Here's a question. You know how everyone always ******* about not getting to warm up, hit balls, etc etc. I went and met some friends for the back nine this afternoon. I got there while they were on the 9th tee, so I had time to hit about ten chips. No putts, no range balls, no stretching, nothing. So I expected to play like total crap. On the tenth tee, I hit a hard draw down the middle of the fairway, about 285. Five iron to the left edge, five footer for par. Next hole is playing about 190 into the fan, but with a short pin. I hit a low draw with a five iron to about eight feet. Third hole I bomb another driver about 290 into the fan, and hit seven iron long and left of the hole. I was on top of a hill, and had shortsided myself. I ******* got up and down.
No warmups. No expectations, and I played the first three holes like a ******* god. Even the rest of the round went ok - hit the ball solid all nine holes. I think I finished 4 over par, maybe 5, and most of that was cause we were jacking around.
I may be on to something here.
Anyone up for golf sunday? Gonna be a hot, humid ************, but I'd like to play an afternoon 18. Maybe, Bluebonnet? (Have they punched yet?)