Public Golf Courses


Mulligan? Are you insinuating it was not a legit birdie?

Agreed on 18. Forest Creek is a solid golf course and well-designed for the most part. #18 is a very good hole. Congrats if the birdie was legit. Anyone want to divulge scores and tees you played from?


P.S. I have a few two-for-ones at Lago if anyone is interested.
dammit, I forgot about the little bump before the approach. I hit my drive about 3 yards too long and had a branch in my way. Instead of trying to hit a trick shot on 18 I bumped my ball a few feet to the right. Yes I know that's BS, but it was 18 and I wanted to finish with a straight shot into the green.

I still hit a 189 yd faded 5 iron within 10ft and made the putt.

I'm up for any 2 for 1's at Lago
I just noticed Golf Q has a Lago Vista/Highland Lakes special for next week...anytime Mon-Thurs is only $15, cart included. I will be out of town until Wed, but if anyone is interested in going out there on Thursday afternoon, let me know.

Nacho, his brother and myself played Kizer this morning....course in amazing shape still. Shot a 79 with about 6 putts missing by a total of 3 inches.

by the way, I love Pro-V 1's
i'm in. check your PM's for my cell number. i can't print the coupon and you have to present it. call me if you set something up.
All -
Anyone up for a "friendly game" this Sunday morning? Huffhines and I have ascertained that we'll both be in town, and any two comers who wish to challege us for board domination can do so now. Two man best ball, Roy Kizer. Anyone? Anyone?
unpainted - I'm up for $15 golf at Lago on Thursday. Let me know.

I played Forest Creek yesterday. I hadn't been out there in a while and I agree that it was in great shape. The greens were pretty fast and I ended up with a few three putts I wasn't real proud of. I thought I was going to shake the bogey golf slump I've been in lately, but the wheels fell off about the 13th hole. Final score? Dead on bogey golf.
lago punched yesterday and today. combine that with the drenched fairways (played highland lakes today) and you're in for a pretty frustrating round. at least the rough was finally trimmed a bit.
Going to Star Ranch tomorrow for $32. Will try to be on the tee by 9:30am. If you are game, let me know.

Wait till Lago is thru with maintenance and we will go two for one.

Here's a question. You know how everyone always ******* about not getting to warm up, hit balls, etc etc. I went and met some friends for the back nine this afternoon. I got there while they were on the 9th tee, so I had time to hit about ten chips. No putts, no range balls, no stretching, nothing. So I expected to play like total crap. On the tenth tee, I hit a hard draw down the middle of the fairway, about 285. Five iron to the left edge, five footer for par. Next hole is playing about 190 into the fan, but with a short pin. I hit a low draw with a five iron to about eight feet. Third hole I bomb another driver about 290 into the fan, and hit seven iron long and left of the hole. I was on top of a hill, and had shortsided myself. I ******* got up and down.

No warmups. No expectations, and I played the first three holes like a ******* god. Even the rest of the round went ok - hit the ball solid all nine holes. I think I finished 4 over par, maybe 5, and most of that was cause we were jacking around.

I may be on to something here.

Anyone up for golf sunday? Gonna be a hot, humid ************, but I'd like to play an afternoon 18. Maybe, Bluebonnet? (Have they punched yet?)
Played my first round ever at Forest Creek yesterday ... carded a respectable 89 (not counting two of those "bumps" mentioned above) considering my horrid putting - I'm not used to greens that run true (my last round was at f-ing Black Hawk). I think Forest Creek's now my favorite local daily-fee course. Man, was in great shape, we saw the marshall like every third hole, who slowed down a group behind our foursome who kepping hitting into us - because we were behind a foursome of ladies who were terrible. They pulled the ladies off at the turn and let us through, and we played straight up from there. Staff was also damn nice. Three things I appreciate ... good course conditions, good staff, and enforcement of pace of round.

Anyone ever up for early mornings in Austin, drop me a PM ... I'm always free during the week and Sunday mornings.
Played ACC yesterday, and it was a tough sombitch. The rough was up (they have St. Augustine and Bermuda) and I was hitting everything left.

Oh, and it was 1000 degrees. All in all, a great day.
I remember reading about a PGA/LPGA/SPGA/Nike Tour event being played a couple of years ago at a course with St. Aug rough. Sounded like a nightmare.
ColoVista's in real good shape. The greens are about 85% back from being punched - grainy in places, but there's grass everywhere, and they're cut fairly low. Fairways are immaculate (comparable to Kizer) and the rough is gnarly.

Oh, since you asked - 42-36-78 today. Took me a few holes to get loose.
Not to be a dick and taunt everyone, but I just got back from a 3-day, 72 hole work-related golf trip to Colorado. Played like crap, but man, can the views and weather improve the mood. If anyone is out that way, I highly recommend the River Course at Keystone and the Raven in Dillon, which is very near Keystone. Now it's back to the heat and humidity.
P4D - yep, normal warmup routine. Goes like this ...
1. Park car.
2. Stretch hamstrings and quads whilst working on manual dexterity and one-footed balance.
3. Loosen right shoulder and elbow, along with right lateral muscles.
4. Swing.

(for the humor impaired, that's "put on shoes and get clubs out of the back of the trunk").

No, I didn't have time to warm up. I don't think it would have helped much - I just didn't have much rythmn until about #5.
Man I played 2 rounds at ColoVista one windy day in mid May and the wind was so bad on the front nine the first green was nearly unputtable. The hole was cut right in a downslope near the back of the green and then green was so fast, and the wind so strong, that when I placed my ball on the top of the hill, it rolled down the hill and off the green.

The wind was not so bad on the back nine, except on 15 -- with that big drop. The wind was so strong it still played the full 170 yds. Shocking to try hitting an 8 or a 9 into it and watching the ball actually blow back towards you.