Public Golf Courses

I recommend Lady Bird Johnson State Park golf course in Fredericksburg.

It was laid out by the same guy who did Bluebonnet.

Ten of my high school buddies and I play 108 holes in 72 hours every first weekend in August (Thursday noon to Sunday noon). We all played a sport in high school, and none of us is willing to admit that he's now 55 and not 17 years old.

We usually start with La Cantera (which I like) or Tapatia (which I dislike) and then stay at River Hills in Kerrville or Horshoe Bay in Marble Falls.

Those are damned expensive, and to ease the financial burden, we play 36 holes on Saturday at Lady Bird.

I can't compare the $100 courses; I suspect some would say they are worth that much.

But I look forward all year long to playing Lady Bird.

Sorry if I came across too strong in my last response. That happens when I try to post and am on the phone. Actually, I have enjoyed your posts on this and wish that type of discourse on the boards more often.

Do agree with two points you made.

1) What I all the moat syndrome of course buidling. Designer feels he needs to build a freaking trap, waste bunk, water, etc.. in front of a green and force the player to land the ball on the green. This gets compounded when the greens are so hard that the ball won't hold (Which I believe was in your original comments about Star Ranch.). A good golf course encourages creative play and rewards good shots. It requires more than 3-club golf.

2) Pace of play. This is a real pain to me and why I won't play in Houston on the weekends. I don't understand why if you are using carts it takes over 4 hours. Most courses aren't so long and so difficult it should take this long. I really think that one area that golf has suffered over the past few years is etiquite. When I take our son to play (he's 8), we also let people play through. I can't tell you how many times I have been stuck behin some group that thinks they are playing at the open for 5-6 holes. No one say you have to rush, but be ready to hit the ball when you get up to it for goodness sake.

As for playing a round some time, I would love to but I have to warn you that for someone who plays as much as I do and loves the game I am truly bad.
aahhh it's so sweet, you guys made up

FYI - played Colovista in a tournament yesterday. Greens are coming in great from the aeration. I'd give it 2 weeks and they'll be perfect. Fairways are painted with grass. Overall it's in great condition.
I have been a vocal opponent of the attention that Star Ranch in recieving. But I have to give a course its due when it's due. Played Star Ranch yesterday (sunday), and it was fantastic. Greens were fully grown in, and a good deal softer than in rounds past. I could actually hold a shot near the hole. The ball rolled true, which is sometimes not a given.

As always, the practice facility is top-notch. Grass on the practice tee, grass on the practice greens. Just a wonderful way to spend a sunday afternoon, even if I did play like crap (six three putts).
that's good to know capn. I thought it would grow in before too long. I'm one that liked it anyway, but with softer greens that makes it that much better. I haven't been there in a while and need to get up there. On a different note, has anyone heard anything about Avery Ranch? When's it open, what will it cost, what's the course supposed to be like?
couldn't agree more about Star Ranch. It is by far the best daily fee course in Austin right now. With that said, the daily weekly rate is still a bit too high ($55), but the twilight rate is a perfect value ($40).

I'll second my opinion that Circle C can suck my ***. Played there last week. The greens are in absolutely horrible condition. Fortunately the fairways have grown in a bit since the last time I played, but having the majority of your putts get directly affected due to green conditions makes me want to punch someone. Still shot a 76 though, f Cirlce C

I will be playing in a tournament out at Avery Ranch on the 22nd so I'll give an update then. Agree that it's supposed to be very nice. Prices are comparable to Star Ranch and Forest Creek. Prices are:

Mon-Thur: $49 , twilight: $37
Fri: $59 , twilight: $44
Weekend:$65 , twilight: $49
Huffhines - need a scramble partner on the 22nd?

I'll be out of town anyways, that weekend, but eagerly await the first course reviews. I'll be on that track as soon as my butt can handle it.

Just becaues I like to brag (kinda), had six three putts and shot 80 on sunday at SR. I was hitting the ball well.
FYI, I played Blackhawk this morning and the greens are in AWFUL shape. No ******* wonder they're selling those 50 dollar coupon books. I have yet to play a round where something wasn't out of whack since I bought it. (dry, cracked fairways....greens like quicksand). It got to a point where we just took two putts if the ball was outside of 10 feet and one if it was inside.
That sucks Nacho. That's the one thing that really kills a course. It can be a great layout (Blackhawk is ok), but if the greens suck it just ruins the round.
Got off early the other day, drove to Blackhawk, took one look at the greens, got in may car and drove over to Forest Creek. They looked just horrible. They have a history of periodically losing the greens at BH, and it is not even close to being worth the price right now.

Forest Creek was in pretty good shape, but there are too many "tricked up" holes for me -- too many L-shaped or even U-shaped holes.
I've played Forest Creek lots and liked it all right, but something always bugged me about it. I was too stupid to figure it out, but I think you described in perfectly.
Colovista is $32 on Monday 6/10. I think I may make the drive down there. I have yet to find anyone who is willing to make the drive. If anyone has an interest, let me know.

