President Biden Accountability Thread

So last week had horrid poll numbers, the crash and burn of the Federal vote by mail fraud takeover effort, a stunningly bad stream of consciousness presser where Depends publicly announced the behind the scenes strategy on Ukraine, and more slapping around on Wuhan shot mandates.

Wonder what this week will bring? Probably further impotence in Ukraine, even worse poll numbers, and various babblings about the next Really Important Bill!!! they're pushing in the Senate, which will also die.
Note that no one says Shîtshow(tm) because they don’t want to pay the royalty fee for use of my trademark.

Anyone who expected anything different is lacking intelligence.

And, does this guy think he looks smart by having those papers in this hands? Who actually watches this clown?
Anyone who expected anything different is lacking intelligence.

And, does this guy think he looks smart by having those papers in this hands? Who actually watches this clown?

That show is a joke. When Tim Russert hosted it, it was good. He was liberal - worked for Pat Moynihan and Mario Cuomo, but he was professional. He had integrity and at least tried to keep his bias out of his work and usually succeeded. Tom Brokaw was tolerable but no where near as professional. David Gregory was a staunch partisan and showed his *** more often than not. Chuck Todd is a transparent partisan assclown with no professionalism at all. You may as well be talking to the DNC chairman. He's about that fair.
Wow, just saw we imported 11x more times oil from Russia last Oct to previous. Now let me think, what all could that possibly mean?
Wow, just saw we imported 11x more times oil from Russia last Oct to previous. Now let me think, what all could that possibly mean?
It could mean Joe Biden is a dumbassed sock puppet for leftists who (easily) convinced him to shut down Keystone by executive fiat on his first day in office, costing thousands of American jobs and ramping up our dependence on oil from foreigners who are less friendly to us than the Canucks.
That would have been applauded had Trump said that.

Angry, demented old fool with no filter anymore. Not that he ever had much of one.
We traded an effective Trump with an older, demented version of Trump who wants to enact ruinous policies. Is anyone seeing the upside of Biden over Trump.

Ha, toe to toe and then gave him a big kiss.

After the Afghanistan defeat, no world leader in the world has the slightest respect for Depends. It's why the French and Germans are meeting the Ruskies without the US.

They are going to do whatever helps their countries, and don't care in the least what the US thinks about it. What's the US going to do - lose another war and fly 100,000 unvetted and un-visaed people who elbow their way onto the plane first?

Hire an old senile Jell-O eater as Pres, and this is what you get.
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Where's the media fainting couch like when Trump was a meanine to Miss Drama Queen Jim Acosta?

Biden's always been a nasty, mean sack of ****. It's why he slander for years the truck drive who his wife pulled out in front of, killing herself and one of her kids. Depends claimed he was drunk, which was a complete lie, his wife was just a terrible driver. Still, it was the best thing that ever happened to Joe, as he gravy trained off their deaths for years.

The idea of him getting out on the road and connecting with the American people, as his handlers / media complex claimed last week he was going to do, is such a joke. Pre-Wuhan panic, when we was running for the Democrat nomination, his public appearances were disasters, and often had to be abruptly ended when he lost his temper with the audience and started to insult them.

Dude is a few hard questions from a black conservative away from busting out with the dreaded N word, which suddenly will be OK to say in public sayuth the media.
Sullivan has been a leftist suck-*** since the Bush days, not sure why any conservative has given two shits what he's thought for the past 20 years.

I disagree, but even if you were right, his analysis of the current situation is good. That's why I posted the article.

What I find remarkable about this is that it wasn't even that tough of a question. In terms of hostility, that would have been sightly below average during the Trump presidency. And there was an easy answer. Biden could have said, "it's certainly a potential political liability, but we're working very hard to fix it. I expect it to improve significantly because of our efforts." That may not have been a true answer, but it would have been a plausible and defensible answer. Instead, he went off the rails and treated it like Doocy asked him if he and Jill like the same sexual positions.

Again, it's an example of media bias actually hurting a Democrat. They're so used to journalists basically dishing up softballs and perpetuating their narratives that when they occasionally get a question that doesn't do that, they take it with great offense and don't know how to respond.
Not sure if it belongs here, but Biden is getting played by Putin while North Korea and China are positioning to do the same thing.
Yeah Brandon lost his temper when a Fox reporter asked a tough question on inflation, give me a break. Brandon should know a little about the economy, I know he has advisors.
Yeah Brandon lost his temper when a Fox reporter asked a tough question on inflation, give me a break. Brandon should know a little about the economy, I know he has advisors.
He has advisors, but he doesn't listen to them...this has been made readily apparent on multiple occasions, and had disastrous results in Afghanistan.

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