Random Off-Season News


I'm sorry you didn't get to make the trip to Columbus in 2005.


I chuckled... been to lovely Columbus many times on biz but missed Horns '05 game in the 'shoe. Suspect any favorable impressions I had of the city, its "citizens", and that state would have been greatly trashed after that game...
You don't know ****.
Including posting guide lines.
Keep your politics off the football board.
I'm interested in the "recent?" rise in social media's ability to affect outcomes....if someone gets bent (or could possibly get bent) about an occurrence/twitter posting/video, it seem like a public demand more often than not is met with the desired outcome. I honestly am waiting for the day when something is said or recorded on social media, people go nuts (left or right) and the boss of the "offending person" says "ya know, he/she says stupid stuff sometimes but generally is a good person who does X job effectively, so we're going to stick with said person"....maybe the Simpson's Abu character thing? Not trying to pick a side on this just sticking with the idea that all that really needed to happen was due process, someone gets charged with a crime and gets convicted of an actual crime (or not), a decision is made either way, and then everyone moves on.....it seems kinda scary that "the mob" can bend the will of any organization.....Ray Rice, etc.....
and the boss of the "offending person" says "ya know, he/she says stupid stuff sometimes but generally is a good person who does X job effectively

That is just corporate American culture. Your employer has a right to fire you and puts their "brand" above all else. And to appeal to the most people you can't offend anyone. So that means their brand is absolute milquetoast. So if you are an exec or if you represent your company in any sort of public way, you better watch your Ps and Qs.

Its ironic that most people blame all this on "the lefties". When its big business doing what they do and it goes both ways.