BTW, Blackhawk sucks. Talk about an unimaginative design. The greens have always been bad.

Speaking of costs. What has everyone been paying lately?
My favorite is the tee time right at 5 at Star Ranch, 25 dollars and no way you can't get in 18. We even played with a scramble in front of us and a group of 5 diurectly in front that thought they were playing the Masters and got through last week.
I've played Star Ranch a lot lately. I think I mentioned this before, but their twilight rate is the best value in Austin right now. The super-twilight rate is even better.

I've also played Forest Creek a few times lately. If you play between 10 and noon during the week it's only $35. I'm also on their email list which promotes their daily specials. I could have played today for $19 after 1pm. They have deals like this all the time.

by the way, I play in a "golf league". The next tournament is out at Avery Ranch on the 22nd of this month. Price is $85, which is a bit high, but you do get range balls and two drink tickets. I won the last tournament and took home some pretty good cash and some prizes from the raffle. It's a 2-man scramble format. Here are the details:The Link
Huffhines - when they say "morning shotgun", what do they mean? I'll be in dallas that friday evening, but I could make an 11 or 12 tee time ... my scramble partner will be with me in dallas, so we'd just drive in together.
the Firecracker Open is july 6 at Starcke Park GC in Seguin.
its a fun 2 man scramble. (flighted by low handicap)...i'll be playing in it

i'll recommend Starcke Park to anyone willing to drive alittle to Seguin
My favorite thing about Star Ranch is that it is 8.50 for all the balls you can hit. Since I live 2 minutes away I can go in the morning and then come back in the evening as long as I have my receipt. Unbeatable deal from what I have seen. I do wish they had a chipping green like Forest Creek has though.
Roy Kizer GC is in fantastic shape right now. I just wanted everyone to know that. We played Sunday morning, after the downpour Saturday night, and the course wasn't wet at all. The greens are grown in and, while perhaps a little slow, very smooth. Highly recommended.

BTW - I shot a 74, and doubled the 18th. (just a little bragging - had to be done, it's my best round of the year BY FAR).
Cap is correct. Kizer's fairways are about as lush as a muny course can get. Played Saturday and on a lot of holes it was almost like hitting off of carpet.

An Again DO NOT bother with Blackhawk. Had a chance to get out Sunday, they had a good rate, and it was still so bad, that I quit after 9 holes.

The greens were not only blotched with bare spots, those that had grass were slow and thick. They are doing a lot of work (building a new tee on #2 putting in new cart lanes) and it was a mess. Was only 3 over at nine, and still didn't want to stick around. Just pitiful.
Unbelievable. All these replies, and only one person mentioned Legacy Hills at Sun City in Georgetown. For a truly public course, it is the best in town, hands down, IMO. Most people have not played there because they might think Sun City - a bunch of old farts, short course, slow play. Wrong on all accounts (well, maybe a few old farts...).

It's 7088 from the tips, is always in great shape, and has MANY memorable holes. It's just fun to play, and not too hard from the blues/whites. However, it's rated 73.4, slope 127 from the black tees... General public can get tee times 3 days in advance, residents 7 days in advance.

Here's more info:

Legacy Hills Golf Club is owned by Sun City Georgetown Community Association, Inc.

Casper / Nash and Associates, Phoenix, AZ. The course is a Billy Casper signature course.

The course is managed by Sun City Georgetown Community Association Management Co., managing agent for Sun City Georgetown Community Association, Inc.

November 15, 1996.Grand Opening on April 19, 1997.

Residents of Sun City Georgetown - 7 days in advance. Public play - 3 days in advance.

Legacy Hills Golf Club covers 120 acres. It is located within the boundaries of Del Webb's Sun City. Georgetown, an active adult community consisting of over 5,300 acres of future residential development with areas set aside for commercial development to serve the residents needs.

Black Tees 7,088 yards, 73.4 rating 127 slope; Gold Tees 6,663 yards, 71.4 rating 122 slope; Blue Tees 5,938 yards, 67.8 rating 113 slope; Red Tees 5,436 yards, 65.7 rating 103 slope.

Blue Tees 5,938 yards.,74.3 rating 125 slope; Red Tees 5,436 yards,71.4 rating 118 slope

Tee & Green Type:
328 Hybrid Bermuda (Summer), Perennial Rye (Winter)
Fairway Type:
419 Bermuda (Summer), Perennial Rye (Winter) Landscaping:
Approximately 20,000 Live Oak, Red Oak, White Oak and Cedar trees. Many acres of areas which, during construction, were intentionally left in their natural state. Rock work:
All rock used at Legacy Hills Golf Club was re- cycled from the site during construction. The dam and lake alone account for over 200,000 tons of native rock-work.

DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: The Legacy Hills Golf Club is designed to fit within the natural surroundings and enhance existing topographical features. In this way, the course blends and creates a greater balance with the natural environment. Whenever possible, tees and greens are incorporated into the existing Hill Country landscape features such as rolling hills, ravines and stands of decade old Oak trees. Design features and types of vegetation are selected to blend with the surroundings while containing different varieties of grasses and plants to create color and visual excitement.

