Random Season News

Maybe a stupid question but don't most schools have people watching their opponents games?
Did this Michigan guy have some high tech gadgets that James Bond's Q gave him?
Michigan needs to hire Larry Lacewell as an "expert witness", subpoena Barry, then plea, "look you did nothing to them and they snuck into opponents practices".

I really don't like Michigan, but this is *********. Teams have mobile curtains trying to protect against coaches in the pressbox stealing signals in the game.

One of the greatest men I ever knew was P J Grainger, who only wanted and had one job in his coaching career - football coach for 8th & 9th grade boys and teach them football. He would get frustrated with us and yell the play in from the sideline. Now the defense knows what's coming, but Coach Grainger would yell, "it doesn't matter if they know what's coming, if you do your job, we'll score".
Apparently in-person scouting is prohibited by NCAA. Sign stealer was going to future opponent's games in person.
Poorly worded to me, very generic sounding. I honestly thought attending competitors games was standard behavior for a scout(spy). Seems as ‘on campus’ would be better wording but I get the meaning - I think. Regardless sounds kinda stupid to me but I am not a fan of NCAA, not a fan of Mich either but oh well.
The negligence was all on the administration & alums. There are at least two dozen people who should be banned from Baylor athletics before Briles was. Baylor wanted to keep that cash rolling in, so they hung Briles out to dry with the thinking being coaches are easier to find than millionaires and billionaires.