Random Off-Season News

Follow the bouncing ball:

Educrats: The sky is falling the sky is falling, we're doomed, fire him

Lawyers: Can't do it, that means admitting guilt and subjecting the school to investigation

Educrats: What do we do, the death penalty is looming on the horizon

Lawyers: Put him on administrative leave with pay. Conduct an "independent investigation" which clears him. To show remorse, Urban makes a $500,000 donation to a women's group.

Educrats: Will that work?

Lwayers: Only if you get off your dead *** and raise the $500,000.
Part of Title IX is interpreted to define discrimination on the basis of sex to include sexual harassment, rape, and sexual assault. A college or university that receives federal funding may be held legally responsible when it knows about and ignores sexual harassment or assault in its programs or activities

I guess I'm just not understanding that law because that happened between husband and wife not coach or player and another faculty or student. Because he happens to be an employee of OSU seems inconsequential to me. What if it were a professor and wife? The same rules apply under Title IX?

Edit: I'm not defending the action to not disclose just curious about how this ties together.
1 the guy was fired when a new allegation became public and it mattered from a PR perspective
2 leadership needs to be proactive to address abuse allegations. if they knew years ago, and the coach was able to go along about his business, it matters.
3 there is the potential that the school/program minimized abuse so they could be successful at football.

we'll see

1) what new allegation? I only saw the accusation of abuse to his wife. I didnt even see that he was convicted yet.
2) why is the school responsible when one of its employees abused his wife? My employer wouldn't be required to do anything if I abused my wife.
3) I suppose from a PR perspective that's true assuming the guy is convicted.
1) what new allegation? I only saw the accusation of abuse to his wife. I didnt even see that he was convicted yet.
2) why is the school responsible when one of its employees abused his wife? My employer wouldn't be required to do anything if I abused my wife.
3) I suppose from a PR perspective that's true assuming the guy is convicted.
From my mini research, Head Coach wife is a nurse, employed by the university, knew of the domestic violence, did not report it to officials, violation of law, not just ethics
From my mini research, Head Coach wife is a nurse, employed by the university, knew of the domestic violence, did not report it to officials, violation of law, not just ethics
Maybe Meyer's wife thinks that the Smiths can work things out. Maybe urban wasn't sure if Mrs. Smith was honest. He's just a head coach doing his thing. Shouldn't this be a police matter. I guess a head coach has to make sure everything is going well on all fronts including private lives.
1) what new allegation? I only saw the accusation of abuse to his wife. I didnt even see that he was convicted yet.
2) why is the school responsible when one of its employees abused his wife? My employer wouldn't be required to do anything if I abused my wife.
3) I suppose from a PR perspective that's true assuming the guy is convicted.
Is your employer a school? Is Title IX part of your policies and procedures?

Duty to report is built in to many types of industries... Schools, medicine, government. OSU is 2 of those, probably 3 if I look up connections to hospitals or medical schools. It's nothing new. Title IX makes it stricter.

Conviction happens later. Going through the appropriate reporting procedures is essential. I'm not saying the assistant should be fired. Just that the head coach needed to go through appropriate channels to report.
Interesting to see if Urban's gameplay is to deny and say his wife never told him.

Doesn't seem to be direct proof, so won't be surprised if he survives.

We'll see if OSU has the nuggets to cut him loose.
Is your employer a school? Is Title IX part of your policies and procedures?

Duty to report is built in to many types of industries... Schools, medicine, government. OSU is 2 of those, probably 3 if I look up connections to hospitals or medical schools. It's nothing new. Title IX makes it stricter.

Conviction happens later. Going through the appropriate reporting procedures is essential. I'm not saying the assistant should be fired. Just that the head coach needed to go through appropriate channels to report.

Sounds like it was reported to the police and the lady decided to not press charges. Why then would Urban be required to report it after it's already been reported to the police? There seems to be a lot of assumptions here and it would be sad to me for anyone to lose their job over assumptions if no real proof is provided. This seems to me like an organization being afraid of the mob mentality.
Sounds like it was reported to the police and the lady decided to not press charges. Why then would Urban be required to report it after it's already been reported to the police? There seems to be a lot of assumptions here and it would be sad to me for anyone to lose their job over assumptions if no real proof is provided. This seems to me like an organization being afraid of the mob mentality.

