Random Off-Season News

OT Connor Williams said since Jan he's lost 19 lbs of body fat, gained 12 lbs of muscle and upped his bench, squat & cleans by 60 lbs.
We seem to be hearing a lot about players increasing strength and/or weight under McKnight. This puzzles me due to the fact that Charlie supposedly put so much emphasis on the weight room. "Putting the 'T' back in Texas would start in the weight room, he told us. I think I remember reading that Malik is now benching more than he could squat when McKnight arrived. Moorer was supposed to be a complete badass. Was it all a sham, or was the emphasis just different? What's the deal? :confused2::confused2::confused2:
Was it all a sham

In a word, "YES"! The last time we had a well conditioned team, that was strong, and we could always count on winning the fourth quarter was when a guy named Dana LeDuc was S&C coach. Back then we had more players in one season who could bench 500 pounds than we have had combined since.

Filter that down to RBs and all you have to do is look at one play on the northwest goalline of Texas Stadium against SMU, when 190 pound Rodney Tate went into the endzone but left the ball on the 2 yard line. Flesh pile of some 14-15 players, when Tate dove back in the pile and came out with the ball. You see, Dana had Tate benching over 300. Only TD of the game was scored one play later, as we defeated the vaunted Pony Express in spite of perhaps the most Draconian call in SWC history by that sorry piece of **** Bill Began. Two good things about that game: (1) we won; (2) that call ended Began's SWC career.
2008 Texas-OU game says hello.

How many OL or DL could bench even close to 500? Puppy Dog Madden, aka, Mr T Wannabe, was the biggest waste of money in University history to that point, and yes, I was around for Peter Flawn and Loraine Rogers, not to mention David's assistant coaches and Mackovic.
Some more good news

Grad transfer TE Kendall Moore from Syracuse has been accepted to UT and will join the team next week for practice.
How many OL or DL could bench even close to 500? Puppy Dog Madden, aka, Mr T Wannabe, was the biggest waste of money in University history to that point, and yes, I was around for Peter Flawn and Loraine Rogers, not to mention David's assistant coaches and Mackovic.

None of that actually addresses my point.

You can call Mad Dog all the names you want, and a bunch of them are warranted. The fact remains that Texas teams (by and large) under Mack won the fourth quarter. They ground OU unto the turf down the stretch in 2008. They came back over and over again to win games late. I don't remember once seeing a Mack Brown team get worn out and beaten down the stretch - at least not while he and the staff were engaged and on their game up until around 2009. Whether that fits your narrative or not is irrelevant. It's established history.

P.S. it took me all of 30 seconds to find that Derek Lokey benched 515. Pretty sure Okam cleared 500 as well, and I'm not going to bother to look for more, because it won't change your mind on anything.
WR Damion Miller is the last 2017 not in. He had to retake some classes in summer school to get his core up. His SAT was good enough.
New lockers are in


Pardon my ignorance, but since I have never, and shall never follow Ketchum other than second, third or fourth hand, what exactly it the "war" about?

If Ketchum had his "credentials" revoked, that is a time honored tradition in athletics. Hell, OA Phillips banned his hometown reporter from Oilers charters for criticizing him back in the 70s, and revoked his pressbox pass in The Dome.
Pardon my ignorance, but since I have never, and shall never follow Ketchum other than second, third or fourth hand, what exactly it the "war" about?

If Ketchum had his "credentials" revoked, that is a time honored tradition in athletics. Hell, OA Phillips banned his hometown reporter from Oilers charters for criticizing him back in the 70s, and revoked his pressbox pass in The Dome.
If it is the same issue as in the Dallas media today, it is the new rules for after practice press gatherings. Texas wants everyone to watch it live and are telling the press where they can and cannot stand. Most of the press types in Dallas are claiming they report everything without commentary. WRONG. Watch a full PC, and they select and comment.
It's fake Todd Orlando, like the Charlie F'n Strong account. Either way...

I actually kind of think the policy will trim down the "sensational" views of the blogosphere guys during the postgame pressers. Anwar Richardson was a big offender of this... talking about guys' body language off to the side and stuff. As fun as it is to know that stuff, I could see why it would be detrimental.