COURSE PLAYABILITY: The course is designed so that all levels of golfers can be appropriately challenged according to their skill level. The course contains many water features, but does not have a forced carry except on Hole #2. Relatively generous greens, with few green side bunkers are the norm so that the average golfer has a chance to score once they have reached the green area. Spectacular shaping frames the course so the golfer has the feel of being alone on the links.


"How much does a membership cost?"

The Annual Membership Fee/no green fee is $1,730 per year. A secondary membership pass is $1,125 per year/no green fee.
If you don't plan to play several times a week then you might be interested in our Annual Pass + Fee: Annual Pass is $850.00 per person;
1) Per Round Green Fee - 18 Hole is $8
2) Per Round Green Fee - 9 Hole is $5.75
(see below for information on cart fees)
Only two memberships may be purchased per household. New resident members will have a prorated membership. Current existing members have common anniversary date of June 30.

"Can I play without buying a membership?"

Yes. Resident nonmembers may play for $27 a round plus a cart fee. Guests of residents may play for the following:
Resident Guest - 18 Hole (Tuesday ~ Thursday) $41.50
Resident Guest - 18 Hole (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays) $46.50
Resident Guest - 9 Hole $26.50
Resident Guest - Twilight $26.50
Trail Fees are not applicable.
These are current rates as of July 2001.

"How much is the cart fee?"
Community Cart - Public or Residents who need our golf cart have two options.
1) $12 per/person round - 18 Holes or
2) $7 per/person round - 9 Holes
Cart owners have two options:
1) Pay an annual trail fee of $375, which will be prorated for the remainder of this fiscal year. or
2) Pay cart trail fee

"Is the golf course open to the public?"
Yes. They may play Tuesday through Thursday for $60.50 Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays will cost $70.50
Public Twilight Tuesday - Thursdays will cost $33.50.
Public Twilight Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays will cost $38.50.
Public Replay Rate will cost $33.50.
Cart fees are included in green fees.

"Is there a driving range?"
Yes. Residents may buy a bucket of balls, each containing between 30 and 35 balls, for $1.75. The public price is $2.25.

"How soon may tee times be reserved?"
Residents may reserve tee times in advance using our automated tee time system, TEE-OFF. For more details, please call the ProShop.
The public may do so up to three (3) days in advance. Reservations for public play may be made by calling 864-1222. Normal business hours are 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Checks may be made out to SCGTCA.

***If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call the the Pro Shop at 864-1222
I have been playing golf (very inconsistently) since I was 11 (about 10-11 years). Sometimes I played as little as twice a year and my lowest score was a 91. On Monday, though, I had a freak day where I was consistently landing my drives in the fairway, sticking my approach shots and not 3-putting every other green (I had 4 all day, and two of them were on par threes for bogeys). I was playing Barton Creek Lakeside and ended up shooting an 81 from the blues. I think I am going to take some of y'alls advice and go play Kizer pretty soon - maybe Monday - and see if I can keep this up.

Are any of you aware of any weekday coupons for this course? Someone earlier linked to GolfQ and that has some good ones on it, but only for a few courses. Thanks for the help.
I never seen a coupon for a muni course.....not to say they don't exist, just never seen one.

If you looking to save a few bucks, the twilight rates are usually the best deal this time of year and if you get there early enough you should have plenty of time to finish 18.
Ok, played Avery Ranch this morning in a 2-man scramble....

this course will raise the bar for any future Austin courses, just as Star Ranch did. Think Star Ranch, but harder (from the gold or black tees). For being only a month old (or so), this course is in pretty damn good shape. With the exception on the #17 green (which is in really bad shape, but they are working on it) and the #5 green (not as bad of shape), the greens are rolling very nice and are green. They can use some softening up a bit, but overall they are nice.

The fairways are in excellent shape with grass lining all of them. There are a number of areas around the course that are still being worked on, however nothing in the way of play. Most of the black tees (the tips) are still being installed, but when they are, this course will be a bear (one Par 5 is 600 yards). One of the Par 4's played 455 from the gold tees (from the black...damn).

A few of the Par 5's are reachable in 2 with long drives, but there are two that demand a well place second shot.

Par 3's are challenging, with 2 that play between 185+.

There is not much water on the course.

One major drawback for a course that charges good money, is the lack of GPS on the carts. I did not get a chance to ask if they were eventually installing, but I hope so.

Overall I was surprised by how well this course played considering its age. I would definitely recommend checking it out now vs. waiting for it to mature. I would also recommend the twilight rate.

Once the surroundings have grown in, this is going to be an absolutely beautiful track.
i could have used GPS on that massive dogleg par5 (#12?) to avoid that ******* sandtrap. they put the tees about 30 yards behind some trees, but left you some fairway to hit. only problem is, to have a decent approach, you HAVE to hit a ******* perfect hook to keep it in the fairway.

anyway, re golfq, my brother and i played circle c today for 32 bucks (total). buy one/get one at the super twilight rate. i love that website.