Public Golf Courses

I haven't been playing any golf, and that sucks ***. Played a nice course two weekends ago in Spring Branch, TX (just north of San Antonio on 281) called River Crossing. Target golf at it's finest, but most of the greens had proper entrances (i.e. no bunkers or hazards in front), so you could still bump-and-run. Great course, highly recommended.
I played River Crossing today. It's a great course IMO. I really enjoyed it. Well worth the drive from Austin.

It's not terribly long. We played the gold tees at just around 6500 yds, but as capnamerica said you have to hit your shots. If you tend to spray the ball around......bring a lot of golf balls. The deep rough is thigh high in some areas. The greens and fairways are in great shape. Although there are a handful of holes where they are apparently patching small bits of fairways, but none them really came into play.

FYI - the green at 17 is a ******* *****.

*edit* River Crossing
How cool am I? Playing a four-man scramble this Thursday at the new Lakeway course, Flintrock Falls. If memory serves, the first day of play on this course is today (monday). Will post a review after the round, and god I hope it stops raining long enough for me to hit some balls before then.
Just found this thread - very cool.

What are y'alls thoughts on Avery Ranch? I played it a couple of months ago when it was brand new and was very impressed with the layout. It was still immature and the greens didn't hold as well as I care for, but I really enjoyed the design. I did think it was odd that most of the 4's and 5's were short to medium length (even from 2nd to back tees), while the 3's seemed to be super long. I know 2 of them were over 200 yds and a couple more were near 200 (I think they have 5 or 6 3's).

Also, any recent reviews of Teravista? I'm going to try and get out there in the next week or two. I've heard next to nothing about it. I hope its decent - I live less than 5 minutes from there.

One last thing - should I give Star Ranch another shot? I played it last year and was impressed with the quality and facilities, but thought the layout was pretty bland. I'm not real big on being able to see 12 other holes from any spot on the course. I just feel that if I'm going to shell out more than $50 anywhere, I'd like a little scenery. Thats my take anyway.
Avery Ranch: great course, actually reminds me of the layout at Circle C. A few more forced carries. This course, along with Teravista have set the bar really high for any new courses in Austin. The greens have come in nicely.

Teravista: Very similar to Avery Ranch in terms of condition. A little more shot-making on this course. There are a couple of short Par 4's where you need to place your shot off the tee. Played out there last week and the greens are also coming in nicely. The biggest difference at this course is the staff and the practice facilities. Both are top notch. As mentioned before, this is a Troon managed course, meaning everything is very professional. They even hasve cart guys going around dropping off cold towels. Very nice considering the heat. Last 2 rounds out there have been 78, 79. You definitely need to play there.

Star Ranch: played there on Friday (78, even on the back 9). The layout is relatively bland, but in regards to's in Hutto, what do you expect? It's a Texas style links course, hence the ability to see multiple holes. The greens were punched two weeks ago. They are fast and very curvy. Definitely give it another chance, BUT....use the coupon they have on their gets you a $39 rate anytime Mon-thurs, and after 1pm on Fridays and the weekends. Or, simply play a twilight rate.
Huffhines - they punched two weeks ago at SR? That sucks ... our two-day tournament is out there next weekend ... I ******* hate sanded greens.
Any of you other golfers notice Jack and son in town yesterday to open up the new Flintrock course in Lakeway? I'm not bringing this up because I get to play there Thursday (I do), but just that it was pretty cool to see the greatest golfer of all time in Austin - sweating his nuts off.
I played Flintrock last Sat. Overall a great course.
Granted I'm not that great of a golfer (bogey golf), but here are my thoughts if anyone gives two shits.

The layout is great - tough, but not cast-iron ***** tough. The holes that appear to open up and let up some have some sort of hitch to make you think a little, (i.e. tree in the middle of the fairway, creek across the fairway, etc.)

The greens absolutely busted my balls- most were very small with shallow approaches - hard, fast, and with subtle undulations that make them difficult to read. If you can, play with somebody who has played the course before so they can give you advice on where to place your approaches, because, trust me, even if you reach the green in reg. you can end up bogeying and even doubling the hole depending on your ball placement. A good rule of thumb is to be below the hole at all times.
Ram Rock from the tips and about a 10 mph wind is one of the best test of golf you will find.

Best all around private course in Austin: The Hills (when the greens are good).
Interesting how this thread has changed. Some time back, I post that Blackhawk is terrible, Star Ranch is the nicest public I have played in Austin, and that the overall level of daily play courses in Austin doesn't match up with SA or Houston.

The response? Blackhawk is defended, Star Ranch is overrated, and I might as well be a golf snob because I don't fawn over Bluebonnet.