I believe I am hearing that it's in his contract to report any thing like this that can stain the school or program.
And he shouldn't want someone directing his athletes that may be capable of beating his wife while their children are holding onto her legs.
Meyer also publicly stated he knew nothing of the 2015 incident.
Now the alleged victim has supplied texts with Meyers wife concerning the incident that include graphic photos of the alleged assault.
So, now it looks as though he is lying and covering up. (I already consider him a lying sack of ****.)

Could this in any way spill over onto Herman?
He was there.
I believe I am hearing that it's in his contract to report any thing like this that can stain the school or program.
And he shouldn't want someone directing his athletes that may be capable of beating his wife while their children are holding onto her legs.
Meyer also publicly stated he knew nothing of the 2015 incident.
Now the alleged victim has supplied texts with Meyers wife concerning the incident that include graphic photos of the alleged assault.
So, now it looks as though he is lying and covering up. (I already consider him a lying sack of ****.)

Could this in any way spill over onto Herman?
He was there.

Other than not spreading rumors at a press conference I still dont see what he did wrong. A domestic violence situation between husband and wife was reported to the police but no charges were filed. Now we're firing another employee because we know his wife knew? How ******* absurd is that?

Please spare me the "this accused abuser is coaching my kid" b.s. if there is proof he ever abused any kid please supply it.

I'm tired of everyone jumping to conclusions and firing people on circumstantial evidence because everyone is scared shitless that the media may run with it.
How ******* absurd is that?

Meyer was aware of domestic violence in this relationship at Florida and brought the coach with him anyway.
Any semblance of this continuing at OSU should have been dealt with.
Even if it was just texts and pictures on his wife's phone.
Many abuse victims file and recant charges.
This is not a one time thing.
Meyer was aware of domestic violence in this relationship at Florida and brought the coach with him anyway.

Nothing in the McMurphy article shows that.
All we have is:
1. Texts with Meyer’s wife in 2015.
2. Texts with another woman saying that Meyer had asked Zach, Zach denied it and Meyer did not know what to think. (Also we have no way of knowing if what this woman said is accurate).

Many abuse victims file and recant charges.
This is not a one time thing.

If someone recants, then there is not much to do without video of the assault or eyewitnesses. Again, photos of her injuries only prove injuries, not the cause.

As stated in the other thread, there is not anything for any employer to do if the police try to get her to file charges and she refuses.
Urban fired him for apparently no reason other than he knew the story was about to hit Twitterville USA. Why fire a dude for an incident that occurred in 09 and basically resolved? I’ll let OSU decide if they want to fire him, but awfully curious that he says he had no knowledge of most recent beat down but by the way, You Fired! before he claims knowledge.
“What was reported wasn’t actually what happened,” Meyer said of the 2009 incident. “It’s a very personal matter

Okay Meyer knew something, but what did he know? Regardless, this was already reported to the police and she declined to file charges.
I hope that Zach and his wife find a peaceful place in their lives and I know where they can:
Through the prince of peace Jesus Christ the Creator.:thumbup:
Meyer was aware of domestic violence in this relationship at Florida and brought the coach with him anyway.
Any semblance of this continuing at OSU should have been dealt with.
Even if it was just texts and pictures on his wife's phone.
Many abuse victims file and recant charges.
This is not a one time thing.

This is another thing thats interesting. It happened at Florida but tosu is going to fire him.
Issue not being addressed (at least I haven't seen it), if Meyer knew about the issues in Gainesville, why did he hire him from (Pitt ???) to join him at Ohio State>
If you have ever been to Florence, it is a long way from Waco but a much better place.
I've been to Florence on multiple occasions. Nice city, but there are many other places in Italy I would rather be. I'm a country boy at heart, so the smaller cities (San Gimignano, Verona, Montepulciano, etc) appeal to me far more than Florence, Rome, and Venice.
I've been to Florence on multiple occasions. Nice city, but there are many other places in Italy I would rather be. I'm a country boy at heart, so the smaller cities (San Gimignano, Verona, Montepulciano, etc) appeal to me far more than Florence, Rome, and Venice.
Anywhere north of Rome is 100% better than Rome and south.

I'm tired of everyone jumping to conclusions and firing people on circumstantial evidence because everyone is scared shitless that the media may run with it.

This I agree with. It's become a travesty of trial by media backlash.

That is separate from a head coach being required to report potential situations to the appropriate school authorities.

Firing true innocents to avoid PR issues sucks. There is still a required process of reporting potential situations up the chain of command. And when football program people are pairing her not to press charges on top of not reporting, that's not the way Meyer is supposed to do it.