President Biden Accountability Thread

Wonder what the FBI is doing at Rep Henry Cuellar D Laredo house?
He has been openly and repeatedly critical of Biden's mishandling of the border.
FBI was seen taking pics of vehicles in Cuellar's driveway.
Don't think they are there for chips and salsa
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Wonder what the FBI is doing at Rep Henry Cuellar D Laredo house?
He has been openly and repeatedly critical of Biden's mishandling of the border.
FBI was seen taking pics of vehicles in Cuellar's driveway.
Don't think they are there for chips and salsa

My Father taught Henry in college.

I smelled a rat too on this. The Dems ran an AOC acolyte against him in the last race. They want him out. He is not a Liberal so they hate him.
Security at the southern border.

Want more?

Making us energy independent again.

End the insanity of setting up legal funding for rioters who loot, burn, kill.

I could go on, but he'd fall asleep halfway thru my list

Republicans became the party of no when they realized that Liberals won't negotiate. They are idealistic totalitarians and saying no is the only option. We have to run them off at the voting booth.
I respectfully disagree. Republicans are not a party of No.
They are a party of no more big crippling gov't programs and fed gov't intervention in states right to govern
I respectfully disagree. Republicans are not a party of No.
They are a party of no more big crippling gov't programs abd fed

That's fine. I was just mocking their use of the term "The Party of No." Frankly, it doesn't bother me that they used that term. They are only trying to use sound-bites to get their way. But if there is any truth to their attempt to ridicule then they only have themselves to blame.
Biden kept saying, “what do the Republicans stand for?”

- not letting illegal aliens cross, especially without being tested.
- no free give outs for dumbass decisions to overspend for education that won’t pay for itself.
- dumb military decisions like Afghanistan
- not paying illegal aliens $400,000
- not killing America’s energy independence which lead to US inflation
I actually don't think the GOP is the party of No. They handed him the infrastructure bill and provided Pelosi with some key votes on funding bills that the squad wanted to fight. They've offered to reform the electoral count process, which would actually address the January 6 issue, unlike the "Make Elections a Partisan Free-for-all Act." If Biden scaled down Build Back Better to only the real infrastructure and the child tax credit, it would almost surely get Republican votes. But if you define your whole agenda as one massive, unnecessary social spending binge while the deficit is exploding and nationalizing the election processes of the United States along partisan lines, yeah, they're gonna say no. Most sane people would.
Biden kept saying, “what do the Republicans stand for?”

- not letting illegal aliens cross, especially without being tested.
- no free give outs for dumbass decisions to overspend for education that won’t pay for itself.
- dumb military decisions like Afghanistan
- not paying illegal aliens $400,000
- not killing America’s energy independence which lead to US inflation

"not, no, dumb, not, not". 5 out of 6 - that's a lot of nos! :lmao:

But seriously, the Dems are just as easily the party of no.

-Can we go into buildings without masks? No
-Can we keep our money instead of being taxed more? No
-Can we protect the unborn? No
-Can we require voters to show IDs like folks are required to show IDs to get on planes? No
Watch out Joe Manchin, the Communist Bernie Sanders (CBS) is coming to primary you, for not voting for the 2 trill B^3 bill, or the vote by mail fraud act:

Down to 54% favorability, in a state where Depends is at 27%, or 5 points below the freezing point of water. Watch out!
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Andrew Sullivan is right. Link.
This is a core problem of most presidencies. They win 52/48 and then they somehow read that as a mandate to swing the country far left or far right. We are a relatively mature country at this point. People should not expect massive change from one admin to another. I don't know why politicians have to swing for the fences. Biden seems to be doing it more than most but I think that is because Dem's in general put a lot of stock in the twitterverse.
This is a core problem of most presidencies. They win 52/48 and then they somehow read that as a mandate to swing the country far left or far right. We are a relatively mature country at this point. People should not expect massive change from one admin to another. I don't know why politicians have to swing for the fences. Biden seems to be doing it more than most but I think that is because Dem's in general put a lot of stock in the twitterverse.
I disagree with you to some degree when it is a Republican president. Most of their work is pruning the government that has run over the garden, so to speak.
I disagree with you to some degree when it is a Republican president. Most of their work is pruning the government that has run over the garden, so to speak.
but there is a fair amount of broad support for taking Climate Change seriously and improving healthcare and a few other things that typically fall into the Dem side. Rather than acknowledging this and finding modest compromise to meet those desires, the GOP does nothing on many of these issues. The GOP gets hijacked by far rights all most as much as the Dem's get hijacked by far lefts. The Dem's get steamrolled a bit more because they attempt to curry favor more on Social Media and MSM but at the end of the day, both sides play to their base too much and ignore the fact that they really only have 4% more support than the other guy.
Note that no one says Shîtshow(tm) because they don’t want to pay the royalty fee for use of my trademark.

Note that no one says Shîtshow(tm) because they don’t want to pay the royalty fee for use of my trademark.

I suspect the royalty fee is the least of the concerns...the FCC fine is more of a concern, especially with the commie wench Biden has tried to get appointed...

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