Random Season News

Lol, sometimes fate is fate. I remember Jim Kelley had no interest in being drafted to Buffalo so he decided to skip the draft and play in the USFL for a few years. When the USFL folded and he had to go to the NFL....well....you know the rest. The city of Buffalo loved and still loves him.

Maybe he will hold out until Utah gets a team since they already own him. ( if you paint F*** Utah on your finger nails-- you better produce)

With those two big German plants on I-20, the Italians had more sense than to try to move there. Now I-10 with HIC's European friends at AirBus, maybe.
@HornHuskerDad I request an introduction:

First Active-Duty Air Force Officer To Compete for Miss America, Dreams Of Being A Top Gun Fighter Pilot | ZeroHedge

She was crowned Miss Colorado in May 2023 just before graduating from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) and commissioning as an Air Force Officer.
Get in line, mchammer - and I suspect it is a long line. Women were not admitted to the academies until 1976, and I graduated in 1968 - guess I missed something by going to an all-male school. :)
But "out with the old" implies those three are being tossed out like last week's garbage, and we all know that's not the case.

That's not really the implication (last week's garbage) - it just reflects then new environment we're in with college athletics. Players are putting their own best interests first, which is completely fair, but it is also completely fair that programs and fans are too. If anyone leaving early is getting their feelings hurt about fans moving on to players that are still with or incoming to the program, then they should have stuck around.

In other words, here's my press release: "I have greatly enjoyed watching you over the past x years and will forever be a (fill in name) fan. With that being said, I'm ready to take the next step so I am taking my rooting talents to (fill in new name)"