One of the great things about Fred Akers is when he beat Barry (5-2 the first seven years), SMU, A&M, Auburn while all of those were leading in innovative ways to cheat.
I was in my senior year of my second undergrad at UT, civil engineering, one course was professional engineering management taught by Prof. J. Neils Thompson.
As we were assembling to take our seats, there was a lot of rumbling about Akers' future --- it was much discussed in the press and on campus. As Prof. Thompson got to the lecturn a student shouted out: "Is Akers going to be fired?"
To help understand why I took his words as gospel in response tho this question (found way below the following info), a mini bio of J. Neils Thompson, that is snippets of this legend's history:
- played on the 1934 UT football team that went by train up to South Bend to beat the Irish 7-6:
"The game ended the way it stood in the first quarter, 7-6, and Texas had administered the first Notre Dame home opener loss since 1896. The big win drew a lot of respect from the Eastern press."
- earned BS and MS degrees in civil engineering at UT Austin, never did the PhD, but as faculty member and engineering researcher founded the Balcones Research Center --- the area around Austin was rich in limestone formations that could substitute as a source for shall water Gulf Coast supplies of magnesium --- the U.S. military was concerned about Nazi U-boats cavorting around in the shallow Texas waters and so funded this effort. The Balcones Research Center, IMHO, is THE seminal institution in Austin that has ultimately led to Austin being a world-renowed high tech mecca it is today.
- UT rep to the Southwest Conference; SWC President
- NCAA President
- member, chairman of UT Athletics council
- he conceptualized the design for the Memorial Stadium "upper deck" (west) to expand Memorial Stadium in the 70s.
- President of the National Society for Professional Engineers
- testified before the U.S. Supreme Court as an expert witness on professional ethics.
So, when Prof. Thompson said the following, to the best of my recollection, while standing erect with his index finger pointing skyward as if providing testimony under oath, I believed it then, and believe it to this day:
"You've all heard the rumors, I won't comment on if they are true or not. There are some terrible things going on in football today; things are far out of control. But let me say this, I believe Coach Akers is an honest man, a good coach, and runs an honest program. I believe that as long as Coach Akers is head coach at The University of Texas that this program will not be faced with severe punishment or probation due to recruiting wrongs, violation, or cheating."
Something like that. Of course about 3 weeks later Akers was fired and replaced after an "extensive nationwide search" that found David McWilliams in his 2nd year after leaving UT, formerly player, assistant coach under both Royal and Akers, at Tceh as head coach, having turned them around in one year from loser to a bowl game team.
IMHO, this hire, nothing against McWilliams, a very fine man himself, was the "salve" of DKR's resentment for Frank Erwin overriding DKR's choice (as AD) of Mike Campbell, instead getting the BofRs to approve Fred Akers to succeed DKR.