fat rolls bursting out of split seams like biscuit dough from a can you just smacked on the countertop.
At first I thought this was a brilliant post, to the point I graded it as a "winner".

Upon further reflection though, I don't know if society would be better off having XXXL women squashing themselves into size Medium yoga pants (and you damned well know they would). Things are already gross enough without having fat rolls bursting out of split seams like biscuit dough from a can you just smacked on the countertop.
Good point. Nothin will prevent them from crowbarring themselves into size mediums.
I let my guardian angel down today. Repeated ugly gossip. He was tempting me into goodness, holiness and I ignored him, Disappointed in myself today.
My neighbor Steven: He moved into the hood less than a year ago. Me, 2 years ago. Slowly getting to know him. He walked over a couple of days ago as he spotted me working on my sprinkler system. I’ve had 3 separate sprinkler guys come out at $500 a pop…neither fixed it properly. My neighbor fixed in about 1.5 hours. He even bought the part and installed it when I wasn’t home the next day. I took him a bottle of wine. I hope you have a neighbor like Steven :hookem:
My neighbor Steven: He moved into the hood less than a year ago. Me, 2 years ago. Slowly getting to know him. He walked over a couple of days ago as he spotted me working on my sprinkler system. I’ve had 3 separate sprinkler guys come out at $500 a pop…neither fixed it properly. My neighbor fixed in about 1.5 hours. He even bought the part and installed it when I wasn’t home the next day. I took him a bottle of wine. I hope you have a neighbor like Steven :hookem:

I hope we can all BE a neighbor like Steven as well.
My neighbor Steven: He moved into the hood less than a year ago. Me, 2 years ago. Slowly getting to know him. He walked over a couple of days ago as he spotted me working on my sprinkler system. I’ve had 3 separate sprinkler guys come out at $500 a pop…neither fixed it properly. My neighbor fixed in about 1.5 hours. He even bought the part and installed it when I wasn’t home the next day. I took him a bottle of wine. I hope you have a neighbor like Steven :hookem:
One nice thing I did for a neighbor unannounced was to cut his front yard while he was gone for an extended vacation so he didn’t have to do it the day after his return. Of course this only matters if your neighbor does not use a lawn service.
Interesting Mc because once we returned from an extended trip and found our grass cut here in Katy.. we thought it was our son that lives in Houston but he said wasn’t him. Never found out who it was but sure grateful.
Don’t ask me why but I’ve always wanted to put on my sharp tailor fitted Hugo Boss suit and stand on a street corner holding a “need money” sign. I think it’s a great experiment but my wifey won’t let me.
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I'm surprised as corrupt as the city and county governments are in Houston that they haven't charged a percentage of collections to work the freeway intersections.
Hope everyone in and around the DFW area are safe and powered restored. Hopefully you were the lucky who didn't lose power. :hookem:

My poor wifey got caught in a hailstorm recently. Battered the heck out of her car; busted windows, broken lights. It's a gonna. Not her, the car. She made it out safe....thanks be to God!

10 o'clock news here in Harris County showed a very well defined large tornado, which they identified in Midland today. Y'all ok?

Looked really nasty, but with the local TV people (they don't know Midland from Manvel or Magnolia), the video could have been Muleshoe or Monahans or even ten years old.
Hope everyone in and around the DFW area are safe and powered restored. Hopefully you were the lucky who didn't lose power. :hookem:
Thanks, LC. I am one of those who didn't lose power. I live in SW Arlington, about two miles north of I-20; we had a few small branches down, but no major impact and no loss of electricity. The big impacts were in the Dallas area and far north Tarrant county - lots of tree damage and outages. One of my Wednesday Golf buds (in Grapevine) had a major-size tree in his front yard destroyed by wind, and had to have it removed quickly so it wouldn't fall further and impact his house.
For the art lovers here.

I like to read after my morning prayers and I discovered this video attached to an article on art. I've always found this painting interesting and appreciate it even more after this video.

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Having been reared Methodist as a child, and becoming Baptist as an adult, I've read the Scriptures, but no Indepth study of the saints other than an *** chewing I received from an old lady that "WE don't have saints" when I referred to a Baptist hospital named for one of them. I politely TRIED to explain to the old lady that the hospital was built by the Methodist church and later sold to the Baptist healthcare group. Once again I was told how ignorant I was and that I could not possibly be a Baptist.

That said, I was amazed to learn what Thomas did for the last forty years of his life. Guess where I learned it. From my BAPTIST preacher in a Sunday morning sermon at Houston's First. (Since Greg is an Aggies, I did verify the information.) Never too old to learn.
Ann Deerman gave me a nickel.

One day after school was dismissed, 5th grade, my classmate Ann walked up to me on the lawn of the school and said "this is for you", then ran off. It was an envelope. Inside was a note and a nickel. I don't remember exactly how the note read, but something short and sweet like this - I really like you!

I walked home with nickel in pocket, note discarded. Maybe I threw it in the trash, maybe I threw it on the ground...I hope not. When I got home I bragged to my older brother that I got a love note from Ann Deerman and a nickel. Boastfully I said, "I threw the letter away, but kept the nickel!". My brother immediately wiped the goofy immature smile off my face. Boy did he let me have it.

"You should be grateful any girl likes your pimply ***!". Ouch!

In a firm tone, he went on to teach me the dignity of girls and what a blessing it is to be liked...the courage it took for her to write a note, hand deliver it, and her gift of a nickel. He really opened my eyes. The next day I thanked Ann for the note and the nickel. She moved away soon after and never saw or heard from her again. I hope she's well and has lived a joy filled life.

And for my brother, thank you Adrian Joseph for the valuable lesson you taught me on treating and respecting girls (women). It has served me well.
Love you - Your Pimply-*** Brother.

I hope you have a brother like mine :hookem:

All but the blueberries - for us it was plums and peaches from the trees in the back yards. Ahh, to simpler times...
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All but the blueberries - for us it was plums and peaches from the trees in the back yards. Ahh, to simpler times...
Blackberries were all over the fields around our house, and some honeysuckle growing on the fences - you could smell it when you walked by.
And poorly-constructed bicycle ramps so you could fly and occasionally crash!

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