Random Season News

o/u new mascots

Thanks LC. Always good to read such articles.

My Dad was drafted the day after he turned 18 (April '45) during WWII & didn't get to graduate HS. He was trained for the land invasion of Japan, but was diverted to Korea after Fat Man & Little Boy were dropped.

As part of the program Texas set up recognizing Veterans, Dad received his diploma 58 years later from Lamesa High School.
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Dawson County. The short horn hide under my desk is from Dawson County 4H, and there is a Dawson County souvenir bale of cotton in my bookcase. Somewhere I have a Dawson County 4H baseball cap. Some of the greatest people in the world.

Dawson County. The short horn hide under my desk is from Dawson County 4H, and there is a Dawson County souvenir bale of cotton in my bookcase. Somewhere I have a Dawson County 4H baseball cap. Some of the greatest people in the world.
SH, when we're you in Dawson County? You may know some of my relatives. I still have family there.
It was at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. I was told by some people in "the barn" that a particular family had endured a really tough year financially. When their son's steer came across the auction block, I had a friend bid against me so I paid well over 15 times the minimum, which was 3-4 times market. The kid dropped the halter, climbed over the rail, and came up to shake my hand. His mother came over to give me a hug and thank me. His grandmother gave me the bale of cotton and an Official Dawson County 4H Cookbook.

After we had our picture made, I was walking back and two gentlemen came up to me and said, "We saw what you did. Thank you. That is a really great family." Then he asked me if I was a bird hunter, and I told him "no". He said he had the best pheasant & quail/dove hunting in the country. I think he charged $5000 - $10,000 a gun. He told me anytime I ever wanted to come hunt or bring some friends, there would be no charge. I never took him up on the offer. I saw them a couple of more times in coming years. Wonderful people. Sorry, I'm old and can't remember the names. If I can find the photo, I'll try to link it to a PM and send it to you.
It was at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. I was told by some people in "the barn" that a particular family had endured a really tough year financially. When their son's steer came across the auction block, I had a friend bid against me so I paid well over 15 times the minimum, which was 3-4 times market. The kid dropped the halter, climbed over the rail, and came up to shake my hand. His mother came over to give me a hug and thank me. His grandmother gave me the bale of cotton and an Official Dawson County 4H Cookbook.

After we had our picture made, I was walking back and two gentlemen came up to me and said, "We saw what you did. Thank you. That is a really great family." Then he asked me if I was a bird hunter, and I told him "no". He said he had the best pheasant & quail/dove hunting in the country. I think he charged $5000 - $10,000 a gun. He told me anytime I ever wanted to come hunt or bring some friends, there would be no charge. I never took him up on the offer. I saw them a couple of more times in coming years. Wonderful people. Sorry, I'm old and can't remember the names. If I can find the photo, I'll try to link it to a PM and send it to you.
Kudos. Makes for a very bright star in your crown.
Gonna get crowded on the sidelines
What if the special teams special assistant disagrees with the special teams coordinator
Or the defensive special assistant disagrees with the defensive coordinator?
Gonna get crowded on the sidelines
What if the special teams special assistant disagrees with the special teams coordinator
Or the defensive special assistant disagrees with the defensive coordinator?
I don't believe the special assistance are allowed on the sideline. Or at practice even necessarily. They advise and then the coordinators use whatever advice they deem pertinent.
You are right
Now I remember Patterson was not on the sidelines
Hopefully these are good hires
To an outsider it seems like too many cooks
Gonna get crowded on the sidelines
What if the special teams special assistant disagrees with the special teams coordinator
Or the defensive special assistant disagrees with the defensive coordinator?
And, what happens when the assistant to the DC disagrees with the assistant to the defensive special analyst. I presume they appeal to the assistant to the assistant head coach? Clear?

In the 2010 shakeup, Chryst had all but signed on the dotted line to become Mack's OC when Davis was fired, but when he found out there was no "HC in waiting" deal like Muschamp had just spurned us over, he stuck it out at UW for one more season before becoming the HC at Pitt.

Kind of dodged a bullet, honestly. Chryst has never been shy about his "hand the ball off" offense. Mack was in his peak depressing season over not having an offense like Bama's. Harsin and Applewhite were overridden every shot they took at revamping the offense into the 21st century.