Now, I read were posters are posting epitaths for Blackhawk, Star Ranch is a quality track, and a series of new courses has raised the level of daily play courses in Ausitn.

Apology accepted.
Hey Davey - how exactly does Flintrock, Cimmaron, and the rest of the Lakeway bunch raise the level of daily-play golf?

I still love the track at Blackhawk, I just hate the condition it's in. I would still rather play Bluebonnet than any other municipal course, and if we're going to get picky, Avery Ranch is in Austin, but TeraVista and RamRock sure ain't.
We have been through this before. Some here are going to be be loyal to courses like Black Hawk which is their choice. I don't dislike the course due to its poor condition. It is a boring lay-out to me. B. B. is nice and a great value, but the course itself isn't special.

Lag and Highlands are good courses. They have been for a long time. The biggest problem I have ever had with them is that my friends and clients in Austin often times complain about driving "all the way out there" to play. It is somewhat of a perspective thing as it the distance isn't that far for someone in Houston who has driven 40 miles to play a course on the other side of town.

Avery and Star Ranch to me offer a good combination of good lay-out and course condition. I recently played Avery and really like the course. Compare that now with some of the other courses in Austin. Blackhawk is a disaster. Circle C was very good when it first opened, but has really fallen in terms of course condition. Forest Creek is a good. Blue Bonnet does have great greens, but I don't think the layout is as good as Avery. Lago and Highlands are comparable.

As I have said before, I don't have a problem paying 50-60 dollars for a round if the course is a quality layout and it is in good shape. I played Texas Star a few months back and thought it was a great value even though it was around $55. When I come to Austin and play I just havent' felt the same about playing some of the courses despite the fact the fees might have been less. The two new courses have add new choices and if they are maintaned two high quality places to play. Part of the problem has been that two of the supposedly better daily plays in the area (Circle C and Blackhawk) haven't been kept up and I don't even have better suggest those courses to me when I am paying.

The irony to me is that the Austin area has some of the best private courses in the state. They offer a great combination of weather, terrain, and course design. While including Marble Falls is a stretch I am not sure you can find many of courses that offer as much as the collection of course you have there and to me they symbolize what Hill Country golf is.

How about this? List the Top 10 Daily Play/Muni courses (Factoring in course layout, course conditions, cost) in Austin without including Avery and Star Ranch. Then compare those two with the list and I think we will agree that they have to be included in the top half of that list.
As I said above, I have played there because the friends/clients that I have in Austin haven't wanted to play there. The last time I played there was in the spring and the course was very, very sparce If the course is back in good shape that is great as it is a very good layout.

I never really understood why they were having the water problems that they were having. Someone at the course told me that they had their own well, but it just didn't look like they were watering.
I haven't ahd a chance to play Teravista, nor talk with anyone who has played the course. Is there another course in Austin you would compare it wtih?
i'd put it up with the highland lakes courses as far as challenge goes. but it's in better shape and the greens are true. it is very, very well run. the marshalls were good at enforcing pace of play. it wasn't too windy for a somewhat 'open' course. it is my favorite now.
Course review - Flintrock Falls.

Jack Nicklaus golf at its finest. It's kinda scary, actually - think of every Nicklaus-design cliche, and then go play, and you'll find every one. Every hole accepts a high cut off the tee - all four par-3 placements have flat spots in the back right corners (and 3 of the 4 pins were there!). The holes that dogleg left have landing areas on the right side of the fairway. The greens have elephants in them, placed such that the ball often breaks AWAY from the lowest spot on the green, due to unseen elevations (from said elephants). Very hilly, but not many blind shots. Most greens had proper entrances, although sometimes that entrance doesn't get you anywhere near the pin. Some greens are stupid-hilly, others are nicely undulating. Condition of the greens was about a 7 out of 10 - give them some time to grow in, they're still grainy as hell. Additionally, they were about as soft as the parking lot- I'm hoping a few punchings remedies that fact.

In summation - a very nice course. I'd happily pay $80-$100 a round to play this golf course. Unfortunately, I've heard rumors that the guest fee will be in the neighborhood os $160, and I ain't paying that in a million years. It's not THAT nice. I rank it above Lago/Highland and Forest Creek, and below the Barton Creek courses. I think a good analogy would be Forest Creek GC on Onion Creek quality.


See my post on FIintrock above. A "hacker" review of sorts.

I think you were actually in my foursome a few years ago when Wheeler had his tourney out at Kizer?
you mean the one where i passed out? i actually played pretty well until about 14 or 15 and then i could not remember my name. too many beers on too hot a day.