It was at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. I was told by some people in "the barn" that a particular family had endured a really tough year financially. When their son's steer came across the auction block, I had a friend bid against me so I paid well over 15 times the minimum, which was 3-4 times market. The kid dropped the halter, climbed over the rail, and came up to shake my hand. His mother came over to give me a hug and thank me. His grandmother gave me the bale of cotton and an Official Dawson County 4H Cookbook.
After we had our picture made, I was walking back and two gentlemen came up to me and said, "We saw what you did. Thank you. That is a really great family." Then he asked me if I was a bird hunter, and I told him "no". He said he had the best pheasant & quail/dove hunting in the country. I think he charged $5000 - $10,000 a gun. He told me anytime I ever wanted to come hunt or bring some friends, there would be no charge. I never took him up on the offer. I saw them a couple of more times in coming years. Wonderful people. Sorry, I'm old and can't remember the names. If I can find the photo, I'll try to link it to a PM and send it to you.